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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. How about just doing away with marriages alltogether (as a legal status) and then have civil unions for all? Then they could leave it up to people of different faiths how they want to reconcile a legal, civil union with their traditional wedding rituals
  2. Probably laundry powder Wasn't it all just part of being "retro sci-fi perspective"? Trying to match reality with fictive game settings always results in head aches. IMO of course.
  3. That was much better than anything I could ever think of saying There is a bit more to the history though. LA Games back then had gotten the ultimatum (together with a number of other of Lucas' subsidiaries) that they had to become financially viable and stand on their own legs. No more uncle Lucas to bail them out every time they screw up. LA had to make cuts, both on deadlines, ambition levels and number of games in development in order to meet those demands. They seem to be doing well finanically now though, but the Kotor franchise as such is stone dead. It is after all called "The Old Republic", not "Knights of the Old Republic".
  4. Heh, makes you wonder what they *did* expect from something that was give the terms and conditions of an expansion pack.
  5. Not necessarily a fact. Maybe they just got greedy and wanted to find the holy grail of money printing and decided that their not limitless funds would give better ROI per dollar in such an enterprise (a MMO game)? It "seems" like every publisher wants a piece of the MMO cake these days. Bioware ended up with no less than TWO publishers with previous MMO experience (LA and EA).
  6. I think I am getting close to the end... Fighting a big hentai monster in the sewers together with my pointy eared ally. I almost managed to get the Elder Druid all the stuff he needed for their rising against the loggers and those cruel to animals, but I couldn't find any white roses (I had a diamond, a silken scarf and the herb he wanted). Did I miss out on anything or was it just a fun addition to the game (he gave me potions in return for my items, no quest log entries seemed to have been created)?!? I had given up on the dentist with the name that sounds suspiciously like the German word for tooth ache (Zahn Schmertz). Then I ran through all the crypts, huts, houses and caves again. Lets just say, that what I had expected to give me my missing piece for the collection. The dentist's reward was worth it though, better than the blade I had purchased previously. Finally having both a good silver and a good steel blade, the royal huntsman decided to offer me a blade too Ah well, got the Raven armour too, although it only seemed to offer slightly better protection than the leather armour I was already wearing. Now I am back to bashing those groping tentacles again...
  7. Yeah, I am pretty sure it wasn't little Grey Aliens that Obsidian had in mind Moved to WoT.
  8. Gorth


    You'll never get rid of a bad temper by losing it. - Bus Ticket
  9. I can't stand bees, wasps or hornets and I would also add bumblebees to the mix. Can't stand as in "Don't like" or actually fear them?
  10. Proximity to other people. Put me in a room with more than few people in it and I automatically start searching for the exits. I hate public transportation too for the same reason. It's less bad when I know the people around me though, the better I know them the less oppressive it feels.
  11. Maybe people are more worried about world economy than who coincidentally happens to be president in a country somewhere far away? You know, problems closer to home and all that...
  12. Shamelessly taken out of context, the words makes for nice recycling. Looks like it's time for a cool off period and maybe a better planning session on how to post without the snide remarks and personl grievances (goes for everybody)
  13. So, I was checking out some of the other content in the EE box. Turned out that the game guide has all the answers, including which solution to quests gives the most xp, detailed descriptions how to solve etc. Ah well, I might just want to not look too much into that one yet. More fun not having a clue what is going to happen, although Alvin is asking some rather badly concealed questions that implies he has a major role to play in the future. I suspect my answers to his questions/dialogues will come back and bite me in the butt later. Edit: Decided not to sacrifice the prize cow. Some quite funny dialogue with the cow, cow guard and cow buffs there
  14. I think it is going to be revolutionary. Neither Black Isle nor Obsidian has ever done a spy game before
  15. Well, in about a months time, people will have forgotten what rain looks like in this part of the world. They may see some of your rainy pictures in a fairy tale book (together with unicorns and the tooth fairy). Not doing much this weekend. Had to standby on the phone all Saturday, from 04:30 in the morning and onwards. Never got a call though. Today, Sunday, I am just procrastinating. I should cut some of the stuff in my garden now that the weeds have been brought under control. Meh, one thing at a time.
  16. Well, in about a months time, people will have forgotten what rain looks like in this part of the world. They may see some of your rainy pictures in a fairy tale book (together with unicorns and the tooth fairy). Not doing much this weekend. Had to standby on the phone all Saturday, from 04:30 in the morning and onwards. Never got a call though. Today, Sunday, I am just procrastinating. I should cut some of the stuff in my garden now that the weeds have been brought under control. Meh, one thing at a time.
  17. Guys, please be a bit more careful with the spoilers in here. Either use spoiler tags or post it in the Fallout 3 thread in the spoiler section.
  18. ... there is a pack of nuns at the freaking hospital. I thought Dandelion had seen to that there was no virgins there Ok, I'll check out the status of the nuns. Thanks
  19. Help! Where in the world would I go and look for virgins? There seems to be a severe shortage of them. I asked random girls on the street, but only two bothered replying, implying that I was either some kind of cultist or worse.
  20. And if I exited the Earth's atmosphere the next time I jumped for a rebound on the basketball court, the theory of gravity would be pretty much gone, too. I think a modern human skeleton that could be dated to 4 billion+ years would give rise to speculations in the field of time travel
  21. Absolutely. Source comes to mind, plus I heard good things about this Unreal engine also. Maybe the new engine they developed for the Alien game?
  22. Start of old thread End of old thread Not playing much at the moment (too much work). Still managed to almost catch up with the progress lost in my game of The Witcher and my Chosen Chaos Warrior in Warhammer Online is now level 8.
  23. A little ideology every now and then isn't such a bad thing. Otherwise You guys would now have His Majesty King Washington XVIII on your coins instead of (whatever you guys currently have on your coins)
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