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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. If you go to the reference site there are instructions. It's easier for PC, but a modded Xbox should be okay too, I believe.
  2. Yep, that's petty easy recall -- after all there aren't many lines of dialogue in GL's animated comics films. (apart from Binks. )
  3. Just a couple of points as its late: 1. Good thoughtful stuff. I hadn't actually tried to construct such a cogent hypothesis, as I found the (obvious) shortcomings put me off before I got started (because what's the point if the theory is fatally flawed? :D ) 2. Visas might believe with all her heart that she is exercising her own free will, but that leads us to a metaphysical discussion on whether there exists free will or just the Force providing the illusion of free will. 3. I like the bit about Mira leaving the Force's sphere of control, that seems to fit the conversations. 4. It is also possible that this "wound" was centred on M5 and is linked to the Exile. I'm still not happy with what this wound is; I agree the council were mistaken to ignore it. Perhaps there is merit in the Exile embracing a more humanistic outlook, encompassing the spectrum of emotions and dealing with them (as in the Prophet). I still have trouble with this cacade overload reaction in the Force caused by the echo / wound. I think it's overstated: I don't think it means the end of the Force and I don't think the universe without the Force is completely dead (the Exile survived -- and of course we here in our reality have a universe devoid of the force ) Unfortunately I can't see any easy way to resolve this (it is almost 5am though), so I will have to meditate on this.
  4. I never had that problem. I could walk around and kill everything in K1 (except the two endless spawning beasts on Dantooine); K2 was pretty open-ended until the confrontation at Dantooine 9then it was just a one-track railroad to the finish), so it was a bit more limited. Still, you could obtain mastery and go on a pretty decent killing spree from the second planet, if you max out your alignment ...
  5. You ain't whistling Dixie! Even the celebrated marriage participants were ostensibly linked to same sex pairings ... (I think JRR Tolkein's written representation of the Lord and his Batman was taken completely out of context by a generation lost to such old-world customs and interpreted anew with a much jaded eye ... it's like calling JM Barrie a p
  6. I'd only be worried if you had the hairstyle ...
  7. I am confident that this is actually written in the help. I just checked the manual and it's not in there, so it must be in the context help.
  8. Why can't it be a female Revan and Bastila romance?
  9. Fashion from a long, long time ago (the seventies -- but, hey, flares actually came back into vogue a couple of years ago!)
  10. Can you have negative scores *peers into mirror*
  11. I only ever answered the Ultima (3, I think) beginning questionaire according to my internal frame of reference once -- i.e. without manufacturing a valorous fighter or an arcane magic user, etc -- and I ended up as a shepherd. A SHEPHERD! How the blinking pelican crossing are you meant to play an RPG with NO class at all?
  12. Just use the Dragon Sword to do Flying Swallow (A toward the target, then Y) on the tentacles. Once both are off, just spam Fang of the Wolf over and over again and/or use Fire Ninpo until the tentacles go back. Repeat this process until it is dead. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I liked my roulade idea better. Sort of like jilted jelly wrestling ...
  13. Assuming there is a next one ... "
  14. I'd need to but a C64, then. <_< I had it for the PC (what was it ... 1990-1? Might have been a 486 or a first gen Pentium?) ... of course Ultima I-]I[ I had on my trusty Apple //e )
  15. K2 was the practice arena? An RPG with training wheels? :D
  16. Yes, the devs (Bio and OE) both kept the "universal XP" idea for KotOR, so I see no discontinuity between that and the ability to converse with each and every party member about every quest completed (or attemped: why can't there be non-fatal failures on smaller subquests?)
  17. Incredible. Really unbelievable. This Domestic Relations Counseling Bureau sounds like the Ministry for Information. "... There is a discrepancy between Ms. Jones and Mr. Jones' lifestyle and the belief system adhered to by the parochial [Roman Catholic] school. . . . Ms. Jones and Mr. Jones display little insight into the confusion these divergent belief systems will have upon (the boy) as he ages," the bureau said in its report. But Jones ... attended Bishop Chatard High School in Indianapolis as a non-Christian. ... ... "This was done without either of us requesting it and at the judge's whim," said Jones ... "It is upsetting to our son that he cannot celebrate holidays with us, including Yule, which is winter solstice, and Ostara, which is the spring equinox." ... ...There are lots of cases where a mom and dad are of different faiths, and they're having a tug of war over the kids," Falk said. "This is different: Their dispute is with the judge. ... ...During the divorce, he told a court official that Wiccans are not devil worshippers.... Why was this necessary? And finally: ..."The federal government has given Wiccans protection under the First Amendment," Snyder said. "Unless this judge has some very specific information about activities involving the child that are harmful, the law is not on his side."... ..."When they read the order to me, I said, 'You've got to be kidding,' " said Alisa G. Cohen, an Indianapolis attorney representing Jones. "Didn't the judge get the memo that it's not up to him what constitutes a valid religion?"...
  18. Now I think about it I don't know too many novels that don't emply this tactic (The Stainless Steel Rat series might be one ... don't look at me like that, I didn't buy them, and I only managed to read one and a bit, and that was because I swapped some good books for them and I was stuck with them on a long boring journey ...) Anywho, the pratice is well established in prose; it is just a matter of successfully transplanting it across into the sister genre of RPGs. We've had a stillbirth with K2, let's hope a post-/mid-apocalyptic RPG comes along with these tactics to unfold a killer plot full of deep, interesting and engaging characters! *sigh*
  19. Yeah, I never really got into IV ... (I still have the disks ) IIRC the map alone was 64 times the size of III. I wonder if it's abandonware ... Where's Baley when you need him?
  20. Live8. Where the richest eight countries in the world get together and meet the richest eight musicians in the world. :D
  21. Upgrades available: Echani dueling head (+1 to hit, +4 bludgeoning; -1 bukkake dmg) Rancor spiked shaft (-1 to hit, +5 piercing / vibrating dmg, +2 bukkake) Mandalorian Backdoor Buccaneer (+5 to hit with surprise / from behind, +4 bukkake)
  22. That's all very sensible and therefore I predict won't happen. :D Actually I think that multiplying the focus out to differnt groups is a terrific idea. OE toyed with it on Peragus II, Telos Station and Dxun, but (apart from the last one) the effect was muted. I would be pleased to see this sort of dynamic; you could have vastly different classes (okay, this is SW, so slightly different classes) working towards a common strategic goal with their own internecine issues and counter-tactics to manage - preferably in isolation either due to the distance, environment or urgency of the scenario. That reads like an epic novel (e.g. LotR); it is also a tatic used frequently in most fiction writing that I read.
  23. ... And rape them for good measure. :D Did I say that out loud? <_< :D "
  24. Ah, but that just means that you -- like most of us -- would be prepared to compromise the "lawful" absolutism depending on the circumstances. And obviously hunger is a pretty mitigating circumstance. So you might start off as Neutral and -- if circumstances demanded it, slip to Chaotic Neutral. *Comicbook Geek voice* "It is very rare to encounter the Lawful Good journalist. They most often end up as feed for the more ferocious political and corporate carnivores."
  25. Oo! Ooooooooo! I do! I do!
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