I threw up. IMO that movie sucked.
Ah, you were just rebelling against your earlier dinosaur obsession.
And never let it be said that the middle management of a content provider would let a good franchise cash cow go before she is milked within a pint of her life ...
Well, as with all semantic explorations, what seperates the various words/phrases is the minute differences in context.
For example, here, I would say that proto- is a more under-developed connotation, in that it had all the hallmarks (of the future concept of Marxism), but was somehow not completely formed, like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers' facsimile of Jeff Goldblum (with the bloody lip) on the table in the mud-bath sanatarium; whereas avant-la-lettre connotes a fully-formed Marxist, millennia before Marx was born.
That's my take, anyway. I would (erroneously or not) use them in this way, because I see these as subtle but significant flavours for the words.