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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. LA have said that they want to concentrate on two products per year, IIRC.
  2. Are you coming out, Hades ... "
  3. Do I need to fast-forward to the scene in Lord of the Rings to recite the actual speech? Because the actualy comment was they were around 3'6" BEFORE the growth spurt. /bigger Tolkien nerd
  4. What's more perplexing is that Monty Python did a sketch on Hell's Grannies over thirty years ago ...
  5. *beats Baley wih the stick of pretentiousness* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does listening to Japanese hardcore punk ameliorate my condition? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. That just compounds your crimes.
  6. beware the exploding carrots! :ph34r:
  7. Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze. The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I can just see you rolling the dice ...
  8. I understood it to be a French design. Br
  9. Define and catagorize them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No. I will say this much, though: [*]the first ever computer game ran on an IBM mainframe and was about Star Trek it was text as graphics, where E represented the Enterprise, and K represented a Klingon warship, etc, projected on a backdrop of about ten by ten sectors in each of about sixty-four quadrants. It included lots of details, like recharging the Enterprise at Star Bases, and limited resources (energy for phasers and shields and torpedoes), and managing damage from battles, etc. [*]This became a cross-over game, and I played it on the Apple ][ [*]Elite Force was the last game, and it was basically exactly the same as the previous one, except it had better graphics and Patrick Stewart
  10. Mr Hades, I think it's clear to everyone here (and I include you in that) that you are not to whom I was referring.
  11. There are about forty Star Trek games. Some are noxious. A lot are ordinary. Some are good.
  12. I like the loading graphic. Not sure about a French adventure game: Myst left a bad taste in my mouth. The protagonist looks like my Revan!
  13. Sound familiar? (That's a rhetorical question: no need for an answer! ") <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That caricature is actually pretty similar to me...what with the four arms and all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank you for confirming what was already perfectly understood. You are indeed a gentleman AND a scholar.
  14. Combat is the embodiment of Role-Play for most people, probably because it is the simpliest concept to deal with: confict may be a spectrum of different actions and responses aside from the mortal, but killing and looting is the bottom line that everyone can skim to. Probably (say this quietly) most people who role play don't want to role play, they want to pretend to be THE CHOSEN ONE
  15. Sound familiar? (That's a rhetorical question: no need for an answer! ")
  16. This is a character someone has already submitted to me. It's a good example of what I'd like to see. Please get your character to me today if possible. It will make it much easier. Also, has anyone decided where we'll meet and what we'll use? I assume it's irc. We can name the channel "Obsidian RPG" if we want or some other similar name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's one tiny Halfling, even for a Hobbit! Pippin and Merry were 3'6", give or take an inch. "
  17. Not too lucky for the rabbit ...
  18. Post with respect, please.
  19. I just saw this in the bargain bin today: 2 for
  20. Was it successful?
  21. ... Or you are barking!
  22. You're assuming that both their sphere of influence and their population centre of gravity will stay geographically static ... "
  23. If you've tried boxing, then I'm not sure why you keep on making this comparison. Have you ever been hit in the face by an angry madman not wearing boxing gloves? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes. I saw stars. Both blows. On the chin. I didn't collapse. Yeah, yeah, I didn't say it was impossible. I said it looks fake and there is nothing in the footage that leads me to think it isn't, and quite a bit that looks fishy. But hey, if you think it's real, good for you. I don't. I think it was a set-up.
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