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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. He added that big battlescene with terminators and gun ships etc to the into, instead of it being the original written / voice-over.
  2. Maybe it takes resources that can be better used for the game?
  3. It's a different way to play a game: why are you being so judgemental? The only way to achieve a good quick run is to play the game many, many times. It's just another way a fan can express their enjoyment of the game. There's one for the original half-Life, too, that takes about half an hour ... and they use the mines as (potentially deadly) stepping stones to jump past a lot of "Surface Tension".
  4. ... That's 'cause you need to be an author to write good, believable stuff. ^_^
  5. New topic started as this one is TOO big.
  6. I wonder how many people would still want a CD/DVD if they had to pay extra for it ... "
  7. Kaftan likes Calvinball?
  8. Terminator and Terminator 2: Judg[e]ment Day. Watched the digitally remastered THX versions. Didn't think the extra CGI on the original was particularly added value. Also thought that there seemed to be a lot of gore missing ... even though it was still rated R. Linda Hamilton (in the sequel) is gorgeous. Interesting to watch the original with the context of the sequels. Apparently Cameron was thinking of using OJ Simpson as the Terminator, except he didn't think anyone would believe he could be a killer.
  9. Yes, because if I format my harddrive, then Steam won't let me download Half-Life 2 again ... oh, wait, yes it will!
  10. IIRC Atari have a pre-order for other titles ... and Bioware fora had a link to Atari for the purchase, I think ..?
  11. Mine's a gif. What's the error? Maybe you need to refresh your cache?
  12. Well that's not what he asked. Also: Probability of 1 gentlemen retrieving his own hat = 1/n! ∴ probability of n gentlemen retrieving their hats = a series of n elements, all being 1/n! and as it is any of them, it is an addition = n/n! = 1/(n-1)!
  13. China bought eighty Boeings.
  14. This is a public (read: PG) forum of a corporate games developer, not your local pub, or wherever you would like it to be. Simple explanation: profanity prevents others from participating, whilst the filter does not prevent you from participating. Now please stop swearing, or you will receive a formal warning for your efforts. Thanking you in advance.
  15. Nepal is heading for civil war, with the population demanding that the King abdicate.
  16. I'm still hoping Spectre comes up with a killer Deus Ex sequel ...
  17. There's the Bloodmoon expansion, too.
  18. There's a pool of blood under three of the characters ... I like the architecture.
  19. There's nothing natural about a mech-fetish ...
  20. True, Sony have stated that the PS2 will remain a viable games platform for several (five?) years, yet. I was going to buy a PS2, but now I think I'll wait and buy a PS3. Especially with a Linux distro, that allows for much more flexibility replaying all the media formats. (Although Vista includes Media Player 10, which allows for burning media from, e.g. the DivX codec, straight to DVD. There will already be similar functionality for Linux in the wild.)
  21. Here's the official developers' forum. Is there an English announcement? Edit: Damn, I'm slower!
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