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Everything posted by Lacan

  1. I only had one difficult point in the game, killing that old bastard Vrook. He does 100 points per round damage, if he hits you, and automatically makes his save every time. Tough time for a consular.
  2. Go to the old crystal caves on Dant, the ones from KOTOR 1. It should start a sequence, when you're picking around the crystal chambers, with Kreia. [CHARACTERNAME] crystal is then your crystal. Nm, beaten to the punch.
  3. Yeah, I kill Atris, and think I am about to get my silver saber back when- WHAM there I am back at Citadel station. That b!tch stole my saber and got the last laugh.
  4. Start off with 16 Wis. Pump everything into Wis for the rest of the game. And +11 from my robes, implant, headgear, and gloves. Boo ya, instant Socrates.
  5. The one that gives you +30% damage for +20% force point cost.
  6. Can anyone confirm its existence?
  7. I know. He could out-debate Yoda, and probably turn him to ds. :D
  8. I played consular with db saber, so don't know much about combat. Why are short bladed sabers beneficial as compared with normal sized ones? I know there is a to-hit bonus with the off hand, but there must be something that makes up for less damage.
  9. Jedi Consular 27 Str 16 Dex 14 Con 15 Int 14 Wis 33 Cha 20 My dual bladed saber does 21-54 damage +30 to hit This is with no force power mods, just base stats w/items. Should have been higher, but Kreia dialogue bug nerfed my crystal.
  10. Cool. One more question for Sentinal experts about which force forms you get. I was just wondering if you get
  11. After you leave the Ebon Hawk and visit the Jedi Academy with Kreia.
  12. It was most certainly a rushed game, imo. This was apparent toward the end, where a certain fight occurred just to give resolution to a conflict. spoiler But I don't think the blame rests on Obsidian. It is apparent to me, just seeing the non-rushed portion of the game, that this was something great until the marketing guys at Lucas penciled a pre-Christmas release date. I can't wait to see an original rpg by Obsidian with no strings attached to other companies. I could see it in the first 40 hours of gameplay in STL.
  13. You mean, you didn't go into that secret cave on Peragus? You're screwed for the rest of the game... j/k Finding your former Jedi Masters. It's a storyline thing, you'll get them. You also get a few just by leveling.
  14. With Revan, I was pretty sure why I was fighting. I wanted to get to the Star Forge and unlock its secret power to use in my own campaign of domination. Some of this stuff, on top of what I listed above, didn't make any sense to me. Revan's story was at least plausible and his motivations are clear.
  15. I would guess that the relative ease probably did not extend across all classes. If you were a ds guardian, you were probably alot less powerful than a ds consular. I think it was easy to give people that royally f*cked up their character a chance. I've seen some posts indicating that people had difficulty in places I didn't think were supposed to be difficult. Oh, and Plague+Force Crush=omnipotence against bosses. Force Wave + lightning = death to high level minions. Wash, rinse, repeat, win game.
  16. Quick question for Maria. I was just curious why you started with such high numbers in Cha and Wis and then pumped Dex the rest of the game. Wouldn't it be cheaper to have more even stats and then pump the most expensive ones the rest of the game? Just curious as to your strategy. Anyhow, I was a ds consular. Str 10 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 16 Cha 14 Just pump treat injury and persuade. Try to max Wisdom. I wasted a few points in Wis in getting it that high, but only because as a ds consular, I don't really need to worry about much else.
  17. Depends on what type of character you play. I played a DS consular, and found that, though I was omnipotent, I wasted force powers on things that I never used. Oh yeah, btw, consulars are decent in melee by the end. You'll probably end up doing more damage than anyone else on your party when you factor in terrible pathfinding, melee AI, and your power increases due to being the Player character. Hell, I ended up with 600+ force points, way more than you might ever need. I would be happy to tell you which powers to pick/avoid. But overall, the sentinal would seem the way to go, considering there aren't enough good feats/powers to last you until 25th level.
  18. I never did this quest, but are you referring to
  19. I saw it, and I was DS with Reven DS/male. I think you're right, as the recording wouldn't make any sense if Revan was LS (IIRC).
  20. Yeah, basically Pazaak and swoop racing. Although, it seems to me that the computer still cheats at Pazaak, just like the first game. Pazaak can be expensive at first just buying the good cards, but eventually it will pay off.
  21. How DS do you have to be to get Hanhar? I wasn't totally DS, but I never ventured into the light half of the alignment screen, and I was stuck with Mira.
  22. The cutscenes are really short. Most are of you leaving/landing on a planet and ships fighting. I would say only a handful lasted longer than 15 seconds. It isn't that big a deal, considering you'll spend a good 45 hours (I spent 52) if you do the sidequests.
  23. Oh man. I wish I would have known that... *sigh* Thanks.
  24. WTF, I spoke with her every damn chance I could. I explored every dialogue option that existed, gained enough influence for her to tell me about her past, Revan, etc. I spent the whole game focusing on gaining influence and furthering dialogue options with her. What did I have to do? Also, what was in the cave? edit: nm, just saw that you have to be extremely to one side or the other for prestige class. F*ck. Anyhow, I'd still like to know what was in the cave, and why I couldn't enter.
  25. The plot, for me, ended right at the Jedi Academy where Kreia knocks you unconscious. Then it was a rush to the end. I was agonizing because I couldn't visit any of the planets, like Korriban or Nar Shadda to upgrade my stuff or try a prestige class. Hell, one of the selling points on this game was envisioning myself, a Sith Lord, with a black robe and silver lightsaber. Didn't get the Sith Lord, no silver crystal, and no Dark Jedi Master Robe until the last fight with Sidon, right before the end.
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