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Everything posted by Lacan

  1. I'm not arrogant, just truthful. All the religious people I've met (yes, anecdotal evidence) have been driven by fear of the afterlife. Also, saying that you cannot disprove something is a HUGE logical fallacy. You cannot prove that leprechauns DON'T exist, or elves, or any other fable. In fact, you cannot disprove the existence of anything, because a ludicrous argument can always wash aside rational thought (Santa does exist because...blahblahblah).
  2. It creates strife due to the fear and ignorance of its teachings. You can examine Abrahamic religious beginnings and disprove them. Hell, the Bible creates so many logical fallacies it's astonishing (IE the first men leaving the garden of Eden and finding wives... how can that be?- they're supposed to be the first people.) Some time talk to someone about not having a heaven and seem reasonably confident about post-death nothingness. They literally get freaked out; I once had a religious person tell me not to talk to them because it was frightening. That's why people believe in religion, an inability to accept that there is no afterlife.
  3. It would be cool to have a prequel to KOTOR, from an important person's perspective. Like Mandalore, or (omg, this would be cool) the original Revan.
  4. #1, although I have no idea what could be done with an expansion. You're going to be around level 30 at the end of KOTOR2, what else can they add? Though (imo) HotU was the only decent NWN campaign of the whole bunch, you were starting to run into uber-power problems at the end, like the battlefield full of balors and facing off against a demi-god at the end. edit: Jesus, when is that ign review comming out?! It's approaching 5:00 Eastern time and it isn't out yet.
  5. Agreed. Big hooey over a 27k sig.
  6. Wasn't this in the trailler? edit: nm
  7. Well, he certainly has it, no doubt. But how? I don't think Obsidian (unless this is some kind of Machiavellian plot by Obsidian) appreciates the possibility of spoilers floating around four days before it even ships.
  8. They all can <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Have no familiarity at all with this universe, so don't laugh, but they mentioned Handmaiden has a hand-to-hand specialty.
  9. Cool. If I had to guess, I would assume the party member that can use hand-to-hand combat. Never caught her name, though. Just checked. Handmaiden, maybe?
  10. One thing I did learn from the video: the musical score. Not bad. Has a kind of restrained yet ominous tone.
  11. Hey, if anyone has an IGN account, ask him what the third word on the 12th page of the manual is. It wouldn't surprise me if some Obsidian employee is doing this, or some reviewer. Other than that, how does he have the game?
  12. I don't know who this guy is, but just skimming it quickly I saw alot of info you can find online already.
  13. Bloodlines is the best so far this year. I'm surprised, I didn't expect Bloodlines to do well at all in terms of sales. Has some tech issues though. As to GOTY, sadly it will be GTA San Andreas, imo. Halo 2 was too disappointing in terms of length, level design, and ending. Half Life downfall, one word: Steam, not to mention boring plot and uninspired bad guys (or so I've been told). San Andreas was the only one to deliver on expectations, it seems.
  14. I spent 39 on my first KOTOR run through, but that's because I was expecting (and got) a fairly simple plotline with a foreseeable twist. I will examine the PC and NPC's words much more carefully with Avellone writing this thing, as I did in Torment.
  15. I agree. I don't think that a traditional bad guy is even likely. Chris Avellone is lead designer on this project (or so it says under his avatar). I was looking at his IMDB profile and, if they are right, he is only listed as the lead designer one other time. That would be Planescape: Torment. I'm a newb, don't know if anyone pointed this out yet, but the conflict in Torment was not man vs. man in the traditional form, i.e. kill the bad guy in a showdown. The bad guy was a part of yourself (in one case, you didn't even have to fight him) with the conflict being created by your own previous decisions. I believe a significant part of the conflict will be man vs. self. Oh god, stop my ranting.
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