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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. So the plaintiffs are arguing that NwN characters should have more fluid animations during the non-directed action of the turn-based combat sequences? And this is ruining your gaming experience? So, you would be terrifically upset with the stilted action of the characters in Street Fighter, too, I presume? I have looked at the video sequence of the outdoor battle (with the boars etc) and I see nothing that isn't in keeping with a turn-based (i.e. action-pause-action template) reality. Would the character treading water (or singing / dancing / nervously looking at their watch / whatever), whilst the player decides which spell / sword / man
  2. My IBM laptop has regular BIOS updates, and I have generally applied them as they were released. Until I managed to screw up my IBM partition. Now I don't seem to be able to apply any more, but I am not particularly concerned (the laptop is threee years old and works adequately well). I HAVE fried a WiFi router with a poorly executed BIOS update: it now operates as a very spiffy repeater. :D
  3. Is that your furniture, or your flatmates?
  4. metadigital


    Please elucidate.
  5. Either way it is disturbing. :D
  6. Might i suggest agin, a skul-gun for my head. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Two words: .
  7. I have been. More times than I wanted. I have been consequently scarred and will endeavour to not go again. Even if I have to make furniture out of dead animals, instead.
  8. You're right, Kafty! I vote that the UN get its own defence force. And we should all invest more in nanotech. And maybe let some notional terrorists release a plague, and blow up the Statue of Liberty, in order to secure the attention of world leaders ...
  9. How about a post-apoc nanotech setting?
  10. One might celebrate his legacy, too: per contra, he will live forever in the media which gave voice to.
  11. linkie
  12. Well, I have to get back into the sequel, first ... assuming I'll be able to do anything except Hearts of Iron II:Doomsday ... but let me know how it plays, because I might have to play it ... :D
  13. The whole herd-people-through-the-corral shopping experience isn't a big plus, to begin with, ending with a wait in a queue that is always served by less people than would be expected. The furniture is seems to exist in a niche (at least in the UK), defined by the exorbitant floor price of furniture. Further, not all of the items are actually markedly cheaper, just key "loss leader" items that help build the buying frenzy atmosphere. (Sure a four foot glass vase for
  14. Ask Erwin Schr
  15. Live in a college town. Its a lot less expensive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not in the UK. Students eat up all the cheap properties (they pay a lot but they take the cheap places). I was thinking of making my own, but doing that male bird nesting thing and trying to lay a trap for unsuspecting females. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I _hate_ Ikea furniture.
  16. Yeah! I hope that is not real bearskin!
  17. The squeaky wheel gets the oil ..?
  18. Good (novel) made-up words are excellent and essential to the robust health of any prospering language, especially English.
  19. The Bible Alien Abductions Creationism (You too, dear reader, can look up more of them craazy videos on GoogleVideo, where everyone is Craaazy! Man, my jokes suck tonight.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> This is brilliant. Just watched the Bible one. "Elvis didn't do no drugs!"
  20. I threw up. IMO that movie sucked. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ah, you were just rebelling against your earlier dinosaur obsession. And never let it be said that the middle management of a content provider would let a good franchise cash cow go before she is milked within a pint of her life ... Well, as with all semantic explorations, what seperates the various words/phrases is the minute differences in context. For example, here, I would say that proto- is a more under-developed connotation, in that it had all the hallmarks (of the future concept of Marxism), but was somehow not completely formed, like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers' facsimile of Jeff Goldblum (with the bloody lip) on the table in the mud-bath sanatarium; whereas avant-la-lettre connotes a fully-formed Marxist, millennia before Marx was born. That's my take, anyway. I would (erroneously or not) use them in this way, because I see these as subtle but significant flavours for the words.
  21. Please also, in the mode of the great philosophers of history, only take issue with the topics, not the person expressing them. Perhaps you may be aware of the Devil's Advocate principle, whereby someone uses a contrary argument to test a proposition? In any case, even if someone writes something that you consider egregiously incoorect, please concentrate on correcting the statement, and not demeaning yourself, and everyone reading, with argumentum ad hominem. Thanks for your continued support and patronage of the fine art of quodlibetarian exploration.
  22. Did it have wings and a single horn in the middle of its head?
  23. As a percussionist I would like to take umbrage at that last remark. Except it is not altogether incorrect.
  24. The only good thing Pepsi has ever done was setting Jackson's hair on fire. I'd like to make a startlingly obvious observation about your even more obvious conclusion. No f
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