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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. That's pretty good! I might try Shakespearean seventeenth century English ... then again, that might just be a little too difficult (transliteration from Shakespeare is one thing, but back again? ) Anyway, good job ... I guess there is some material to be poached from that "Gangsters in Paradise" rap song that went mainstream a few years ago ...
  2. But pretty piccies make the spam acceptable. [/irony]
  3. Without wishing to rehash the previous pages (ahem, Commissar ) the whole "God is eternal" argument is just another rhetorhical position to counter the "Watchmaker's Father" paradox, which counters the Watchmaker inductive fallacy ( " ) which basically says that the Universe is so well suited to its purpose(s) that someone must have created it -- usually an analogy to a "savage" finding a pocketwatch washed up on the shore (where the someone is the divine Watchmaker -- God -- and we are the savages). (Here's a quick rundown of the logical refutation.) It is just another slavo in the endless war to "prove" the existence of god ... ... because once the atheists do that, it's curtains for God. :cool:
  4. No, this is (counter-intuitively) Artemis's first post, because it was moved from here (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>) in the Obsidian General forum. :D
  5. I think that's pretty unlikely, considering it isn't mentioned in the IMDb. All they have is: Speilberg's. (They genereally list all upcoming films, especially if its in preproduction ... (also $48 million is not a lot of money for a modern film; a "transporter" scenes in ST costs about 50k per person).
  6. Your best bet is to check out the mod boards, like Holowan.
  7. First, it's a good idea to post a useful title to your thread. Generic "Please help" and "I'm stuck" just means we have to look inside the thread, which -- counter-intuitively -- translates into fewer people looking at your request. Second, it sounds like your Bao-Dur problem is quest-related. You need to complete a few side quests (up to and including your first planet: three fixings) to have sufficient parts to build a lightsabre. Third, if you are having lag problems, that may or may not be due to the patch (I'm not familiar with specific regression bugs for the patch as I didn't maintain my game installation for long after I patched it). All I can suggest (after making the obligatory searches of this forum for such things as "lag" and "patch" ) is to ensure you have the latest drivers for your video card. HTH
  8. All I can say is what a clusterduck. Condolences. I personally am waiting for the content mod to be finished before I re-install the game (UK-International version).
  9. That was a long way for the stolen police car to flip and fall ...
  10. I thought it was just my monitor settings! :D Still, that's not a bronze crystal. I've never seen a gold crystal -- is there such a beast?
  11. I just hope neither one gets swallowed by that enormous maw of EA ...
  12. What does Masterspray transform into, I wonder ... a firetruck?
  13. Oops, did I spoil the episode for you? :">
  14. Guys, Sentry found some artwork from K1 -- a planet that was amongst the cut content (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>), which you may or may not already know about, and may or may not want to use for any stuff: (<{POST_SNAPBACK}>)
  15. I thought the Neo-Geo was meant to be the chip used by all the arcade games ... but that didn't seem to ever eventuate ... I really miss some of those early arcade games. I still look for Crazy Climber (where you play a dude climbing a high-rise and the windows can close on your fingers and you lose your grip, residents try to knock you off by dropping flower pots on you, and crazy gorillas at the top of the building wave their dangerous fists at you ... girders come crashing down) ... Apparently it was a very rare game outside Japan, yet I played it in Australia. When I get a few thousand dollars for a stand-up machine I'll be sure to buy it ... Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr Asteroids Mr. Do! Joust SPACE INVADERS QIX Marble Madness Pac Man Ms Pac Man Frogger Crazy Climber that riverboat / skier avoiding the hazards (downscroller) Mega Ghosts 'n Goblins 1942 1943-Battle of the Midway
  16. I would recommend doing a search for posts by Darth Frog, who has made numerous, exhaustive posts about the various pros and cons of different builds (Dex, Str, etc). But Dexterity is used up to the limit imposed by the armour being worn (with robes being no limit), so yeah, a high-dex build makes for an agile, hard to hit PC. PS Ignore my comments above, they wree a tad confusing -- even for me when I re-read them just now! Nightcleaver has hit the nail on the head.
  17. Don't infantilise the argument. There is no imperative -- narrative or plot -- to keeping Revan as the PC. Yes, it can be done. But, equally, a new PC can be used. That was my point, and I even helped you to understand with an example. Now do you see?
  18. 1. This is crucial simply from the point of view of the mechanics of a story: no closure. Didn't you notice that the party members you had just spend 40+ hours finding, saving, conversing with and generally getting to know better were MISSING at the end? Was that not a bit odd? And what was with the cut to different solo PCs on M5 -- the remote (what was going on with the Bao-Dur recording? Is he dead?); what about Hanharr and Mira? What was the point of that interlude? In short the end was poorly implemented. I would also add : #4 = it is never explained to my satisfaction why the Exile jumps through every hoop from the confrontation on Dantooine to the end. At no point in that end part of the game (probably close to a third of the game) does the Exile have a choice of their actions. Play it again and check. Irrespective of LS/DS male/female and any dialogue options and the resolution of the dilemma on Korriban (in the cave) and every single conversation where the PC gives vital feedback about their character -- with Atris, Atton, Brianna/Mical, Mira, Bao-Dur and the Jedi Council. And the conflicts: nothing happens if you die as Handmaiden attacking Atris -- in fact, when you beat her she then miraculously wins the conflict. That's why the end sucks. There is no role playing, it is just a boring, pointless series of meaningless interactions interspersed between FMV. RPGs are about choice and cosequences.
  19. You have a different interpretation on how "crucial" plot information is disseminated -- you seem to think it is mandatory to spoon feed the audience. I would counter that there is no harm in taking the K2 route where it is hard to get (thus more valuable when you get it: the reader appreciates it more due to the effort expended to get it). But that's an issue of personal preference. That said, I agree that I had almost no will to explore the different characters' backstories, because the game fell down in the mechanics of play. I thought the reason that the PC was forced to follow the narrative arc was never explained to my satisfaction (which you pointed out), and I also object to the availability of zero choices; no matter what illusory option taken all through the game, the player ends up following the exact same path, whether LS or DS, male or female, whether Revan was LS/DS or m/f, and totally disregarding ALL choices the player makes through the game (viz.: conversation with Atton, resolution of the dilemma on Korriban, conversations with Atris and the Jedi Council, etc etc etcetra). All that useful feedback for customising the games interactivity with the player is totally ignored. Apart from that, I see no objection to any of your posted issues.
  20. Known bug. Do a search in either this or the Technical Help forum. Some (most?) times the dudes don't spawn when you go through the narrow passage between the hills on Telos' surface (near the mines). You should really search for this sort of stuff: it has been posted a lot.
  21. One of the planets you provide the bike. (Yes, I know you can't see it in th ehold, but it's apparently there, behind the fat remote.)
  22. No, it can be done: I read a post from someone who had done it (and it checked out from my recall of the game at the time -- no way I'll recall it now though :D ).
  23. Ah, the Neo Geo. I remember you well .. all those fighting games ...
  24. that happened 1 time for me i had him built before my incounter with the hk-50s on Nar Shadaa. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There you go, if you can give a quick outline of your building of HK-47 to intercept the HK-50s ... wait a minute, the HK-50s on Nar Shadarr a sole combat for T3, aren't they? Or can you swap HK-47 into the party before the confrontation with the HK-50s?
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