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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. I would like to see a Master of Magic that is mostly just a face lift supporting higher resolutions, because it's pretty much already a masterpiece as it is. And maybe Donkey Kong as a third-person 3D game with a key that works as both sprint, roll, cover and jump.. And sometimes you roll instead of jumping or try to cover and get stuck on a boulder and is squashed to Reaper paste, because you hit the do-all-key too late.. And some boulders can be romanced, but it's usually short and painful and with a lot blackouts.. naturally.
  2. I wouldn't call it average, but definitely mixed.
  3. It is a chore, especially if you intend to get it all. You have to moon walk around the whole goddamned ship after each mission to catch all the chit-chat and comments about this and that and you have to visit the Citadel all the time. It's crazy. In my first game I felt a sense of urgency where I hardly ever visited the Citadel and missed out on a lot of missions that were on a clock too.. I think I actually failed to do most of the missions that Traynor added before time was up. Once I realized that Priority means 'do last' it got a lot easier. Apart from the frustration of wonky defective controls playing as Vanguard was pretty fun.. I especially liked the Biotic Charge.. Zoinking from one end of the battlefield to the other followed by a nova.. Nice work. Nice to be rid of the slowness of pointless running and the equally frustrating use of the sticky storm 'suicide' button, but equally frustrating when the interface fails to show why Biotic charge isn't working.. I think it should have been grayed out on targets on a lot of occassions. Infiltrator was, apart from the times that tactical cloak clearly didn't work, quite enjoyable and much more like the way the game likes to be played.. I wish Bioware had done some stress testing, because the regular pain in the arse-meter scales exponentially to the level of stress and even though it was nice to cloak I still had to run like hell on several occassions. I tried my hand shortly with Adept and Sentinel, but there is a hurdle of some kind, boredom or style of play, dunno, that I am not quite ready for yet. Engineer has been a bit fun so far, but it's too much of a key hell. On Mars it was actually a bit fun to see the combat drone kill all the cerberus.. There is a spot at a specific window in the turret room that lets you create the drone on the other side of the glass and Cerberus apparently only knows how to open doors when they intend to shut them behind to block my progress. Stupid game. I wish Bioware had added a scene index to this game, movie, line of entertainment, because replaying the whole mess just to see how this or that choice from ME2 affects the game is a bit too much since there isn't room enough to make each game different and I wish I hadn't noticed all the little details, because the closer you look the more shallow some parts become. Nice to see that Bioware spend some time to get the little things working, but they must have been in quite a hurry. Looking at pictures on the memorial walls and people on the lower levels of the Purgatory; Pooh! I would like to skip all the content and move straight to the first encounter with Miranda, Jack and Tali. Done four of five romances.. Tali compensates nicely for the lack of nudity, but the hardest one was doing Ashley, because you have to endure all of her nagging.. I wish there was friendly fire in this game not just to kill Ashley, but anyone else too that blocks my path and progress. Stress testing, Bioware; Try it. Just can't get myself to do the male gay one because the dialogue choice makes me cringe, I think it's even worse than listening to the BS of that jerk in BG2, whatshisname.. Erm.. Imo.. Anomen. Currently trying to do a game with Miranda as the love interest, but my patience is getting really thin and her appearances are just spread out too much across the game.. Ugh. It was a bit of bad timing of Bioware to offer the From Ashes DLC the same day as the main game, but it's okay in my book not to include it, because it's not integral to the story in any way, it actually feels a bit ackward and embarrassing.. probably why it wasn't included, but $10 for that is a really high price.. At least my total so far is still less than the original price of the cut-down retail version on Origin.
  4. Btw, Kai Leng is not Jar Jar Binks, Javik is.
  5. Not really pointing fingers here, but I am a bit surprised by you Gorth and others too actually. I think there should have been some more spoiler tags in there, but maybe we are past that now? Nobody can be really spoiled anymore? Okay, fine. Imo, ME3 is a Pandoras box of symbolic choices, flaws and plot-hole headaches. The game blindside you, change everything to make it fit conveniently,suppress opposition and try to force a logic on you with pointless choices that it doesn't use for itself and it's hard to dodge the feeling of rape and abuse.. Bioware was never really big on freedom and choice.. Hmmmm.. I wonder why my expectations are just higher.. Maybe because they were once sort of connected with BiS and.. Yeah, I think that's it. Somehow a bit of Fallout rubbed off on Bioware, but they never really embraced it.. Or maybe not that. Anyway.. ** SPOILERISH ** Catalyst: The created will always rebel against the creators and blah-blah-blah ORDER blah-blah-blah.. - Well, isn't that part of the natural O-R-D-E-R in some way? - What about the Reapers, are they not your creation, eh? - What about the peace and co-operation between the Geth and the Quarians, eh? - What about the Geth, before they were true AI's, keeping to themselves until you intervened and turned them against us, eh? - Okay so the naive, stupid and narrowminded Quarians got it wrong, but I fixed it, didn't I? - What about EDI, EDI and Joker, eh? - What about the whole galactic community, every organic species AND the synthetics joined together to fight your stupid machines, eh? The three endings are disappointing imo, but sort of okay, because they happen on the Citadel. The Crucible is most likely part of the same design as the Citadel.. It's a trap. Instead of having the galactic community making their own weapon that will most surely kill the Reapers the Original creator of the farce decides to leave some plans around that will defuse the situation.. Some insane sadistic genious cackling with maniacal glee is out there somewhere.. Or that's just where the state of game is now after it has been rewritten for every sequel.. The only thing that really bothers me about the ending is that there is no alternative to the buliding of the Crucible and there is no way to just be rid of the Reapers and there is no dialogue options for disputing or refuting the narrowminded and retarded assertions of a little boy.. I am not violent by nature, but that little boy deserves a good (read: bad) long spanking.. The Catalyst only poses as a little boy, but they clearly share the same logical limitations of little boys in general.. I think ME3 is probably a poster-child for Blue-ray, because it's like playing a slightly interactive movie. You get the chance to play a few action sequences and a choice between some deleted scenes and dialogue, as if Bioware throws us a bone of symbolic choice for old times sake, before they move on as envisioned.. Unfortunately I was ready to play a game with some RPG elements and I was alienated every time the game turned me into a spectator, which happened far too often and well.. I was kind of ready for a forced and disappointing ending or whatever.. It also kind of annoy me that everytime there is a cutscene, Shepard seems like such a loser, never use any biotics and he always pulls out some mysterious gun I neither use nor have anywhere on me.. On Mars, the last sequence where Eve attacks you.. Her health bar is red, no barriers, no shield, no armor.. by all means vulnerable to everything I can throw at her, but in fact invulnerable to everything else than a gun.. When Kai Leng escapes.. Yeah, I would have liked to scold the patro.. matronizing, arrogant and superior Asari too.. I would really like to rub it in their nose, sometimes, but it always so 'paragorn' and humble.. It IS Biowares story and they constantly remind me that I am just a pawn in their game.. I would like the game turned upside down. Script all the pointless running around and just leave me with the choices and shooting.. There are some moments here and there, mostly there, to few to be most, much, most, 'most' sound like too many.. never mind.. erm, - where I got the feeling that somebody had fun making stories and it was fun for me too.. but unfortunately the creator of that wasn't in charge or everything was rushed and cut too much to be as attentive to everything else.. That button-pushing moment on Surkesh, where you get to annoy one of the Salarians is one of a handful.. with a few missing fingers.. great moments.. Somehow akin to the Mako in ME1, having a big square map and a vehicle that can go ANYWHERE.. 360 degrees of choice and some vertical freedom too.. I don't quite understand why people that resent the Mako can also resent the game as it is now.. Seems like mutually exclusive.. Weird. Hm... write a little here and there and all of sudden it's a big chunk of yuck. Reminds me of something. Maybe I should apply for a position somewhere..
  6. I wonder if they will find the time to actually make the game considering all the promises of the pledges they have to keep..
  7. $86.419 when I began posting this and $200 more after. Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers taught me a lot about New Orleans and it was quite impressive. One of the few games which taught me anything at all, but I wasn't too fond of Sierra games in general, because they were more unforgiving towards errors and the humor was.. erm, just not my taste.. You'd die if you screwed up somehow or got stuck in some puzzle. Yawn. Sierra games were a world apart from the frolicking craziness of the LucasArts Adventure games, but Jane Jensen made me play and enjoy some of their (her) games.. I used to spend a lot of time playing adventure games in the nineties, but I got a taste for humor that was rarely present and some boring headaches from games like the 7th Guest..
  8. It's not like the ending means a lot, but if you do care about it I think sooner rather than later would be for the better, because Galactic Readiness drops a little for every day you don't play MP.. I wonder how long anyone will keep playing MP.. It kind of marks the game as being very contemporary with such a connection affecting the game.
  9. I recently finished a game of ME2 where I pretty much got around to do it all and tried really hard to keep it all Paragorn and I even spend some time watching some of that pointless footage in the video room on the Shadowbroker ship.. Turns out it wasn't all that pointless. A bit spoilerish, but not naming anyone..
  10. My bar was completely full of both Paragorn and Renegade, more or less half-n-half and I had access to both of those choices and the
  11. That's the thing isn'it? Renegade could have been an equally satisfying experience with a bit of support, hence the wording 'lacks support', but in most cases it feels like shooting yourself in the foot. Just a dead end.
  12. I don't know, I mean, sure it plays quite differently depending on Renagade/Paragon. If you've been playing Renegade, then Wrex is dead, Wreav is alive, Maelon is dead and his research was destroyed.. and that pretty much shifts the entire feeling of the Tuchanka missions. If Wrex is alive and you're getting along with Eve, it makes sense to ignore the Dalatress.. but if you've been Renegade and you're dealing with Wreav..then it's much more fitting to do the double-dealing. Completely different experiences, but I wouldn't say one is more complete then the other. Although I would admit, that I think the path that leads to Mordin's self-sacrifice is told in a very good manner. I think you probably chickened out at some points. The ones I actually noticed was.. edit: removed double spoiler tag.
  13. ME3 severely lacks support for past Renegade options. Picking a game based on Paragorn choices will give you the most complete experience.
  14. Think you made a typo. The Mako, which I happen to like as well, was part of ME1. The only reason to support and make some kind of sense for the incarceration of Shepard is based on the result of the ME2 Arrival DLC.. Btw, anyone else finding it to be a little odd that a Spectre can be prosecuted to perform his duties as laid out by the Council? It's a pretty ****ed up conflict of duty, interests and responsibility.
  15. Hm.. The helmet is a pretty good idea, but I think I need a full-face with a bulletproof visor or lose an eye.. Without all the hype that BioWare used to blow ME3 deliberately out of proportions the endings and everything wouldn't have been as bad and disappointing as it was.. Well.. Actually it would, but erm.. Can't think of anything to defend this mess, except one thing. What truly baffles me however are all the positive reviews, because to me it's a really mixed experience. I get the feeling that moments of 'rock' was deliberately combined with moments of 'suck' to keep it away from perfection all the way to the end.. To keep a steady level of frustration all the way to the end so that we'll be in better shape to handle it.. Hmm.. Nice thought, thank you BioWare, but next time a litte spoilage would be nice. I think I can handle it. Tried to play a bit of ME2 after ME3, which was even more of a pain in the arse.. Puha.
  16. I wouldn't count Allers as a romance, but as a flick of the moment underlining the promiscuous nature of Shepard.
  17. *SPOILERISH* There is one ship related mission to get some thermal tube for engineering, which by the way has a completely different name than the one Adams refer to. I wonder if the installation of that is the reason that the normandy survives in the end or maybe it's just a pointless fetch-quest?
  18. It's rather silly to use the word 'suicide' in the same context as a game that pops up with a 'Resume' button on mission failure. Done (painfully) right, it should have shown you a ten minute non-interruptable cutscene showing you the galactic consequences of your untimely death (while it deletes all your save games in the background to ensure that was truly the end of that play).. As the story goes anyone else who have tried to go through the Omega relay before has gone MIA and presumed dead and therefore it's a suicide mission.
  19. A happy ending would be an interruptable ending - zapping straight to credits!! I think the worst part about the ending is that Shepard moves so slowly.. Which just reminded me of the absolute horror of being powerless to interrupt the neverending cutscenes.. A long and painful exercise.. The truest form of sadism.. And then
  20. What makes you think Blue Babies are not underway??
  21. What's a proper ending like?
  22. MP is really a completely different game experience, mainly because ASWD actuallly works and because there are no cutscenes (Thank you!!), which can be a lot of fun, but when you are swarmed by monsters and need to get the hell out of there, the storm button is read: pain button, because you'll get stuck in everything and taking cover standing instead of sitting and bah.. On Gold it gets really narrow and competitive on so many levels and I've even experienced once to get kicked for being the 'wrong' class.. It's really rare that people talk and in the beginning I missed the direct communication, but I soon learned to really appreciate it.. There are a lot of annoyances, but it's more about the setup and function outside of combat. It's a little funny that the 'nicest' enemy, imo, is actually the Reaper forces. Dying is pretty annoying, but there are some ways to delay it and even to restore yourself, which took me quite awhile to realize.
  23. The game feels a lot better afterwards, than when you are actually playing. It's funny that indoctrination is such a big word in this game, because it sure as hell use it a lot itself. It's such a strange combination of things that work really and things that doesn't. It's quite smart actually because the things that work makes you forgive or forget about the things that doesn't. Like the option to reset and 'fix' your powers, which saves a lot of face. Like the regular autosaves which makes combat and replay less tedious.. MP taught me to stop using the defective 'pause' button..
  24. Been playing a lot of ME3 MP. It's quite fun WHEN it works, but absolutely disastrous when it doesn't and I miss a lot features that are present in other games like text chat, because most people never speak.. The storm button is like using a magnetic suit clinging to all surfaces, but at least ASWD works exactly the way it should!
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