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Everything posted by Lacan

  1. whats wrong with his backstory? what exactly didn't make sense? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not his particular story, but the whole thing.
  2. A male Sith Lord in a bikini... scary.
  3. I can just imagine the Hutt's reaction to Kreia in the bikini. I'd be sick.
  4. The dancer are two female members of your party, or (presumably) yourself if you are female. Sorry guys, no gay Hutts, only Hanmaiden or Mira may apply. You talk to this Twi'lek in the bar (iirc) and he's looking for a female dancer for the Hutt.
  5. 52 hours after doing all the quests I could find.
  6. I went the other way, sacraficing DS points so I could reveal the plot (which screwed me). I didn't find out anything. I wish they would delay the PC version for a few months and add some scenes, so we know what's going on.
  7. Did every quest I could find. 53 hours 20 minutes before the final battle. level 26.
  8. Seriously, did anyone else get more plot revelation playing LS? What about the HK droid facility? Why did Revan abandon the Star Forge, other than "the price was too high?" What other threat was Revan seeking that was a greater threat than the DS?
  9. Revan, only because the storyline with the Exile made no sense. Revan's storyline was well explored. With the Exile I just had to pretend I was Connor MacLeod from Highlander, on a quest for power.
  10. Try doing it with a consular. Damn-near impossible (battle stims?).
  11. What the hell was with that ending? Anyhow, the major problems I saw with the game: Alignment was handled VERY poorly. It was way too easy to get LS points. To get DS points (I played ds) you were forced to act chaotic stupid: insult old women, slaughter bums, and kick my droid. Gaining influence, which is something I perceived a dark lord doing, was generally met with LS points, even though I intended to use them like tools. The only way you could get DS points, seemingly, was to tell them "I am using you like a tool," or "f*ck off, I hate you." Very un-Palapatine-esque... Oh yeah, did I mention that when I engage in revenge-based slaughter of Jedi Masters I gain NO DS POINTS, EVEN THOUGH IT IS OBVIOUS THAT I SHOULD BE GAINING- never mind. What's with the quests? I did every quest I could find and never found the secret HK factory. Can someone tell me what I missed? I went to that cave, presumably that's where you're supposed to gain your prestige class, right? Nope, you didn't kick your droid enough to enter (mentioned above.) And that scene with the droids GOTO and Bao-Dur's, what was that? No idea. And of course at the end, being the Sith that I am, I didn't want to give in to Kreia's demands and kill her, wanted to let her suffer for a while and was feeling too much like a puppet at that point. Nope, forced to kill her (through her epic level lightsabers?!). Oh yeah, wanted my lightsaber back from Atrius, but a cut scene had me back in space in two seconds flat. My love interest, Handmaiden? Who knows, that plot ended like a car hitting a brick wall. And please, of all the bugs, couldn't you have fixed the cyan saber color glitch? Verdict: 4-6 more months in development, imo.
  12. Yeah. *Embarrassed* I gave that cell to the Ithorian before I found the speeder. Also, I was getting the Geno Haradan (spelling?) feel with the scientist, if you remember the squad of ultra-secret assassins in KOTOR 1 (if you did it), because it seemed like a conspiracy quest. Too bad.
  13. Okay, a while ago I found a Bith scientist who found an unusual frequency on Nar Shadda. IIRC, I left to find some components he needs to complete his research, came back and he was dead. I recovered a datapad that said something about a droid attack. I left for other planets because I couldn't advance the storyline. I also found a speeder that needed a power cell, but I went back and it seems I can't do anything to the speeder any longer since completing the main quest on Nar Shadda. Is there something left to do in either one of these quest? They're the only ones I have that don't seem resolved.
  14. Jesus, I thought I was going nuts. I tried to find that reference again to amnesia in his review, and it was gone.
  15. It does make you wonder, doesn't it? How can a man, the lead editor, get something like amnesia wrong? I mean, I haven't played the game, but it's pretty hard to get amnesia wrong. It honestly makes you wonder whether he played the game, or whether the review is a compilation of his minions' efforts.
  16. Fair enough. I don't think that's really the issue of this post though. And I think it's safe to say that everybody on this forum is going to thoroughly enjoy this game <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope so.
  17. Hey, if you're pissed about my Halo 2 comments, just say so. I didn't say that a bad review always kills a game, just that it has an EFFECT, however great the magnitude, on sales. I don't agree that highly rated games are generally pretty darn good, and I didn't say Halo 2 needed good reviews to sell. Stop putting words in my mouth. I'm just saying what alot of fans have said. BTW, wtf is wrong with you. That rant was barely coherent in regards to my comments.
  18. Yes, in fact I have played multiplayer (no, not with XBL, with friends). What did they revolutionize? A new ranking system? They didn't even add Bots to the MP, which many were expecting. But it is unreasonable to have a game, 3 years in development, and come out with a 10 hour single player and cliffhanger ending. Halo was pretty good as far as shooters go, Halo 2 was hype. It's reflected in the hardcore fans' disappointment.
  19. I thought this was interesting. LOL Our favorite reviewer, Kasavin, gives Paper Mario a 9 in graphics. The characters are 2d, btw.
  20. Yep. I think it's too early to indict the game for "playing itself."
  21. Pretty typical considering the massively inflated Halo 2 review in relation to the original KOTOR score. One of the reasons I don't take the numeric score into account when buying a game. It should be a crime that this type of prostitution has an effect on game sales.
  22. Hey, 19 hours to go. You'll get it tomorrow. Patience.
  23. Holy crap, Obsidian/LucasArts really busted out the bucks. Kelly Hu couldn't have been cheap.
  24. I have to point this out. Is 64 really that much. Okay, intro and ending, 2 fmvs. How many planets are there? I don't know, let's say 7. With entering and leaving, that's 14 fmv's. Add the enter Ebon Hawk and exit Ebon Hawk battle sequences and there are 2 more. Maybe they even used one for the credits? My point is that you could have 20 fmv's that barely add up to a couple minutes in playing time. I wouldn't get excited by sheer numbers too early.
  25. This is very encouraging as I love the cinematic format. It breaks up all the button pushing, imo.
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