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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. Its a co-production between Lucas and EA... EA Sports: Light Saber fencing world series 2004
  2. Sounds like you should try Rune instead of crpg's. It's a very good FPS (First Person Slasher) with sword and axe combat. Weapons can be wielded or thrown. Bonuses for chopped off heads and limbs, and severed limbs can be wielded as clubs (I tried beating an opponent to death with his own arm once) :D
  3. It definitely gives Charisma - 1 penalty Perhaps also a Constitution - 1 for a couple of days... Edit: Unfortunately, I don't have an image editing program at hand that works with animated gifs... otherwise I *could* have given my avatar a pink sheen
  4. Gorth

    Rule #6

    My vote says it all... (Huh?)
  5. Me ? Currently living and working in Wellington NZ. Most recently spent a weekend in Sydney. Finally got a much requested sunburn (looks like a lobster now) B)
  6. You are HK-47. A droid with a mission (mission, not Mission), if you could just remember what that mission is... Oh yes, kill meatbags, find master B) Would make a nice competitor for FO:BOS
  7. All he saw was a naked "ass" ?
  8. I don't mind console rpg's out of principle. Actually, I don't really mind console games. My "grief", based on my experiences is just that they get ported badly, leaving pc users with a feel of "missing something". Hard to describe really. I would have loved to see games like Resident Evil and Dino Crisis with some proper graphics, mouse controls and save game features (unnecessary limitations). My problem with FFVIII (my only brief encounter with jrpg) might just as well have been an age thing, being unable to relate to the problems of children and teenagers. By the gods of my ancestors, how I wanted to put that Squall guy (was that his name ? Referred to in my mind as Squeal) over my knees and spank his attitude problems out of him. The setting itself, without knowing the history of it seemed quite ok. While Kotor "smells" like console, at least they hide it very well behind a piece of quality entertainment. Nice controls, nice gfx, no save game limitations. I loved the game, currently playing it through the third time. Now if they would just make PS:T in that engine... Edit: Honestly, who would mind seeing Annah's tail rendered in the Odysseus engine ?
  9. Action type games seems to be predominant here (with the possible exception of Akari), so are we to assume that these guys don't like/play crpgs ? Or is it just that quality crpgs are in short supply and you are doing something about it (please ?)
  10. Yes, tried the pc version... Not all of us have the benefit of japanese girls to get aquainted with cultures from the other side of the world, not that I would mind trying it out
  11. Gorth


    He could donate his body to science ?
  12. So my impressions from from the FFVIII demo wasn't completely off the mark, you need to be a jrpg fanboy to truly appreciate them ? Bad controls and save game mechanisms aside, it was just too alien for me.
  13. The usual "buttons" to press are roses, chocolate, champaign and candlelight. If stuck, keep repeating your undying eternal love (sincerily or not). If pressing "buttons" don't work, go down to the store and swap her for another one I better leave now... :ph34r:
  14. No problem. Just wondered about why you singled that one out, being a part of the game design process Edit: No, I'm not an artist btw.
  15. No more than prototypes and design documents are for programmers... Helps the designers to share and visualise ideas. Sort of setting a common goal for the people involved, theme, atmosphere, art and music direction etc. If you want another analogy, think of storyboards that moviemakers use to plan and present their ideas. Not an ideal comparison, but still, gives the general idea B)
  16. I'm a happy ignorant. Despite some minor flaws, none of them rules related, I played the game twice and had tons of fun. But then, I've never opened a d20 rulebook in my life. B)
  17. Could also be something as simple as a word association. Obsidian = black rock = Black Isle. Wonder if I will get a warning from the moderators for doing word associations
  18. Anybody up to writing a game, where you start out as a newly built android without a history ? Wouldn't be amnesia, as there wasn't anything to forget. Come on people, use a little imagination here.
  19. Yes, I am evil. Wonder how the forum software figured it out though... ?
  20. *LOL* I forgot about the Leviathan. I used Jolee, going for the old dominate mind of guard trick. Currently playing through it the second time. I'll try Mission then. Thanks for the reminder
  21. True. Not exactly my favourite part of that game either. I guess love makes blind, so I tend to forget that part of the game. In the case of Kotor, the thing that sprang to mind was the part of the original Starwars movie, where Obi-Wan disables the generators on the Death Star while Luke and company fights off endless hordes of stormtroopers. I would just have loved the option of a "sneaky"/Obi Wan way (sort of like in Thief) to get to the final destination. They did all end up in the Hangar with Darth Vader anyway (The master and pupil conflict). Yes, I know, it wasn't *the* end part of the movie, but still a tiny epic part. Just wishful thinking
  22. True :D But it was convincingly annoying
  23. Sure she has a nice voice, but she is not really "
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