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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Trump didn't just make the Obama presidency look amazing in contrast, he rehabilitated the image of every President before him. Nixon's preserved head probably has a big smile on it, as he is now off the hook.
  2. I am not really sold on anyone creating a better Shadowrun game than the guy who designed the pen and paper version. Obsidian is great, but can they nail the tone of the books and harebrained games?
  3. This meme had me go watch the video again. It is still amazing. 10 million people thumbs upped it. Also, 743k people downthumbed it, and I'm pretty sure a few of those were at the Capitol Building Wednesday. There are some dumb people out there.
  4. You are missing out. It is an amazing game. Get over yourself and play it.
  5. I would guess we will get a Wasteland style game in a steampunk setting. I don't know, I've enjoyed a few of these reboots, unlike Azdeus. Wasteland 2 and 3 were good uses of the Wasteland IP. The Shadowrun games were great. Xcom has been excellent, I enjoyed the new Star Control. I'm happy to have some of these old properties brought back to life. Could InXile pull off the Arcanum setting? I'm not sure.
  6. You've still got one more year until it all goes downhill. My wife clearly has a sinus infection, but is freaking out about Covid and is narrating her last will and testament. I'm like, I know you are miserable about the sinus pain and pressure, but you have no other covid symptoms, you haven't been exposed to anyone, and you ran 6 miles and swam laps in the pool two days ago with no problems. You aren't dying. Take your antibiotics, get some sleep, and you will be fine in a couple days.
  7. ... Uh... Do you pay taxes? That stimulus money wasn't some magical gift from the money printer. It was a percentage of money I already gave to them. A rather small percentage.
  8. Yep, that was the other issue. I still got some good hours out of it playing through the beginning, but it was hard to stay interested in the empty version of the world. It's a shame, I was hoping more for Ultima 7 than UO.
  9. I wanted to get into Shrouds of Avatar so badly, but the weird sprawl of player stuff in every town just turned me off.
  10. Wait, some of these people that stormed the Capitol building are just protest junkies that are desperate for attention? *Le Gasp!*
  11. I should probably sit down and finish Burn Notice someday too. I lost track somewhere around season 3 or 4.
  12. Soooooo much bigger. When did ANTIFA occupy anything near this scale?
  13. Carter has some pretty good quotes on the idea that China is going to go to war with the US: https://www.npr.org/2019/04/15/713495558/president-trump-called-former-president-jimmy-carter-to-talk-about-china
  14. The fact they covered Home Alone and Die Hard means they've already covered the best Xmas movies.
  15. In November, I didn't really think there was much of a chance of the democrats winning both seats in Georgia. But I'm getting the impression that Trump's behavior over the past month has done more to hurt the Republicans running than I thought possible. Crazy times. Doesn't help that Mitch basically looked like the hatchet man for the $2k payments.
  16. I don't get the appeal of Mr. Robot at all. I watched the first season and found the main character completely unreliable and unlikeable.
  17. Heh, I think I am with Shady. I've basically become a terrorist in a desperate attempt to win Keanu's approval.
  18. Man, I don't get it. The game is huge and has a ton of content. The world is pretty dang busy. It's buggy, for sure. But I don't wander around thinking I'd really like to get more phone calls from people bugging me to do stuff. This is a big game with massive questlines to follow.
  19. Of course, Trump's base will claim the Dems are overthrowing our democracy.
  20. Hah, I did figure out that under 20 was the wrong button to push. I have no idea of those are good. Honestly I don't think she drinks the good stuff anyways, it is all fruity and too sweet for me.
  21. I bought some cranberry lime mixer and sone vodka in the hopes of taking advantage of my wife with some ****tails tonight. It worked out somewhat, but she does seem to be somewhat immune to vodka. You see, she spent a year dancing in Japan in her 20's, and now she has move onto something called Shochu: Anyways, I am drunk, and she is fine.
  22. Subnautica: Below Zero is really fantastic. They are increasing the price soon, it is only $20 now, so pick it up if you were a fan of the original. They've improved a few things and give you an excellent new world to explore.
  23. I really enjoyed Empyrion. I have grown impatient and have started playing Subnautica: Below Zero. I know it isn't totally done yet, but it is still super polished and there is a lot of story to explore. I just made my first base and I've been exploring some crazy biomes. This planet isn't quite as desolate as the last one, I already encountered a real human being.
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