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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. My reply very clearly states that the loot is random. You can try every different source you want, but the loot will be generated on the initial entry of the PC to each new area, so whether the storekeeper was a Duros, Rodian or Selkath is totally irrelevant.
  2. So the Force is some sort of group consciousness? Or Jungian "collective unconscious" / "objective psyche", that, additionally, is a living agglomerate of the minds of each passing generation. So a small "f" force with a feedback loop management system, such that its focus is the limit of the sum of the series of marginal adjustments in alignment (the delta of our calculus) between Light and Dark. But more than that, because you are also suggesting an accumulation of "wisdom" in the form of some sort of objective psyche, as well as the zeitgeit morality. So you have a small "f force that appears to be exercising a will of its own, but in fact is just a function of the collective unconscious of all of (sentient) life and their alignments. If that's true, then Kreia was wrong. But Kreia was right! You need FAITH!
  3. Morte lies? I thought he was dead honest. :D
  4. I intend to actually read it, I'm just summoning up the impetus to overcome my inertia.
  5. And I like her weatherpixie ...
  6. Yep, I liked the style. (Especially the prologue, but I read a lot of philosophy. :D ) Just enough interior monologue to glimpse and give some empathy; not so much as to swamp the reader. This pays dividends later when you want to reader to guess motivations and feelings until they are revealed for plot reasons, if at all. As for proper nouns, I'd pick a theme (Norse, Classical, whatever) and stick to it; that way you will not jar too many readers' sensibilities. (Of course a hybrid of all would be more than adequate, but the difficulty lies in maintaining the "randomness".) Failing that, agglomerations of dwellings normally derive from their purpose or geographical surroundings, like: Moonglow, Lone Pine, Crater Lake, New Town, Black Town, etc. I would recommend keeping the posts short, though, one of the reasons I haven't waded through to the end of your other thread is I am daunted by the sheer volume of words to read for each chapter! (mainly because this is not an ideal medium for speed reading.)
  7. Haven't done it personally, just do a search of the Spoiler forum for HK-47 and I'm sure someone's posted all the details ...
  8. I don't agree that -- even if we accept your definition that KotOR is all about Revan -- there can't be another hero in the third installment of the series, if ever there should be one. Just as Frodo was not the one to drop the ring into Mordor's pit, and he wasn't the hero of Helm's Deep or Minas Tirath, so too a third character can pick up the narrative arc and tell the final segment of the plot as they all are tied together in some sort of acceptable fashion. See? It's easy if you try!
  9. Have you had a series of conversations with him? (You will probably need some influence, too, as well as REPAIR or some other ability.)
  10. Cop it sweet, Mr Hooah.
  11. I just want some sort of "mount", whether its got a heartbeat or a combustion engine. Think about it: zooming around a planet in a swoop bike (after all, it was supposedly in the cargo hold the entire two games). I'd prefer some animations, though, like an actual swoop race, not like the speeder in Nar Shadarr.
  12. IIRC you have to activate him first, it's a dialogue option (assuming you have a high enough ability skill).
  13. I agree it was bordering on ridiculous to expect us to believe Atton slept in the nose cone, etc. But that could be settled with a bunch of bunks in one/two room (or more, depending on the categorisation methodology: gender, race, etc).
  14. that's really cool! Well done (take a gold star out of petty cash). *hands Sentry a gold star*
  15. This assumes that the image that you saw was reliable; a true representation of real matter. It also requires that you can reliably tell the difference between real objects and imagery, through the degree of separation that is the medium of film. It also requires that the universe is constant. And that you are constant. You never know, you could just be a figment of my imagination.
  16. 10% is on the damage sustained. +1 is added to each successful hit, and it counts as "unstoppable" damage, cumulative to all other bonuses, so it is pretty good.
  17. I should envy those who wonder not about the source of life. Such a contented life. But then again, I wonder if they have sufficient knowledge to know they are contented, or if they spend all their time hurrying in agitated discomfiture from one unexplained stressor to the next. The unexamined life is not worth living, allegedly sayeth Socrates ... then again, what did he know, he ended up dead before his time. What a waste of energy and resources, all this re-learning, re-creating and re-building of human knowledge and culture and achievement, from one civilization, generation and person to the next. Nah, the bugs have the right idea. :D It is a natural and unavoidable consequence of the cumulative agglomeration of sense data beyond the self-awareness threshold.
  18. Were they in Bolivia ?
  19. One more point: the protagonist doesn't have to be THE CHOSEN ONE. This is old, stale and boring ... ... Just "The wrong person, in the wrong place, at the wrong time." So, the PC can come from humble beginnings without needing to be supergirl who forgets she lost her memory ...
  20. I wanna be a Kamino. Yeah, more flexibility on PC physical attributes: like NwN and Morrowind. And different electronic augmentations, perhaps bought throughout the game / plot advancement loot: e.g. also better sight and faster running (
  21. And slaughter any annoying elves around ... :D
  22. The MMORPG is thriving in South Korea. They have a cultural attitude that is markedly different to the rest of the world: they go to a PC Arcade (quixotically called a "Bang") on dates! (Read PCZone 156 this month, July, pp14-5, in the UK for details.) Also, most attempts by occidental conglomerates to bring games to their market have failed. Lineage had woeful graphics (Lineage II is a bit better), but that was totally beside the point for the gamers. (Maybe they're onto something ...)
  23. That's damn mean. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mean to Bioware or Obsidian?
  24. I hope that isn't another one of GL's toddlerwear options ... The clones were cloned from a bad Kiwi actor, so they automatically lose -- on accent alone! "I'd like some f'sh und chups, pleze."
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