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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. ah.. but empty is not nothing.... nothing is not empty... the only way to define nothing is the lackthereof. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What are you dribbling about?
  2. The UK doesn't have a constitution.
  3. I think the mod client is *nix as well.
  4. ... Or at least provide the syllabus for you to research on your own ...
  5. Thanks Josh, I will me more inclined to actually begin and maybe even finish a mod now. :D Well done and thank-you, on behalf of those who haven't voiced their appreciation.
  6. That's what meditation is all about: emptying the mind.
  7. Please do not spam this ill thread into fatal paroxysms.
  8. I won't stop them trying ...
  9. You'll be sorry when you don't have the merchant's friend feat and beautiful cloth map.
  10. Once again from Wiki. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Doesn't this answer the original question? Space in philosophy
  11. Not that anyone would condone pirating them, even you Kaftan, I know. Simply freeing the information that seeks it will not only spread knowledge and art, but also make the exiting items more valuable, as there will be more concomitant interest in them. But I know Enlgish is not your native language, so I am pleased to clarify for all the young minds out there.
  12. Are you sure that the console market would survive a crash of the magnitude you envision?
  13. Updating BIOS is easy to do, once the update is available. (The hardest it can be is using a floppy disk.) It can be risky, though, because the Built-In Operating System is what starts the PC, so if it gets corrupted, you have a large paperweight. (This is a fractional risk, though.) I am not trying to scare you, just making you aware of the risks. I have updated my BIOS on my critical laptop many times, so I find it a managable risk. FWIIW, I thought the main hurdle with the X-Fi soundcard was that it took up the only remaining PCI-E slot, so one had to upgrade the mobo (to a new model not yet available) when trying to cram in dual GPU, X-Fi and a PPU, later ...
  14. It would seem that either there are more bots out there or Obsidian is more famous, or both. :'( Jesus wept. Indeed, plus who knows how many more in the wee small hours when we're asleep. Assuming all of us actually do sleep. Obsidian need to update their anti-adbot software or whatever it is they have, but then that might expose half the forum members as AI. :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is in process. And it would prevent new bots from joining, not existing ones from posting. "
  15. I would expect that the figurine would be of the alignment of the product, so the Chaotic Evil box contains the big, bad villain. The Lawful Good box will have the old King who sends you off on the quest to defeat the big bad evil. BTW evil always have better colouring and uniforms. It's the rules. The good guys have to have boring colours, like beige. It's part of the the job: people who are attracted to nifty uniforms are necessarily evil, and must be be destroyed.
  16. Thanks for playing. Let's keep it civil, boys and girls and even younger people.
  17. I thought the anti-religious messages were quite explicit. For example, politically powerful yet corrupt Catholic clergymen. Also, the news reporter repeatedly saying that those opposed to his corrupted nation were guilty of "godlessness". Moreover, although implicit, is the fact that faith in the movie is never seen in a good light, therefore presenting it in a biased manner as foolish and bad. Though it is true that faith in the wrong things can create terribly misguided miscreants, not all faith is bad like that. Faith is especially dangerous in manifestations such as portrayed in V for Vendetta's representation of neo-Britian. The country's motivational poster, which is clearly reminiscent of 1984's, says, "Strength through Unity, Unity through Faith," which is clearly inviting of flaws and corruption, as it leaves undefined what the faith is put in. In this instance, the faith can be fluidly changed to fit one thing or another, as per the governments bidding, very similar to the government's manipulation of people 1984 (Big Brother's own propaganda that "ignorance is strength" becomes true, in that it applies only to Big Brother's hold on the people). Considering that my beliefs in Jesus are faith-based, this could have been offensive to me. However, I enjoyed the story, because I know that people have to be dumb to think of all faith solely in the biased way it seems to be presented in V for Vendetta. Though numerous representations of faith like this can taint the minds of unreasonable people in general, such ignorance goes against the point of stories like these, which are admonishers of unreason. Also, I agree with what Moore said in this from wikipedia:
  18. Yes. Better result, cheaper total outlay.
  19. Yeah, man, do you remember the days of 286? Those were the days, weren
  20. We used to catch plecostomi when I was at school, when there was a King tide and the river lapped the concrete barriers and they would concuss themselves, and we would try to brain them with a rock (adjusting for the refractive interference between air and water). If we were successful we had fish and chips for tea, instead of whatever other inedible food was on th emenu.
  21. Nothing is the absence of something. It is Something', !Something or
  22. Caught a few on the twenty hours of international
  23. OPG didn't strike me as very well endowed in reading comprehension.
  24. I'm willing to bet crackers will have that slice of memory open in a week and a half of use. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Wintel consortium has been trying to create a CPU with "protected areas" designed inbuilt, so that level zero programming (kernel etc) can be run in a secure hardware environment on the same chip. They have been talking about it for at least a decade. Still haven't seen it.
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