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Everything posted by tarna

  1. Same here. I'll probably wait a couple of years after it's released ( and they've worked the initial bugs out of it ) before I buy it. My latest home-built computer will handle the software requirements of Vista fine, but it's doing well with WinXP right now as well.
  2. tarna

    pet peeve

    Add these to your list... 'Societal' - this word did not exist 20 years ago. Salesmen, advertisers and other dumbasses tinker with the language in an attempt to sound more intelligent than they really are. 'Methodology' being used in place of methods. Anyone that can speak something other than Ebonics should know that the suffix 'ology' means the study of. These lingua-maggots think they sound highbrowed for using big words they don't know the meaning of. Adding 'age' to the end of a word is another example these podleezee. What kind of a stupid word is 'sportage'or 'signage'? I got a parking ticket several years ago that the mental giant writing tickets actually put 'signage' on my parking ticket. In school I took four languages in addition to my native English and learned how important common agreement of meanings are and then guttersnipes turn our language inside out so they can sound cool. It's little wonder why we can't understand each other. I'm all for a language being fluid to meet the needs to the society speaking it but to create new sounds and call them words just to sound cool is just stupid and shallow. bling? Gotta agree with you here. I actually looked forward to getting some slack-jawed moron calling me to sell me his widgets. My wife however was so offended by my recommending that the caller 'Kill himself' that she put us on the No Call List. God I was bummed over that. Now when I get a call from a machine, it kinda takes all the fun out of it. When I have someone call my house, I can say anything I want to them as long as I don't threaten them. With a machine I'm denied that entertainment.
  3. Moving to C & C. On second thought, no I'm not. That forum is mostly for games. Most of the board traffic goes through here.
  4. I just logged on without problems ( what the Hell am I thinking ? ).
  5. Dogs lick their balls too. I'm not too sure that's the criteria I'd use on if my water was fit to drink.
  6. Rum and Diet Coke ( which I think I'll have right now! :D ).
  7. A topic name like this makes my sphicter slam shut . Let's keep it cool guys.
  8. Forever Peace sucked in the worst of ways. The problem with reading Forever War is that nothing else he wrote could hold a candle to it. Mindbridge wasn't bad though. There is a sequel to Forever War called Forever Free that picks up where the first book ended. It's okay at best. Look for it second hand though.
  9. Most anything by Heinlein, Asimov ( Foundation series is fantastic as well as fun ), Clarke, Frank Herbert ( Dune and many others ), Harry Harrison is a fun read ( Stainless Steel Rat series, Deathworld trilogy ), Niven ( a good read but his endings alway suck. Still worth reading ), Joe Haldeman ( the Forever War, Tools of the Trade ). Fantasy - Marion Zimmer Bradley ( Darkover series ), David Eddings, Terry Brooks ( Shannara series ), Dave Duncan ( his books are a fun read ), Stephen Donaldson ( Chronicles of Thomas Covenant ), Fred Saberhagen ( Swords series, Lost Swords series ). Those are some of the books I have within sight as I'm posting.
  10. Now that would piss me off ! And just think...I still have another cut to do on my case! ( and some drilling and tapping ). At least I turned the power off to both power supplies before I took the saw to it.
  11. Was in the process of doing some serious case modding when I took a 'sawzall' to my PC case. Been changing how my motherboard is mounted and had a piece of metal where I no longer wanted it. Sawed it off. No big deal . When I turned it back on, I got this message in the start up screen... "NTLDR missing". Press control+alt+delete to restart. Hmmm. Got onto this computer to Google the problem. Well this can't be good. Checked my HD cable connections. Changed the cable. Switched the HD and planned to reload WinXP. Nada. S**t! Started poking in around my start up stuff and found that the boot order on my drives had changed. Reorganised it and I'm back up and playing Baldur's Gate again. Thought you guys would get a laugh out of that :D .
  12. And off to C & C you go.
  13. tarna


  14. Congrates on the anniversery Eldar. Good pics.
  15. It would appear so... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,2120,00.html
  16. Guess again .
  17. make it 2 mods... Deadly_Nightshade <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Shh. We've been trying to clone these two for future uses.
  18. tarna

    O RLY?

    Okay then.
  19. Moved thread from Obsidian General. Since this thread belongs to a new member that is contributing here and wishes to huckster his new board, I'm letting it stay.
  20. Some people need an ass-kicking. *Looks for boots*
  21. We now know that your superpower is prophecy . Meanwhile...it's Clobberin Time! *Ahem* :">
  22. Well guys, it's been fun but all good things must come to an end.
  23. Let's keep in on topic guys and leave the personal critiques to PM.
  24. Pruned and reopened by request.
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