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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Every time I read your posts, I feel compelled to start a new game. But I think I am going to try and be patient and wait for Xenonauts 2.
  2. I started playing The Division 2. I figure it is a good idea to get used to seeing Washington DC as a battlefield, given the current trajectory of the country. So far so good!
  3. I typically only have mixed drinks when I am out with my wife, and typically we explore new drinks during our Vegas trips. But I am clearly missing all that with the pandemic, so I decided to throw some cheap bourbon in with spiced cider. It turned out pretty well! Itch is now scratched.
  4. I have a 5 Guys across the street from our in-n-out, and I go there almost exclusively. I guess it is different when you are raised with them. Habit Burger is probably my tops for a good burger chain joint.
  5. I like how you barely notice Melania has been turned into Voldemort.
  6. I miss the days where gamers sat quietly in their parent's basement trying to take over the world.
  7. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/california-inmate-who-fought-wildfires-and-completed-sentence-now-faces-deportation/2404103/?_osource=SocialFlowFB_BAYBrand&fbclid=IwAR0ZU-usHlqC7A92aO8IiXnBU2PRnrPcvWo_5kOdblvoRaUG2VZahVpmAtQ Here is another ridiculous immigration story. This guy is a legal resident and has been in the US since he was 2. He spent most of his life in the prison system after committing a crime at 16 (which seems like a completely different issue.) Apparently he did well enough in prison to qualify for the firefighter program and has been active during the recent wildfire seasons. Now that he has finished his sentence, they have detained him and are trying to ship him back to Laos. He has no family there. I don't understand how this is Laos's problem. He grew up in the US, joined a gang here, committed his crime here, and served his time here. The US is 100% responsible for whether he is able to function as a member of society. This is happening in California, for all of those that think it is some liberal sanctuary for illegals.
  8. Ok, I get that there might be other modern world games, there are other open world games. GTA is the current king of the open world genre. I preferred Saint's Row myself, but the GTA games are the benchmark. Just like Skyrim seems to be the fantasy open world benchmark (or is it Witcher 3 now?) So yeah, Cyberpunk will get the comparison unless it becomes the new benchmark.
  9. GTA is basically the original open world modern setting game, so I think that is why you are getting that comparison.
  10. You know how sometimes athletes are accused of playing too long, tarnishing their legacy in their later years because they can't get up and down the field the same way? I always thought that was bunk, but watching Guiliani erode over the last decade has turned me around on it.
  11. I would expect it to be pretty different gameplay wise, since Bond is less about stealth and disguise and more about suave and sophistication. It will be great if they can pull it off. Obviously they know how to create a great map and they've got the atmosphere down.
  12. That is a shame. The HBO documentary made it pretty clear he was extremely well intentioned.
  13. Well, when you put it THAT way... The way I see it is that a lot of much more terrible things will have to happen for it to collapse. So if it does, I will probably be more worried about surviving in the wasteland than getting my SS check in the mail.
  14. Yep, it was way better when I went back to it a few months ago than when I played it at release. The DLC is actually adding a lot to the game, basically fleshing out the entire system. It plays much more like The Long War mod for Xcom than anything else, in that it is a very slow process to work across the globe and take it back now that so much content has been added. It can be a bit grindy, but I'd say it is still worth the cost. It's not like we are drowning in complex strategy games with solid TB combat. I am not sure about load times being improved. It does run better than it did at release.
  15. Why would it be an indictment? You basically said if people didn't vote for a candidate, that candidate would not have won. That sounds like the system working perfectly. The whole spoiler argument is silly fun, because it only becomes a reality when you have an uninspired candidate. Did Ralph Nader spoil Al Gore's run? Did Ross Perot spoil George Bush's run? Probably, but you can only blame the candidates for that.
  16. Yep. Someone challenged me to do a triathlon at 39 and now I've swam across large bodies of water and traversed mountains at high rates of speed, all with a fair share of near death experiences. Good times.
  17. Finished up Season 4 of The Good Place. It ended well. It was a pretty special comedy, and I think 4 seasons is probably the perfect length. Some of these sitcoms (hard to call this a situational comedy) tend to drag on too long. Great cast, smart writing, and a fun premise. I will miss it. There is word about a spinoff with Shawn and The Bad Place. That could work.
  18. I never understand the worries about SS or other retirement plans collapsing. We pay money into them. It isn't a free money program. It might need to be adjusted or altered, but it isn't going to collapse as long as there are millions of people still paying into it with every paycheck.
  19. You probably already have UBI when you get old. That is what Social Security is. Medicare isn't UHC though. It is pretty limited.
  20. If only you used one of those thumbs to vote for it.
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