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Everything posted by Janmanden

  1. I don't hate him, I just don't like him. There are a lot of words beginning with the letter 'P' that can be used to describe Johnny Inepts performance in PotC like Posh, Pansy, Puff and Pretentious...but neither Perfect nor Pirate is among them. He may have the inclination, but he doesn't have the weight or the talent to perform...fortunately someone else does and that's why PotC isn't a total failure. And masquara? Blargh!! Keep watching Yellowbeard, Johnny, just keep watching it.
  2. ^ I also like all the polls that have followed in its wake - keep them coming. :D
  3. My problem is one of ignorance, I guess. I can easily relate to the carnal pleasures of Bastila, but the joys of force bonding with Visas while Kreia is probably listening and who knows what else... isn't really...uh, one of my dreams and relating to the likewise passion of the force thru the force alone is a rather new and unknown concept to me stlll...unfortunately. But I like Visas voice a lot more.
  4. Hm, that's right...the first one must have bubbled up, not just after the rock was moved, but also after I made the second one. I just assumed it had been cancelled. It's kinda like a double post, but I didn't quite remember the exact wording the second time. Not really... and now that you mention it, I've just removed it from my profile as well. It kinda reminded me of a scene from Police Squad where Drebin runs a tank thru the Zoo and the mayor says "Thanks to you, the city is now being run by baboons" and Drebin replies "Excuse me madame, but isn't that the fault of the voters?". No offense, but after reading about some of the things here it just strikes me as a really bad idea to publicize, somehow... :ph34r:
  5. Yeah and then they'll go on a shopping spree... Yes, I am just guessing, because I never had that problem.
  6. Another brick in the wall <- The pink one...
  7. That's usually how it goes here. It snows a helluva lot and then it starts to melt and when it has turned into utter useless crappy muddy blargh it starts to freeze. I used to love the opportunity for winter sport, but this weather is just mean...
  8. Thanks to the temperate coastal climate and high humidity in Denmark anything cold or warm feels extra freaking cold or warm...and right now it's cold. *BRRRR*
  9. Depends. If it's a fight based on their first appearances and base class. Calo Nord would most likely win. A thermal detonator and shot in the head...he could probably take them all out. An unarmed or melee fight would be a fluffy one with Hanharr as the victor. Given time Mira could probably trap them all, but beat them? No!
  10. Here I was thinking you had absolutely no taste or sense of humor and then you go and put such a swell gang together... Take a bow and you'll be walking out of here with three boots. Who is Mischa Barton, just saw a few pictures and she looks pretty nice?
  11. Actually... I don't like Disneyland and Communism neither. But if Fluffy Cuteness, Anime crap, Disneyland and Communism is opposed to me, then I'm glad to be on this side of the rock...except someone moved it...which kinda puts us on the same side. What are you gonna do about it? Flame me? I heard that works on trolls...
  12. "Don't go spouting racial remarks on the Hammer & Sickle boards" *read thru the page* ...and Why not?
  13. The only remotely interesting pirate movie ever made is Yellowbeard.
  14. The gangrel also seems to be the favored Black Sabbath clan...make them proud. There are humans meandering everywhere even in dark alleys, but be a little bold and do them on the streets when noone else is around, will ya?
  15. As boring as I've come to expect from Johnny Inepts movies, but a lot of lousy porn links to keep me busy...
  16. I agree. It's ludicrous how everything is turning you DS or LS even from the very first dialogue, there are ultimately only 2 choices: LS or DS. I disagree with that. Han Solo was very gray and wouldn't have returned unless he had a little crush on the princess afterall... Jolee Bindo old version of Han Solo...both solo in company with Wookies. The influence system can be really destructive to gameplay and RPG if you try to please them all...and it's hard to resist that temptation...even though it's only halfdone. It's really Planescape: Torment in Star Wars. Except you are not immortal and the annoying skull has turned into an evil annoying orb. Annah is Handmaiden, Visas is Fall from grace and Atton is Dakkon that doesnt know himself until you teach him...Kreia is a split personality playing all your previous incarnations and the old geezer too... Torment (emotion) tend to be rather depressing... edit: fixed missing end list.
  17. And Revan didn't have any friends. They were either power-hungry apprentices or clueless pawn or hired servants or slaves to his will or programmed to obey.
  18. LOL, well its better then K1, in K1 your choices would have been 1) talk them outta collecting 2) Attack and kill them! Least K2 added that option that was worth a laugh and different <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? I thought my options would have been to teach them a lesson and collect myself...but since I wasn't a Jedi at the time that's a pretty lame example anyway. In Korriban my similar option was to get the fool to attack the guard...which served several purposes and was amusing at the same time.
  19. Your riddles bore me, simply because they are boring. Beat dis and you got it right - in terms of relating, if you can relate to that "
  20. Agreed. But I didn't need the item crafting, that included a lot that could have been bought as well or a halffinished influence system...I needed a full story wihout plotholes. Come to think of it, not K1 Overall, but K1 All if Carth had been replaced with Atton and Juhani with Visas.
  21. Keeping all the romanceable females in the group also adds some funny intrigues.
  22. That quote is a really poor example of the DS. DS isn't really about being destructive, it's about using passion to gain strength, power and victory and to rule freely and supremely (from the code). What's there to rule if you kill everybody? The alternative, where they get to live in servitude is the neutral/evil option...and is also availabe in K2 fortunately.
  23. As long as it makes Bastila happy to play around with her saber, I doubt it. If the male Jedi are just as busy I am beginning to understand why the saber is a very personal tool. One more reason not to touch it. I think we should probably be very happy about the black screens.
  24. I thought the only thing they could agree on was that killing everyone in the other group was the solution to all their problems. " You didn't read it? "Lee was chosen as a hero that all ethnic groups could relate to in a city that remains bitterly divided after fierce fighting between Croats and Muslims during the country's 1992-95 war." Correction: Since they haven't already wiped out each other, the only thing they actually seem to agree on is not wipe out each other. They just can't relate to anything else in unison. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I read it. I also read about how that statue was vandalised. Obviously, someone isn't agreeing about disagreeing. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This may sound kinda flameish, but...are you stupid or just really, really dense or simply opposing solely for the purpose of opposing? It's a very short text and it's very clear, but let me help you and cut it really short. "Lee as hero all ethnic groups relate to" vandalized = not all relate not kill all, some still live = agree not kill all
  25. Well, Vader also means Father in german, but darth is neither german nor dutch.
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