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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Dealbreaker. I'm not getting this game now. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sure all the extra races and classes wil be added in due course, as additional content / expansions. that's the point of expansions: giving the player what they wanted but couldn't have ... :D
  2. Just post the table of contents here, first.
  3. Bummer. Hadn't heard that ... strange that architecture based on the Pentium M runs hot, though ...
  4. Like Freedom Force versus the 3rd Reich, you mean?
  5. *Meta casts Level 3 Repair (repairo, for those Harry Potter Fans)* Topic pruned. Please keep posting on topic.
  6. And so that differs not a jot from all other game development only in scale (plus or minus thirty people)? work carried out by small groups in large companies"
  7. From Microsoft? Nothing is free. "
  8. Nice product placement by the Dell suit. :D I still don't think it is impossible: large companies aquire little ones when markets are rationalised (which they are periodically). Methinks he dost protest too much, but time will tell. More interesting is why Dell hasn't solved its AMD issues, and (more importantly) what it will do to solve them ... maybe the new Intel dual core Conroe will save them from themselves: This is going to be a good year for CPUs.
  9. Well done, and THANKS FOR YOUR VALUED INPUT! Do I state my nationality, or my residence ...?
  10. I was wondering when someone was going to notice that ... does this mean that the US is on the cusp of a communist revolution? :ph34r:
  11. If you read through the references, and I agree, the position Dell has found itself is quite a pickle. They have an exclusive relationship with Intel (why? can only be for better pricing: nothing else in it for Dell as far as I can see). I think this is there segue into an AMD partnership and the boutique PC market. In the same way that Ford owns Bentley, I don't see them changing the business model in any way. With any luck they will use their economies of scale to invest in R&D to produce some very good kit (like their (US-only) XPS Quad-GPU machines, for example), and even bring some other added value to the table: doubtful it will be cheaper prices (this market being differentiated by performance, not cost).
  12. Have you read the supplement? I have. It is a well written, well thought out game supplement that has a good deal of information that can enhance the campaign world that makes it more alive. It has solid guidelines to introduce some of the issues that it addresses in a mature manner. If it seems that I am on my "high horse" is that I am sick of seeing people act like preteen idiots when ever the word "sex" is used. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right-o. I'm game. What are some of the "issues that it addresses in a mature manner"? Will I need to make some room on my harddrive for the browser cache, or will you be able to fit them in here?
  13. I blame Bokishi!
  14. Off your high horse, Hades. This book is almost indefensible; I fail to see what added fractal dimension of reality this would give any PnP gamer (barring the bleedingly obvious: screw someone, get pregnant: AMAZING!). Spells? WTF? BUT, people fixated on such things are better sated with a book than left to their own devices, I'd wager.
  15. You are misunderestimating the power of pluto. Sounds like a plausible explanation: Half-Orcs are the Mules (and Hinnies) of the D&D world. After all, there were (unexplained and unexpected) sterile generations of genetically engineered grasses (wheat) after several generations in some tests.
  16. What? So basically, the online component called Xbox Live Silver generously lets you play with yourself (pun intended)? Gee, thanks, once again. Please feel free to enlighten us just to what free services Xbox Live Silver offers and it'll be a much more rewarding read than what you added to the discussion so far. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Zing!
  17. That's odd, I was under the impression that the 6800GS was AGP. Hmm. But the 7800GS is definitely an AGP card (see above). Stupid naming conventions. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  18. Only when you've got a super-duper GPU, then the CPU can throttle the game performance.
  19. No, they're TRUE!
  20. I still have a triple blade, because the quattros weren't released when I bought them ...
  21. I was thinking that earlier today: the best case is an invisible one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With an industrial freezer mechanism and an 800W PSU to allow for overclocking the CPU, multiple video cards and the RAM ...
  22. Actually they are AGP cards.
  23. I believe my invigorating illustration of the farmer touched on that very concept, back on page four. ^_^
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