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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm not sure there are a lot of math teachers pushing the narrative that construction is a bad industry to get into. Math is a pretty important part of the job.
  2. I've turned the whole Santa question with my kids into a bit of a childhood threshold they should not be in a rush to cross. I'm not going to say you should believe in Santa Clause, but Mom and Dad don't get any neat Santa presents because we are too old, so maybe don't try to grow up to fast? Enjoy the magic of Christmas. I'm sure they both know by now, but they WANT to believe, and so do I.
  3. My son and I have been pretty much exclusively Nike for years. They are pretty durable and affordable. Of course, that doesn't stop our optometrist shop from gouging us for all sorts of other weird charges. I might need a new eye doctor.
  4. In my playthrough, I was able to ally with 2 of the groups and keep one somewhat agreeable. You just have to be careful with the direct attack quests. edit: Granted I'm playing on normal, and I think it is easier to balance reputation on that difficulty.
  5. I feel like there has not been enough news about Orville. It is great. How can we end up with a million seasons of American Dad, but only 2 of Orville?
  6. I chuckle at the fact I am much more likely to be inconvenienced by the 5 AM part than the 10 PM. That is way past my bedtime. Luckily all of my 4:45 AM workouts are on hold for the winter.
  7. In related news: https://www.yahoo.com/news/teaching-pandemic-not-sustainable-194123455.html
  8. It sure makes it easy to distinguish between the real posters and the fake ones when the fake ones speak in absolutes. I mean, even Skarpie leaves himself a bit of wiggle room.
  9. I've always disliked vehicles in squad based games like Xcom and Xenonauts. I just don't feel any attachment to the vehicle like I do my troops. I mean, I know it isn't cheating, but there isn't the same sense of accomplishment when your tank does something cool.
  10. Echo chambers are all the rage this year, I guess. We will all have our own social media platforms to fit our narrow views of the world , yay!
  11. Ah. I remember this thread! I live in a small town on the southern outskirts of Silicon Valley, and we have an amazing mix of beautiful mountains and verdant valleys. Most of my pics are places I have ridden or run that are near my house. So yeah, not really the city, but what I tend to see in the distance.
  12. $20k a year is probably fine to retire on as long as you move to a country that won't medically bankrupt you.
  13. I'd imagine TP is readily available already, as I've found most public restrooms provide that and don't expect you to bring your own. Fun fact, my wife who teachers High School PE, has been buying feminine hygiene products and providing them for students for the last couple decades. She typically sells bottled water to cover the costs.
  14. You totally make me want to play an MM game, but I'm not sure I can handle the graphics anymore. I did enjoy MM X: Legacy awhile back, maybe I should give that a try? Any other decent newish Might and Magic/Lands of Lore style games? I've already played Grimrock.
  15. I'd love to do that. Hardly the hobo life, RV's these days are super swank. I am pretty sure once the kids are out of the house and self-sufficient, my wife and I will downsize to a condo or something small, and my wife and I will buy a Sprinter Van to travel in for a chunk of the year. I think I have her no board with this. I've been enjoying my new Instacart profession. It's a pretty fun side hustle. This week has been profitable with all the Thanksgiving shopping trips needed.
  16. Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary? Yell yeah! Interesting strategy using people that are actually qualified for their jobs. Wonder what Biden's end game is here?
  17. I got lost in the ventilation ducts in Underrail and never made it out. But it was fun for a bit.
  18. If you used that on a test to describe the President of the US, I would give you half credit, and that would be a gift.
  19. Agh! Got my modern day military thriller characters all mixed up.
  20. It does seem that the people that hang out here have remarkably similar tastes in gaming, which is infinitely more helpful than trying to sit through Steam reviews for a decent idea on a game. Despite that common bond, it certainly isn't an echo chamber in WoT.
  21. Whoa whoa, Volo is a fan of the NWN OC, and that is weird. I guess I should have said I was a big fan of the NWN toolset and mod community. I was actually pretty active in a project called A Land Far Away, which was a multi-server persistent world. I tried to help build the Luskan server, but I was pretty terrible at development. I haven't check on that project in a decade, and it looks like it is still going!
  22. It started off pretty innocently. I was a big fan of NWN and registered when I heard they were developing the sequel. But I didn't really join the community until I finished KotOR II and was like...this is the ending? What the heck happened? I immediately logged into Obsidian's forum to find answers, and was surprised to find them! Then I found a thread on the TV show LOST, and found even more answers. Plus some guys were talking hockey. Honestly there are some real oldie but goodie threads that just pulled me on. Look at this crazy one: More than 16 years later and we finally have BG3.
  23. Finished Jack Reacher Season 2. I had started it last year and stalled out. He still plays soldier too much for a Jack Ryan story. But I am glas I finished and I hope they get back to more analyst type stuff in season 3.
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