You're overlooking one thing... you're kind of a mod now, so there are some things you should and shouldn't do.. belittling people is bad when you're a mod as it reflects on the forums as a whole.
Wow, hang on here. Who did I belittle? I was being attacked, remember?
I was simply responding in a defensive posture.
Secondly, just because I clean up the mess left by some of you, doesn't mean I can't participate in the conversation. I have been completely friendly and NONE of my posts contain any assaulting language or terms. (Except for the comment to the my furry friend, vide sub).
I see, so because you interpret my comments as an attack on the wookiee, they must be? Even though our rapport allows us to (SHOCK! ) make tongue-in-cheek remarks like that to each other.
You've convinced me!