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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I started Tomb Raider: Legend on my 360. I'm very impressed by the gameplay and graphics. It also has pretty solid cutscenes and voice acting. I'm only about an hour in, but I hope they focus more on puzzles and less on combat, although the combat is decent. It's a fun play. I also played the demo of NHL2K6, which plays exactly like it's previous iteration. That isn't necessarily bad. The presentation before the game was pretty awesome (locker room cut scene got me pumped up.) Still, I also tried the shootout demo for NHL06. While the shootout isn't a very great indication of how the game will turn out, the new stickhandling system is pretty amazing. I haven't decided which one to buy next week.
  2. The guy was pretty damn guilty. He killed his pregnant wife. He was caught trying to flee the coyuntry with a bag of money and bleached hair. It's not a real mystery that he did it. I can tell you this, if someone killed my wife and I was accused, I'd go all Harrison Ford on "The Fugitive", I wouldn't try to take off.
  3. I was at a Ron White comedy show last night, and he said he wanted to be the one to flip the execution switch for Scott Peterson. He also said that he would set the execution time at 1 AM during spring Daylight Savings Day. That way he can go into Scott's cell at midnight, tell him he has an hour left, and then go, "Ooops, spring forward! Times up."
  4. I think this is an excellent stance. First off, it really is negative for young girls to constantly see these gaunt images of women. Secondly, I like boobs.
  5. Hammer and Sickle has some very important patches, because it's buggier than a ham sandwich on an ant hill.
  6. I hope this thread can survive until you get to a computer. Take care, we'll be thinking about you.
  7. I think meta has been taken over by a prozac dealin' bot.
  8. Knives become much more effective in Hammer and Sickle. In Silent Storm, you pretty much need to rely on the short burst for your sneaky guys, or get comfortable reloading constantly.
  9. It's only awkward when it's over. I mean, are you now required to attend the funeral? Are you supposed to put flowers on the headstone? Or can you just toss a couple coins to her and call it a day?
  10. If I'm remembering correctly, and it's been years, they were upstairs in one of the back rooms. I think they might have been in a safe, or on a desk.
  11. Seriously, it's the same thing.
  12. I thought there were no children in Oblivion?
  13. No offense Greylord, but you sound a bit like a crazy person. It's not the topic or the conspiracy theory, as everyone on this board seems to have a conspiracy theory, but rather the way you type. It's like this constant stream of conscience with technical babble mixed in. Seriously, I don't doubt your intelligence...only your sanity.
  14. If that's the mission I think it, I loved it. I ended up sneaking a couple squaddies into the building, but they got separated. One team had to shoot their way out while my outside guys cleared a path. The other team went out the back and blew a hole in the wall to escape.
  15. Hmm, I never copy games or try and run copied games, and I've never had copyright protection issues. I did have some trouble running a game because of Starforce, but honestly it wasn't that hard to get the game fixed. Whining about copy protection is so last year.
  16. When playing Oblivion, I also had trouble getting excited about moving the story forward. At first, the battles were thrilling, but that adrenaline wore out rather quickly. The only real excitement for me came in the arena, and even that wasn't super challenging. There was just a sort of dullness about doing stuff. I enjoyed the game for about 25 hours, but I just didn't feel any urge to complete it or continue on.
  17. Uh oh...Eko might be on the chopping block next.
  18. So KotOR sold 470,000 copies for the PC? That's insane!
  19. I'm guessing quite a few folks who bought the original were expecting a more standard action SW game. That's the appeal of using an extablished brand, you can capture an uninformed audience. The sequel wasn't able to do the same, because the cat was out of the bag. Still, near 200,000 copies sold for an RPG is excellent.
  20. Hurlshort


    It happened in the San Jose foothills. I'm pretty upset about it, but it doesn't sound like they've released the full story. It's a bit shocking, since Bell is the same guy who got Man of the Year in Chicago.
  21. Hurlshort


    Raffi Torres and his game tying goal abilities can go to hell.
  22. I agree with Crashgirl, 1.13 is absolutely amazing. It took JA2 and makes it more graphically competitive, and adds a ton of new layers for the veterans.
  23. Eh, I'm soooo tired of hearing folks whine about Starforce. It's not that big of a deal. If you want to make copies of your games, then the current removal software is easy enough to use. And the message was recieved, as every major company has said they will not use Starforce in the future. It's NOT worth boycotting games you WANT to play over. http://www.glop.org/starforce/ for removal tips
  24. If you disliked the movie, or rather the concepts in the movie, then you won't like the game any better.
  25. I was actually surprised that Holmes was not terribly annoying. She always bugged me on Dawson's Creek (as did all the characters...but it was forced upon me by my roommates.) She filled the role of the love interest decently enough. They also didn't waste a ton of time on the romance factor in my eyes.
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