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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. Sounds like ABBA or something equally uh, swedish.
  2. I voted Hanharr. And it would be a pure mercy kill, he's simply too pathetic.
  3. The fluffy one that set up a wookie pet shop seemed like a reasonable sort in need of a shave.
  4. You know...Wolfenstein 3D was actually verboten in Deutschland...and any nazi killing ww2 game is actually some kind of assault on Germany... in another age, but still...
  6. The games are just like any other and it's far from new. Any game that includes vampires and undeads that are susceptible to damage from divine sources are kinda religious in nature as well as Diablo and a lot of Fantasy & D&D games like Planescape: Torment...and Doom. What's really retarded is actually listening to bs by the adults in that show, imo.
  7. I'm referrig to that missing-that-should-have-stayed-lost linky with that awful lightshow and even worse music.
  8. I couldn't link the video directly-some problems.....but if you look on the right side of the linked cnn page you'll see a shortcut to the mentioned video. .oOoh.. Well, if you get that problem again, just press <Alt+n> and you'll get a full window with an address field
  9. Erm... what's the linkage... pointing at... how's scrapbooks related to games?
  10. I don't remember color names, but I really like the flaming one. I would gladly use a transparent blade like a ninja...invisible to the mortal eye.
  11. What a horrible link, hopefully there are several missing links in evolution theory and some that should have stayed lost...is that Jean Michel Jarre?
  12. There is a small improvement on the matter, namely greed. Greed is no longer considered DS - sort of. You can haggle for higher price without fear of DS points.
  13. Well, apart from what I've already said... I think the worst part is that LS/DS points are so closely coupled with dialogue and it's not really you that gain influence with them as much as it is them that coerce their influence upon you, since you are basicly sucking up to them, and moves you closer to their uh, alignment or side of the force...but that argument is pretty trite already and closely knitted to non-rpg'ing...like an exploit. "
  14. All meatbags must die...and annoying orbs too...except the women (does not include old hags, they must die too).
  15. Unless you know your way around the pc bios I won't recommend that yet, but you could start by disabling everything running in the background (background apps)...down in the right bottom corner and maybe task manager.
  16. Could be faulty ram or maybe a swa(m)p file error. Maybe something is running in the background that does something nasty every 20 minutes.
  17. Until I see SLI or Crossfire being system requirements I'm staying with AGP as well...next graphics is probably gonna be 6600GT . Did some overclocking in the past, but I just don't like the sound of a private jet in my living room.
  18. I can understand your choice of avatar now, I think... I'm just a bit curious about the moustache, do you work in a circus or is it fake? :D Some people have an itch in the crotch I have one in the face as well...full beard, but if I had eyes in the back of my neck I'd still have fringe. (w00t)
  19. Yeah, I tried and completed that Diablo-like action hack about the time it was released. Yeah, cheap. :D
  20. Critical strike...and power attack...later when my to hitroll is better.
  21. Character customization is practically an integral part of any ex-BiS(now Obsidian)/BioWare game. Romances like in BG2, Planescape: Torment...and even Fallout, even though that were more like being caught in the act than an actual choice...is however a really nice immersive feature I welcome gladly.
  22. Other races in Character Creation. If you could have picked a Twilek as your main char you'd also get to hear your own dialogue as they'd just recycle the twilek speaches... An option to defuse or rewire GOTO (by Bao-dur) and detonate him somewhere far away or in the midst of combat would have been really nice too.
  23. Yeah sure and mr. Lucas was obviously present (along with 2 other dudes bringing presents, because they had followed that funny star above the house) when I was born and saw all that squeeling raw power, how blue my face was because I was choking in slime and how red my face turned when I got infuriated...which gave him the idea for Stars and the colors of the force. Well... Fantasy and D&D are so full of funny concepts that have become household names almost, shouldn't be that much of a problem to think up some new labels in different languages to cover the SW terminology instead of attempting lame translations.
  24. The council's decision reeked of Vrook's influence and I felt really disappointed about the other two supporting 'his' views. At least Atris agreed to be my trainer...except that just didn't work.
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