As much as I like tghe show, I must disagree. 1800's brothels waiting for a crew of heroes to kick the local crime boss' ass? Come on.
Still, and being a huge Star Trek fan, I think I'd rahter recommend Firefly than ST for newcomers to the genre. Firefly is simply more fun.
Hee hee, I didn't say the plots and characters were plausible, merely that the science was solid.
PS Are you on ephedrine, or have you been taking typing lessons from Magical Volo (or is it contagious!)?
I completely agree. Part of why I found First Contact such a snorefest (I think I actually fell asleep in the cinema), apart from the lamentable direction by Frakes, was the pointless Queen. (Why, exactly, does a sentient collective need a queen?)
But I suppose the Borg were bacially unbeatable in their TNG form (i.e. without the stupid queen).
I don't know, Wesley Crusher was a character for whom I never had much of an affinitty. In fact, the character often ruined a good TNG plot line solely by being on screen - imo of course
These two are definitely in the charts, with a bullet, but I would raise you Kes (played by Jennifer Lien). She has to be the most annoying pair of lungs (at least initially) on two feet.
You, like my roommate at the time, obviously completely missed the hommage to Doctor Who. :cool:
But she was hawt ...