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Diogo Ribeiro

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Everything posted by Diogo Ribeiro

  1. You should try Icewind Dale 2, Wizardry 8 and... Diablo 2. No Eye of the Beholder?
  2. Diablo can be a fun game. As a graphical update on standard roguelike gameplay, it's very solid entertainment with quite a bit of challenge in combat and satisfying character customization, although ocasionally it isn't as deep as some other roguelikes like ADOM. You seem to be trying to compare it to a traditional CRPG, but then again it's not meant to. If you ever enjoyed roguelikes or dungeon crawlers, you'll see some of the features that made those genres entertaining in Diablo. If you didn't, move on.
  3. Then can you please explain to me how do firstperson and freeform have any impact on backstory presentation or exposition?
  4. -5 Penalty to your Gaming Taste skill.
  5. When I grow up I want to be Scarlet Johanssen.
  6. I'm looking forward to it as well. Seems like it will be very, very good.
  7. I think Nintendo is doing the more sensible thing. It's been a while since their main consoles have had any sort of market dominance; their throne and Sega's were taken over by the original Playstation. Nintendo knows it can't directly compete with that, so if it can't compete directly with one why should it compete directly with two - Sony and Microsoft? Even with Sony clearly maintaining an advantage, Nintendo doesn't seem like it will budge. They have a safe place in the videogaming industry, and they've been managing to stay relevant than most companies out there. Why risk anything else?
  8. I haven't gotten it yet, but I expect to in the next couple of months. As soon as I get it, I'll be sure to give my impressions.
  9. The Memory Card and GB Player I had ordered were supposed to have arrived somewhere between the 16th and 25th of January. Yesterday I sent an email to Amazon.uk to know if they had any information regarding the delay, although it was a stab in the dark because they had already shipped it on the 13th. With my luck, today, I got the package. FINALLY, off to properly play Metroid Prime.
  10. My Logitech Dual Action gamepad usually does a great job when it comes to providing accurate and smooth control for console-based videogames on my PC.
  11. Nothing wrong with this. People who may have had an interest in the games before but did not have the consoles will now be able to play the games. Hopefully, each conversion will make some use of the hardware it's going to be ported to, although I'm not expecting much beyond superior resolutions.
  12. Do not underestimate the attention span-destroying power of shiny lightsaber effects.
  13. Fixed.
  14. I still remember buying the original Shining Force I and II cartridges and running home to play them. I only got Shining in the Darkness in ROM format, years after. Warriors of the Eternal Sun and Shadowrun were excellent back then. Actually if I remember correctly Warriors and Buck Rogers were conversions of PC originals. Super Hydlide, I have to admit I heard so much about how the game sucked that I never got around to try it.
  15. Will it have some pointless technical achievement gamewise and the voice of a movie star mostly known for working on movie adaptations of a geek license?
  16. Right on. I mean, that's why Martin Luther King wasn't a hero. He couldn't handle a crummy bullet. Now, Drizzt...
  18. Drow **** envy. Mod away.
  19. Interesting how someone using a Deus Ex avatar is posting a link to a conspiracy, or something that could lead to one.
  20. I'm not too sure myself. Some scholars believe it's actually a railroad map. Others believe it's an exclusive shot of Mars' surface.
  21. I was quite happy with the way the developers of DOA had made two distinct gaming engines - one to animate the models' bodies and a separate one to animate their breasts. However, as good as that was, I expect them to create a new next gen engine to fluidly animate their buttocks. I shudder to think at all those polygons jiggling simultaneously.
  22. Me neither. If I don't look at my navel.
  23. Sensational KoTOR Usurper.
  24. I have mine out right now. )
  25. I'd agree, if role-playing when applied to computer gaming was exclusively dependant of the player, except it's not. The ability to roleplay is contained in the player, but the methods and expression of said roleplaying are contained in the electronic RPG. I can't roleplay something in an electronic RPG if said RPG doesn't allow for what I am roleplaying to be expressed. Roleplaying in a medium that doesn't recognize what I'm roleplaying seriously questions if role-playing strictly depedant of me, or instead, of a process that requires player input and computer, or videogame, output and recognition.
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