Right here you are only looking at the negative effects of religion and faith. Religion and humanity are tied together. You can look at almost every major event in history, whether it's good or bad, and find the influence of religion. Religion has done great harm, but the argument can be made that it has done even greater good. Religion is the first set of laws. It's the original code of conduct. Can a civilization grow and succeed without religion?
On the subject of odds, I don't doubt evolution. I don't even doubt that the big bang theory has some validity. I just have faith in something greater. It is almost impossible to explain, hence the plethora of different religions in our world. I believe the human spirit is far too complex to dismiss as an act of science.
Do I believe that God spoke to Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad? I believe that the human spirit can achieve amazing things. Whether the stories are true or not, no one can dismiss the impact these humans had on the history of man.