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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Kreia has gone to M5 to "kill the Force". Atris, on Telos, tells the Exile to go to M5 and confront her, lest she kill herself immediately and trigger (via the Force Bond) the death of the Force through her as a conduit for the Exile's Wound in the Force. I beleive the point of the Exile's mission to M5 is to break the Force Bond with Kreia. (There are a number of dialogues with various NPCs, specifically Disciple Micah, wherein the Exile seeks this knowledge to break a Force bond.) It is quite stupid because if this were the case, Kreia would have been able to go to M5 after Peragus II, for example, without traipsing around the galaxy sightseeing and re-animating Hanharr and General Tobin, etc. ( ) Why does she do this? To "understand" why the Exile turned away from the Force. ( ) I, too, hate the "Wound in the Force" terrible plot. () Don't forget that there is an excellent summary here: (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>).
  2. There are mods for hoods. Just do a search. There are mods for everything, even a GreatSabre.
  3. Just have Revan lose the power of speech ... too many sherbets the night before; one too many lightsabre fights; too snooty to talk to anyone ...
  4. There's that lack of respect for authority that'll get you on Hoover's list. The God-fearin' patriots of the US of A know that then stinking reds -- always the reds! -- were the NME! Redshirts, die! (You'll get a mark for your working out if you put "commies". Shows that your head's in the right place.)
  5. I would say Yes, but it's only cool if it's self-shifting smoke; if it's the pawn of some other Transformer, then it's pwnd, man.
  6. Darth Needzagoodplough
  7. Oooooooo I wanna be a Dwarven Defender! I wanna play wif the golden ax!
  8. Darth Nag.
  9. metadigital, from this day forward you will also be known as: Bitterrunner (which I think is better than BeachClaw). Edit: My first name yields Smokecap, but my full name is: Super tron. :cool:
  10. My surname is a noun, verb adjective and quite a few other things, as well, so I get 102,000,000 (I guess that's rounded off).
  11. That is an incredibly literal and particularly pedantic tranlation of JFK's famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" statement of comraderie. And quite funny. At least Clinton did a better job.
  12. Because the ACLU has the established policy of trying to ensure American civil liberties, nothing more. They believe in the neo-nazis' right to say what they want to say in a public forum. You think they like them? Please. Why do they go after the church? Funny you should ask. You see, churches in this country enjoy tax-exempt status, providing they abide by a few rules. One of those rules is keeping its religious collective nose out of politics. That's why you saw the ACLU going nuts this last presidential election, as well as anyone else who thought those good old-fashioned Southern churches were kind of crossing a line when stating that a vote for Kerry was a vote for the devil. ... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The tenet of freedom of expression is a necessary evil. The whole principle is that, on balance, the arguments will prove themselves: the Nazis will be proved bigots, the liberals proved tolerant. Pick your society. A liberal democracy is always in danger of being disolved by the disparate parts within it. Secondly, I agree with the Commissar. The whole "separation of Church and State" is not really about keeping religious people out of politics; it is more about keeping religious organisations from boosting candidates into office with their support.
  13. ... Bows and arrows against the lightning! :cool:
  14. Why do they use a sterilized needle for fatal injections (captial punishment)?
  15. I won't be surprised if GL adds Jar Jar into the new release of the OT. I'll bet London bridge to a brick that he won't use some cutting edge technology to redub the voices with intelligible and intelligent dialogue, though.
  16. I always wondered why your name is an adjective. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm back-forming the noun, like US English is fond of doing, with words like "output": "There's my output." :D
  17. Great stuff! I particularly like the ghost monks ... those monks are always a handful ... "Blue Glowies" have reached Witcheta! (w00t) And of course the Gold axe sounds phenomenal ... only for lawful dwarves, eh? Like a Dwarven Defender, perhaps? I wonder where Mr Dwarven Ghostie is ...?
  18. As GoA said, I had exceeded the nested quote limit. Fixed.
  19. Check out the Pulp Fiction review.
  20. It is an interesting and worthy hypothesis, but I see no evidence to back it up. I see a lot of people trying to make hysterical connections between video violence and RL violence, but so far none have managed it. I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that -- depending on the viewer's psychology -- video violence can make the viewer more or less likely to commit a seriously violent attack. Even in the previously quoted study, the "long term" effects were equated with "delinquency", not out and out violence. Mahatma Ghandi advocated social delinquency as a tactic to peacefully change the British government's attitude to India, and not many people regard him as a violent person. And yet I don't hear you arguing to ban the drinking of alcohol excessively, and there is a clear and demonstrable link to societal violence and a multi-billion dollar cost associated with preventable diseases and even loss of productivity. As I have been maintaining this argument is completely out of proportion; the fact that a few unstable people kill people and the unrelated fact that there now exist video games with violent content seems to be the lurid preoccupation. Why not manage the real problems, like the dispossed and root causes of misery in society, rather than fiddle while Rome burns by removing violence from video games that aren't even present in the lives of those who commit crimes? It's just madness. The good reason was it was late and I had just been playing DE:IW and I liked the link. (I'm sure it didn't take you long to google it's meaning.) It was also irrelevant to the point I was making, being that there are other more worthy targets for the nannies of our society to fret over. Caffeine and sugar in high doses can cause errors in judgement: I'll bet more people have caused accidents under the ifluence of excess caffeine and sugar than under the influence of violent video games. But anyway, see my previous point, which explains that there is a demonstrable and proven cost to society from other areas -- that demand our attention more readily. Why is it between consenting adults? that's an assumption. What about a masochist? They delight in someone hurting them, should we portray that because it is between two consenting adults?
  21. Don't worry, I'm sure GL will re-edit the OT once again. Probably for the thirtieth anniversary release, full sexology "complete with deleted scenes and idiotic ideas that even my yes men wouldn't agree to.." and put in Qui-Gon here and there, especially in ANH for Obi-Wan. Unless it is a personal message, encrypted for Obi-Wan's neurons only ...
  22. I wanted to create a unique online identity that reflected my predeliction for philosophy and technology, and even suggestive of the next evolutionary revolution, hence: metadigital. This theme is continued in my current avatar, being D
  23. I liked him in that shark film ...
  24. Is that the new Black Isle moniker, or an alternative body shop line? Because it probably should be Pink Eye; the new Black Isle ...
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