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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I like how you guys talk about your backlog as if it is a number that can potentially go down. We all know that it only increases every year.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-56126016 Interesting and somewhat sad story on the cost of misinformation and conspiracy theories.
  3. That is Cole Soup, not slaw. But yeah, that brisket looks great!
  4. The complete lack of any reaction is my life every day on zoom.
  5. Breathedge releases today, so I will start a game of that in earnest.
  6. I just don't understand how anyone complains about the game being too short. I put in about 50 hours and I don't think I was that close to the end. I stalled out, but I am pretty comfortable with the idea I will return to it. It is an enjoyable game. I think people just have crazy expectations.
  7. I got some good news on the housing front. We are renting from some friends. Eventually they want to develop the property. It is zoned residential/commercial, and they plan on putting a business at the front and condo units behind or on top. I was worried they were looking to break ground in the next yeae, but it sounds like they are waiting. They are also interested in letting us buy a condo unit, which might be perfect for us. We love the location, so hopefully we can figure out a way to stay long term.
  8. Hah, watch it end up with a Brian Mitsoda led studio.
  9. Probably a good mix of people that never played it and have it just sitting in their library, and a few that just played it in offline mode. As a kickstarter game, some people might have it on other platforms as well. I never beat it. Played a ton of hours but preferred to tool around in my sub.
  10. Do they have options on this stuff? I know trying to read my pg&e bill is way above my paygrade. They recently changed my plan to a different tier automatically. I had to sign stuff to get it back to what it was before. The point is most typical consumers are not experts in this, and they really shouldnt need to be. There should be reasonable limits on the way a utitliy comapny can fleece you, given it is something we all rely on.
  11. But guys, there was a picture of a frozen windmill, so clearly DP is correct.
  12. That is karma for not putting the Sharks in the Lake Tahoe game. Also, it did look beautiful, at least.
  13. I picked up Battlefield 1 on sale. It is the first BF game I've played in a long while, but it still felt pretty comfortable from my BF2 days. I played through the pilot storyline and it was alright.
  14. Yeah, nobody is defending Facebook for this stuff, just pointing out they are free to do it. It would be even worse to allow the government to force a private company into publishing something they don't want, but I suppose they is a lot of wiggle room there.
  15. The idea that these people are simply unprepared and should be blamed is pretty callous. These are people that are likely adept at dealing with hurricanes and heat waves. They are facing something nearly unprecedented for the region.
  16. This movie was super important for me as a late elementary school kid.
  17. I assume EDI is different than ED. Although it sounds like women can help with both.
  18. But won't the brick crumble when the earthquakes hit?
  19. I am curious what Howard Stern will say about tomorrow on the radio.
  20. Former Colorado City mayor has an interesting approach to the current weather emergency.
  21. 1300 square feet. This isn't Texas. The 2000-3000 square foot houses around here are well over a million. Everything new is built in the 2000 square foot range, so there is also very little inventory under a million and they are all older.
  22. For sure. But there is basically a Portand in every geographical region of this country, so I'm no sure why you would need to go to that city specifically. I can just go over to Santa Cruz for the same thing. Texas has Austin. GD has Memphis.
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