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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. The FFVIII demo for PC had "cute" graphics... the game(-demo) s**ed I'll give it the benefit of the doubt though, that it *might* have been better in japanese and on a console.
  2. Thanks That verse 20 is a spooky one though, wonder if Orvelle (spelling?) had that one in mind when writing "1984". Big Brother is (still) watching :ph34r:
  3. At least he knew it was morning. I originate from Scandinavia, and remember some long dark winter nights. Ever tried waking up after a wild night, it's dark outside and the clock on the wall says 8:15 and you have no clue whether it's actually 8:15 or 20:15, the same day or the day after ? In wintertime it's pitch black until 09:00 in the morning and get's dark at 17:00 again.
  4. How do you know that? :ph34r: I don't, thats why I ask. I do prefer female homo sapiens myself
  5. Wow, how divinely inspired is that? Wow, we need a crusade to enforce that part of the bible Wine, feasts and money for everybody. Who brings the girls :D Edit: Or Donkeys, depending on where you live... B.N. Did you take that out of context ?
  6. Was it at least a "She" Donkey ?
  7. Gorth


    You were not considered worthy of continued membership of this community Actually, Obsidian was just learning the lesson of "Backup Procedures" and how not to trust so-called "IT Professionals". A few thousand posts disappeared as well as a couple of users, because of faulty backup procedures before and after a server move. It could also be that some Admin guy got really p**sed off and deleted you.
  8. Please no ? Dear God, please no ? Pretty please no ??? Anything but that. I could live with hentai games, crate games, sheep, rats, baked bread, babes in chainmail bikinis fighting rust monsters, dual wielding thieves, brothels, pedocide, anything, but no mentioning of Fallout 3 and console in the same sentence
  9. Since I'm no expert in cow humour, I've never been able to tell joke that made a cow laugh. Which means, I've no idea
  10. Yeah, one of my best friends is from India. Thing is, he doesn't really consider himself "Indian", but Sikh. India is to some degree a british invention and the nation of India encompasses *lots* of different peoples and cultures. Probably not unlike the US or other "large" sized countries. For Europeans, it's less an issue as the constantly erupting wars moves borders to either follow ethnic groups, or genocide/relocate ethnic groups to fit within borders
  11. Just out of morbid curiosity, I tried looking up "Interplay" in the Pocket Oxford Dictionary. This is what it came up with: "Interplay n. reciprocal action". Small wonder that they do things that seems weird and incomprehensible from time to time.
  12. You might want to put on a flak vest and ask at the NMA or DAC boards. Somebody there is bound to know *something* about Fallout modding. B)
  13. The earth is flat, I mean, it's obvious right ? Everybody can see it with their own eyes, so everybody agrees, it must be flat. Sorry HA, just kidding, Rumours works like that. Repeat them often enough and they become faith. Enough faith and it becomes a religion. Woe to he who thinketh that its not Kotor2
  14. They are both tools of the apocalypse
  15. Gorth


    Where's HK-47 when you need him ???
  16. Heathen. No faith. Think positive brother, positive!
  17. Some things can't be kept down. Some day the promised game (Fallout3) will appear and deliver us all. We just have to keep up hope in these times of tests and tribulations.
  18. Just sittng here, staring at my coffee and thinking. What is coffee made of ? How many particles ? The nature of it... stuff like that. Trying to figure out what my coffee is made of, resulted in ideas like molecules'n stuff. Then again, these are made up of atoms, which are made up of electrons, neutrons and protons, which are made of (insert favourite physics model here), repeated infinitely. Conclusion ? My coffee is made up of an infinite amount of "things". Why doesn't my coffee explode instantaneously and destroy the universe ? Probably because the rest of the universe is made the same way and applies an opposite and equal force on my coffee. No big deal, Coffee is still there and Gorth is happy. Then I thought about, what if something disturbs the balance between my coffee and the universe ? If the balance is disturbed to the disadvantage of my coffee, bummer, my coffee gets crushed by the forces of the universe. I can make a new cup of coffee. What happens if the balance is disturbed to the disadvantage of the universe ? My coffee explodes in a pyrotechnical show of supernova proportions and will probably destroy the universe. Better be careful with that coffee, It's potent stuff... Oh, and now my coffee's gone cold. Better be careful when I pour it out and make som new...
  19. Gorth


    Imagine the irony, if it turns out to be Atari who is the publisher and Baldurs Gate 3 (Jefferson) the game. Now they can't announce it because Atari lost the rights to Interplay... :D I know, I know, paranoia :ph34r:
  20. Guys with PhD's are probably more attractive to girls with low necklines...
  21. In that case, I dont mind being completely braindead, as in int = 1
  22. Since I haven't completed it yet, my main gripe is the controls... horrible Second worst part, the not optional arcade game sequences. If they want more action in the game, add some more moves like jump, crawl etc. and let the game be an advanced Tomb Raider/RPG mix. I love the exploration part. Third gripe, how about some quick weapon keys ? Like Ctrl+1 for weapon combo 1, Ctrl+2 for weapon combo 2 etc. (perhaps I've played too much Quake II) Apart from that, brilliant game
  23. Gorth


    An experiment in non-linearity ? Most of them were no good anyway. It gives people a chance to rephrase and redo their posts. Really, how often do you get a second chance like that ?
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