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Everything posted by Gromnir

  1. ... y'know, this ain't actual wrong. is not schrödinger per se, but at least one explanation o' quantum mechanics suggests that is not an either/or but rather that every possibility does happen-- in one universe, the cat lives and in another the cat dies. so assuming the drawing is indeed random, and random don't necessarily mean what folks thinks it means, then yeah, every potential winner is indeed gonna win in at least one universe. so... congrats? HA! Good Fun! ps with infinite universes n' such, Gromnir, who has not purchased a lottery ticket since the late 80s when we did so once and failed to win, did in fact purchase a powerball ticket in 2022, and won. so, you don't even need be a ticket purchaser to be a winner?
  2. it isn't difficult to condemn violence (admitted stoopid and petty violence) even when it is directed at folks you don't like. y'know, if the media hadn't told us that musk implored his followers to vote republican, we woulda' never been aware. we figure musk followers is either 1) people who already share musk values and were gonna vote red anyways, or 2) the highway accident rubber necks who, knowing musk has asperger's and lacks a social filtre, is just waiting for him to say something asinine so they can laugh or roll their eyes. is difficult to imagine either o' those two groups changing their votes based on a musk request. the rest o' us find out 'bout musk silliness 'cause the media tells us which bits o' business news and train wreck quality social faux pas is worthy o' being documented and memorialized. we decided to not buy one o' musk's cars after initial making a deposit. we cancelled the purchase 'cause o' musk views as 'posed to our opinion o' the auto. amounted to an effective + 68K fu. ain't much more need be said 'bout musk from Gromnir. HA! Good Fun!
  3. you could be right. we active avoid media stories and reviews regarding shows and movies save from those limited sources we trust. am recalling it were difficult to find opinions regarding captain marvel which weren't at least as much 'bout politics and social concerns as they were reflecting on the quality o' the movie. am not doubting such is happening with she hulk. too bad. HA! Good Fun!
  4. legend leveling is misunderstood in part 'cause o' owlcat description o' fast leveling. misleading. took us more than ten hours o' gameplay to get from 35 to 38, so final two levels... maybe more than an hour. admitted we play mostly tb. even so, is perhaps not as described. HA! Good Fun!
  5. am thinking you are serious over analyzing based on your personal knowledge as 'posed to the ordinary mcu fan. what % o' viewers knows all the jen walters comic stories... or cares? *shrug* am not a fan o' she-hulk though it started ok... and the suggestion by some that the problems o' the show is just masculine knee-jerk to feminist content is a cheap dodge in part 'cause she-hulk is a terrible vehicle for feminist issues. the show started ok. sure, once again we saw the almost reflexive subversion o' the damsel in distress schtick. jen were instant overcoming the need for a male authority figure or teacher, which ain't a complaint 'cause abandoning the introspection and the obi-wan/merlin tropes advanced the plot and for a sitcom it woulda' been kinda tedious to need deal with incremental overcoming the hulk curse. jen became a hulk and yet unlike the majority o' her comic book iterations, she rejected the hulk stuff 'cause she already had a meaningful existence. as a successful attorney, jen saw the hulk stuff as nothing more than an annoying obstacle and she weren't gonna let bruce or her own hulkness interfere with her life. good on you jen. good on marvel for not going with the stoopid "mousy" jen walters who graduates suma **** laude from law school but nevertheless gets her powers after she is the accidental victim o' a mob hit aimed at her father, the la county sheriff. mousy is in quotes 'cause such is how jen walters is described in the comics in spite o' being a successful and attractive woman. tv jen knows her own worth and that value ain't dependent on being a hulk... at least for one episode. %$#@ gonna avoid spoilers, so apologies for being vague, but jen suffers some career setbacks 'cause o' her hulkness which makes her want to be a hulk even less, but then she gets a new job offer, but more important, boys. *groan* got an intelligent, successful, funny and attractive woman who rejects sooperpowers, but then... boys. somehow unable to find a date in la without becoming a 7' viridian centerfold straight out o' a teenage comic geek's wet dream, jen embraces her hulkness... to get laid. %$#@ and %$#@ anybody who tells us our criticism is 'cause feminist something or other, 'cause that is a terrible direction for a s'posed feminist show to take. oh, and the show somehow managed to get worse from tinder she-hulk, but were ok 'cause blame it all on formulaic mcu writing as the real bad guy o' the show... or something. and yeah, there were funny moments we much enjoyed, and yes we did like tatiana maslany, ginger gonzaga and tim roth, 'mongst others. dare devil were a nice addition. but tell us she hulk were disliked 'cause o' men not getting feminism is as cheap as were the she-hulk ending. the show had an actress we saw as more than capable who were a positive female character, right up until boys. squandered talent and opportunity to try and bait and switch feminism. shame on mcu for hand waving at feminism with their cheap schtick while indulging the same old stereotypes and tropes. ... guess you could say we were disappointed, and had nothing to do with our comic book expectations. HA! Good Fun!
  6. started out as a half-elf dirge bard 'cause is the best potential intimidator in the game if you go strength and/or charisma routes. unfortunately owlcat changed guarded hearth to a competence bonus so our bard songs became useless during boss battles. decided to make the switch to skald 'cause our backup plan o' court poet were a fail for us once we saw azata believe in your self spell and the court poet inspiration did not stack. *sigh* so now we got a human crossblood sorc (1 level) and skald build which is a bit different than our kindred half-elf dirge bard save for the enchantment focus. sixteen levels o' dirge bard + thug and some demon slayer were the plan, but owlcat's guarded hearth fix altered the plan. hideous laughter + best jokes is working exceeding well for the bard and am certain overwhelming presence will work even better when we get next level. incredible might should offer additional individual and party benefits. reckless stance, unlike lethal stance, stacks with guarded hearth, so am seeing excellent boss battle numbers and 'tween ember's beast gift and all the skald beast totem rage powers our animal companions is doing more than their fair share o' work. is a compromise build but it is an effective compromise build. HA! Good Fun!
  7. got a canine family member who is unwell. our current schedule has us sleeping when the dog gets something approaching sleep, but we do not follow any kinda normal schedule save for when we provide meds. pre fall back, we did meds at 8:30 and 20:30. now we do meds 7:30 and 19:30. even before the dog were suffering cushing's, he were kinda a d!ck 'bout his feeding times and as he could not read a clock no matter how many times we explained little hand and big hand positions in the most simple and straightforward manner, he did moan if we did not feed him at the right time every morning at crack o' dawn. were similar to when we were taking care o' human family with round-the-clock med needs or when we had a major case. daylight savings affected us not at all 'cause schedules were defined by patient/client needs as 'posed to traditional clock-in and clock-out considerations. has been decades since daylight savings impacted us to any meaningful degree. we do recall a time when losing an hour were a major blow to our sleep schedule. those were the salad days. HA! Good Fun!
  8. observation: not everybody is a completionist. the games is designed so that more casual players may reach a level capable o' dealing with endgame content and that needed to be the case pre dlc. content is not optional side-quest material if is needed to complete the game. the game, for economic reasons, need be beatable by folks not wanting to invest +80 hours into the experience, yes? problem should be obvious. am getting how level cap is a frequent complaint and a valid concern for players, but most solutions cheese off players more than the current situation. example solution: make all xp quest based and do not provide xp for optional content. sure, you still receive all the 1007 rewards from doing optional content, but if only the critical path provides xp, then completionists and critical path players is gonna finish with same levels and same xp totals. now imagine the howls o' outrage, eh? (edit) am recalling the pillars of eternity developers thought they had broken the code. pillars utilized quest-based xp, which gave obsinaties an advantage over wotr developers in managing level grants. josh announced, pre release, that the pillars developers had created new tools which allowed 'em to track and customize xp grants so they could achieve a perfect calculus-- level cap would only be reached by completionists a bit before endgame, and critical path players would not be punished by treating optional as optional. sounded mighty certain. and how could he not be certain? surely at least one tester had completed a run wherein they did all available material, yes? ... we never did get an explanation or apology from the obsidian developers regarding their xp fails in pillars. criticism is easy and is the right o' every purchaser. unfortunate, solutions is hard. HA! Good Fun! ps is possible to add in a difficulty slider option which limits xp rewards-- make the/a solution optional. however, keep in mind the unfair players is already exploiting schemes to reach levels 2 through 20 asap.
  9. seeing as how you already finished ember's quest... HA! Good Fun!
  10. we did the playful darkness encounter and it were anticlimactic. thought we would need to rest before the battle but decided to give it a shot with a depleted spell arsenal available from having cleared near all o' the fane and in spite o' having no pillars of life slots memorized. we took a round to dispatch the spawned shadows and sacrifice bismuth to playful, 'cause w/o pillars we had to get rid o' the shadows the old fashioned route: brute force. other than the trike there were no casualties and lann effective killed playful solo in one round as following greater dispel efforts by main character skald (effective) sosiel (effective) and ember (fail,) as well as a mark o' justice from seelah, a ki strike salvo from lann archery + his celestial velociraptor with 10 attacks downed playful w/o much fuss. had ab over 75 for the raptor and that were w/o any touch of good or true strike bonuses. didn't even do fortune hex + cackle exploit. nothing special. we invited all the usual suspects to the party including guarded hearth and the nobility domain insight boost as well as the skald rage bonuses. actual mvps might be the rest bonuses from demon slayer soup and conflagrant taco as such resulted in an additional straight up +5 attack bonus in addition to resulting in a couple point bonus to both guarded hearth and mark of justice. as such we got an effective +9 bonus to ab (+11 for the raptor 'cause the dino's smite stacks with mark of justice) we ordinarily do not see when doing the playful darkness encounter. do not fall asleep on the benefits o' rest bonuses. having access to all recipes and the ingredients earlyish in act iii is kinda broken. ... downside: am serious gonna need consider alternatives to divine hunter for lann if owlcat ever gets around to fixing the unlimited smites for celestial animal companions. rip bismuth... rip. HA! Good Fun!
  11. our first ember build were necromancy/evocation and it were highly effective. from our pov, the real issue for choosing an ideal caster is less a matter o' spell selection than it is o' gear. is good spells in most o' the spell schools and with the mythics you may focus on a select handful o' spells to achieve excellent results. however, there is a large gulf in the availability o' gear which enhances the effectiveness o' particular casters. why does our sosiel often take a level o' crossblood sorc for water and either white or silver dragon... and then likely a second white or silver dragon bloodline through mythic? 'cause o' a relic shield which allows us to add 1 point per die o' cold damage. arcane casters typical cannot use shields, so along with the hide armour o' elemental carnage, am able to do serious extra cold damage on hellfire rays, stormbolts and the like. meta. 1 point per die don't sound like much until you add all those points from hellfire rays-- 45 at cl 15. an extra 4 points per die = 180 extra damage per cast o' hellfire ray and 80 points for the spells which cap at twenty dice. is also a comical amount o' gear which boosts fire damage. is fantastic for ember, yes? is belts and gloves and rings which all enhance fire damage. if you wanna build a dc inflating caster, then enchantment and illusion is arguable your best options... 'cause o' gear. is no way you know 'bout such gear unless you use a guide or have already played the game. even so, is possible to build an extreme effective necromancy focused ember just so long as you ain't playing unfair. there ain't enough dc boosting gear to make necromancy anywhere near as good an option as enchantment. meta. HA! Good Fun! ps 'cause o' curious owlcat implementation, there is a few disproportionate effective spells. among those op spells is creeping doom, scirocco, hellfire ray, grease and glitterdust. @Gorthmentions snowball, and for same reasons is grease and glitterdust on the list. conjuration spells ordinary ignore sr. the thing is, you should most assured not be able to selective spell grease.
  12. gotta admit am pleasant surprised with our enchantment focused azata skald. allows us to have ember devoted to evocation (am thinking we should use loremaster to add scirocco to her spell list) and hexes. with our skald am able to serious pump up the dc for hideous laughter and other enchantments while also spreading the wealth with reckless stance, inspired rage plus all the beast totem stuff. 'course the new dlc makes things go a bit smoother as am having access to demonslayer soup and conflagrant taco... in act iii. am current in the midnight fane and we got both taco and soup active simultaneous. as such our current nenio-less party is viable on hard difficulty. once we get the incredible might super power, the skald is gonna be adding another useful contribution particular with the grave singer axe and the free pounce ability from beast totem, greater. no complaints. angel casters, similar to lich, also kinda make nenio (and a few other must haves) superfluous as they destroy the ordinary difficulty considerations. if you really want all the groovy illusion spells, then go feyspeaker angel and take one level o' loremaster for weird... and if you really wanna play unfair, feyspeaker is a way to get a leopard at level 1. ... gotta admit how if we didn't genuine loathe camellia, we would be more likely to have her in a party than ember... or nenio. given our gameplay style, we would say the top three most useful companions is sosiel, seelah and camellia, but if you focus on casters as 'posed to mounted weapon-havers, am suspecting best companions shift a bit. regardless, the one thing 'bout not having nenio in party whica we do miss is her ability to craft caster level scrolls which our raptor and other umd party members may exploit. is never a shortage o' transformation or legendary proportion scrolls with nenio in the house. aside, the thing which bothers us most 'bout enigma is not so much enigma but rather owlcat reaction to fan frustration. owlcat appears no less committed to their questionable design philosophy (trial and error puzzles + filler combat + backtracking = win?) and their reaction to near universal fan complaint is a kinda weary amusement. enigma inspired vitriol offers owlcat a teachable moment and so far the developer is failing. HA! Good Fun!
  13. gonna respond serious. if they were morons, then they had always been morons. they didn't become morons 'cause o' limbaugh and bannon. ... japanese internment in ww2 was a politically popular move by fdr. the patriot act were passed post 9/11. ww1 sedition acts? the great depression led to embrace o' calvin coolidge's nativism. scared and angry americans has been all too quick to abandon core values--we were always worried 'bout future wars, attacks and major economic upheavals as precipitating events which would lead to the willful diminution o' american democratic values and Constitutional rights. even so, while Gromnir were frequent pointing out how income disparity and the inevitable disappearance o' manufacturing jobs were leading to radicalization o' the morons identified in the vid, we were naïve or perhaps even moronic 'cause we also didn't see 2015/2016 as analogous to the aforementioned post civil war american crises. we were envisioning a future problem. the notion a not particular popular populist such as trump could lead american morons to willful undermine democracy in 2016 were something we warned against as soon as 45 announced his proposed muslim ban to a cheering audience, but perhaps 'cause trump were so obvious one o' the morons in many respects, we didn't realize the scope o' the problem. more fool us. just another moron. HA! Good Fun!
  14. am thinking is all too easy to focus on symptoms as 'posed to causes. the ad is predictable misleading and vile, but the bigger issue is the recognition ads such as these, which for decades woulda' instant drawn condemnation from the leadership o' both political parties, resonate with a large % of white american voters, and hershel walker. most people is gonna condemn such ads, but the white republicans who know better are complicit 'cause they need the base if they is gonna regain control o' Congress and eventual the Presidency. since Gromnir were a wee lad, stephen miller's channeling o' calvin coolidge's ghost and the attendant nativism o' the early 20th century woulda' resulted in outrage from almost everybody willing to speak public on such matters. yeah, david duke and the like would nod appreciative at the blatant racism, but nobody worth mentioning wanted to be publicly associated with white supremacists, anti-semites and the like. nevertheless in 2022, oathkeepers and proud boys is fixtures at gop events, and their presence in numbers on january 6 and at charlottesville as well as similar loci o' infamy is hardly deserving a mention as such has become commonplace. am knowing some o' the liberals on the board see little difference 'tween robed klansmen and ordinary heartland americans who vote republican. unfair. the thing is it ain't near as unfair as it were twenty or even fifteen years past. working class americans angry 'bout the fact their manufacturing jobs were disappearing and that even if they had a job it were getting tougher every year to make ends meet, were increasing susceptible to the venom and snake oil being peddled by the likes o' rush limbaugh and steve bannon. ok, but why and how do we fix the problem? being outraged at limbaugh is swell and all, but he is dead and while bannon and miller is alive, internet vitriol directed at those folks only cement the faith o' the radicalized white voters who see lib condemnation as proof o' the righteousness o' their ill-defined cause. a large % o' white and working class americans voted for obama. that don't mean those voters were free o' the taint o' racism, but it did mean that their racism were less significant than their desire for change and they did indeed embrace a positive message o' hope: yes we can. am mentioning 'cause in a relative brief period o' time, a large % o' white voters were radicalized to the point they see democrats as more o' a threat than white supremacists, anti-semites and politicians active bent on overthrowing american democracy. serious? the advert is repugnant, but am thinking is far more important to focus on why so many salt-o'-the-earth, evangelical and white voters turned to the dark side. gonna need to look for ways to deprogram the willful embrace o' hate by the multitude and somehow convince 'em what should be oblivious-- that reflexive compare january 6 to the blm summer protests o' 2020 and/or vote for kari lake and herschel walker is something they never woulda' considered fifteen years past and is obvious wrongs. medicine dan and the like didn't wake up one morning realizing that democrats and joe bidden o' all people represented an existential crisis. is no way they thought it were okie doke to embrace proud boys, oath keepers and stephen freaking miller as brothers at arms, fighting the good fight to save america. identify stephen miller and his message as being bad is ez and is not particular constructive. the hard part is understanding how things became broken and to come up with practical solutions to fix what is broken. admission: we don't have solutions other than education. 'course the problem is education takes a long arse time to provide results and even so, the current gop is focused on undermining any kinda education which might fix the problems. HA! Good Fun!
  15. our vote goes to the following: slams President nixon at the grammy awards with a superlative performance. HA! Good Fun!
  16. it is possible to go from lich to gold dragon, as improbable as that sounds. our previous lich run were not a fun experience as our intention were to do a lawful lich with only as much limited overt evil as necessary, but owlcat's vision were making a mess o' our plan. even so, if am gonna ever do another lich run is gonna be with the plan o' going the gold dragon redemption route from lich... 'cause. HA! Good Fun! ps our dog is now able to stand under its own power w/o screaming when making the attempt, so we did manage a little wotr gaming even if we still don't get much sleep-- am so lucky am retired or am not certain how we woulda' handled the dog situation. point is we did have time to do blackwater with what is now our high charisma skald azata. the best joke exploit made our hard run the easiest blackwater attempt we has yet tried.
  17. unobtanium were a thing pre avatar... 1950s skunkwork engineers? ... internet tells us HA! Good Fun!
  18. is hard to believe malcador has not seen princess mononoke. HA! Good Fun!
  19. proof we woulda' been willing to watch jack palance in just 'bout anything. HA! Good Fun!
  20. gop embraces the crime issue but is not as if they got solutions: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/20/oklahoma-debate-stitt-hofmeister-crime/ “So let’s talk about facts: The fact is, the rates of violent crime are higher in Oklahoma under your watch than in New York or California,” said Hofmeister, who is Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction. “That’s a fact.” Stitt interrupted twice to protest that it wasn’t true. “We’ll have that fact-checked by the Frontier,” said the moderator, Tres Savage of the nonprofit news outlet NonDoc, referring to the routine fact checks conducted by another independent media site. What was not shown at the debate was that Hofmeister was correct. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Oklahoma has a homicide rate of 9 deaths per 100,000, compared with California’s rate of 6.1 and New York’s rate of 4.7. ... have pointed to fact many times how fbi crime rates is generated by self reporting state and local. those law enforcement departments fill out surveys and offer feedback on a voluntary basis and they do not necessarily follow fbi guidelines with much concern for accuracy. as such, national crime stats is not only a couple years remote but they is at best a useful general guide for trends as 'posed to set-in-stone facts. even so, those fbi numbers is the best option we got and those numbers show that during the covid year o' the trump administration, crime stats (violent crimes) increased and they has recent begun to turn around, but not in a few key municipalities... and not always the municipalities you might s'pose. regardless, crime increases were a thing even in the most red o' states and towns and is not as if the gop has real solutions to offer what appears to already be trending in a positive direction regardless. that said we observed how from the start, post floyd, the defund the police nonsense were democrats and libs punching selves in the face. clear to us were that folks such as aoc and the squad didn't actual live in the neighborhoods where crime were always a primary issue. the nyc mayoral campaign shoulda' been a wakeup call for progressives and democrats in general, but it wasn't. tough on crime has always been a positive selling point for gop and democrats, which is why so many tough on crime dems rose to national prominence based on their prosecutorial efforts more than their social conscience. klobuchar and kamala harris literal built their careers by being tough prosecutors. not outliers. none of which matters. the gop has generated a crime talking point which real or not is perceived true by too many americans for democrats to be taking lightly. the facts don't count for anything if people believe something different. americans watch fox and local news and and their fave internet sources tell 'em that crime and homeless encampments is a threat to their safety at the same time they hear a few lib voices, voices decided not biden btw, suggest defund the police is a solution. worst part for democrats were the stoopid phrase: defund the police. could'a made the issue 'bout de-escalation efforts and increased funding for mental health training and initiatives, but somehow the libs embraced a tyson fury approach to arguable legit problems. aside: the notion a majority o' americans is concerned overmuch 'bout border security is nonsense. the border is a key issue for gop voters 'cause trumpism tells adherents border security is a major problem. *chuckle* is also noteworthy that given concerns 'bout inflation from both libs and conservatives, a serious influx o' people willing to work sh!te jobs for less money would be one o' the few options other than altering interest rates which could improve the inflation situation... and sh!te-for-pay workers woulda' been far less likely to cause a recession than interest rate manipulation. at exact the moment we needed people willing to work crap jobs abandoned by americans during the pandemic, we got people willing to work those jobs. efforts shoulda' been to get as many o' those immigrants working legal 'stead o' trying to score political points. in any event, reality o' crime is not meaningful if americans believe crime is an issue. gop post trump has been focused on generating talking points instead o' solutions while divided democrats sabotage their response to key issues. is all so predictable tragic and ordinary. if gop had real solutions the situation would be less grotesque, but complaints 'bout defund the police is not a solution. red states such as oklahoma is facing same crime issues as the rest o' the nation and folks such as desantis playing fast and loose with crime stats is so not a solution. doesn't matter though 'cause while the current gop don't have solutions, or any kinda meaningful platform, they is far better at generating outrage. with inflation where it is, generating outrage were not gonna be difficult, eh? HA! Good Fun!
  21. babylonian. base sixty and original babylonian time keeping influenced greeks, romans and others. HA! Good Fun!
  22. unsolicited advice: alt + b is a viable option for salvaging a frozen fight. a switch to real time is the ordinary solution to a few o' the locked-up combat bugs which still happen in tb mode and is more likely if you got loads o' mounted combat options. however, there might be a time when a switch to rt don't fix the problem and when such happens during a boss fight it is more than a little frustrating. solution: alt+b, the bug submission feature, makes it possible to create a save during combat. if the switch to rt don't clear your problem, you may need to complete restart the game. creating a wotr bug submission results in a save point being generated which will protect the effort spent on your boss fight before the game predictable crapped out on you at the worst possible time... again. warning: a reload o' a save from combat will reorder initiative. HA! Good Fun!
  23. am admitted spoiled by a few developers not owlcat. pillars of eternity were hardly bug free, but you could post regarding a bug on these obsidian boards and it were likely a developer would eventual respond and acknowledge they were looking into the problem... or they would explain how/why they couldn't replicate the issue or address the problem. is so different from our wotr experience. is more than a few bugs from wotr which has persisted since beta and am not sure if owlcat is aware or cares 'bout those bugs. maybe you find a reddit response or disqus? maybe. on the positive side, most wotr game killer bugs has been eradicated with far more speed and diligence than we woulda' credited possible given our kingmaker experiences. as such is quite possible your bug is not lethal with the less than reassuring "proof" being it has not been addressed in spite o' fact it is a persistent and seeming universal issue. pretty much every past wotr game killer bug we know of has been fixed in spite o' lack o' owlcat responsiveness. is therefore reasonable to assume if this bug were game ending, then it would have been addressed-- reasonable conclusion if not necessarily logical. feedback from owlcat is hit and miss, so is ez to assume the worst, but am gonna give the developer credit for having done a better than fair job o' fixing the major quest bugs in a timely manner. wotr mechanics bugs, on the other hand, is hit & miss with owlcat and is difficult to anticipate which issues the developer deems worth the effort to address. as such, am gonna admit how given the amount o' time which has elapsed since the bug appeared and recognizing there has been no attempted fix having been announced in any subsequent patch is counter-intuitive evidence which encourages us in our belief the bug is not lethal. HA! Good Fun!
  24. technical, it took one year. 'course the first handheld calculator boasted extreme limited functionality. one year after debut of trek is first handheld calculator and musta felt as if with all the leaps in tech taking place, colonization o' the moon woulda' been within another decade or two. 'course nasa budget budget dwindles to negligible amounts after US functional won the space race... HA! Good Fun!
  25. kill the giants don't trigger until you assault drezen, so one suspects you could play up to that point w/o breaking anything. even then, is a better than fair chance you know immediate whether your game is fubar at start of drezen assualt whether you got a problem as you will be able to check your journal to see if the quest is active or not, yes? make sure you got a save from before the confab in your tent and pre drezen assault 'cause such is where and when you decide if you is using regill's plan or the direct assault-- is the trigger choice which brings 'bout kill the giants. if after the confab you got uncompleted kill the giants in your journal, then your game is likely okie dokie, no? just a thought. HA! Good Fun!
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