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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Interesting. I started using Galaxy this last year and even bought a couple new games through them, instead of just classics, so I supposed I am part of the growth. Although the low refund rate is interesting, because it seems much harder to get a refund from them compared to Steam.
  2. Unless you are talking about Xcom, because an 80% hit chance will always miss.
  3. I think I've railed against the follies of private schools enough, so I won't get into this story.
  4. He got beat up on all film, and then he got armor that let him get beat up on. Seemed reasonable to me. He was very good as an actor and in the action, I thought. His fight with Goro was great.
  5. It really needs to change the format. They want it to be this glamorous night where we get a peak at all the people behind the movie magic. But there is nothing really mysterious about celebrities anymore. We see them all the time now. We have constant access to their lives. Ricky Gervais made it into a mockery, rightly so, and you can't go back to taking it seriously. It should either be a simplified way of recognizing those who work in the industry, or it should focus way more on the behind the scenes action. Like go deep on the nooks and crannies of the studio lots. We have enough access to the stars, I want to know more about the key grip.
  6. The stories are rarely all that engaging, though. I mean, Horizon: Zero Dawn was above average, but I remember there was some big reveal 20+ hours in that was pretty predictable, and then it became clear what the end was going to look like (spoiler alert: you need to fight a boss at the end.) Most of these open world games don't really keep me on the edge of my seat with story. The exception is probably Saint's Row 2.
  7. Seems like a very negative way to say we need to be more positive about the world we live in.
  8. Maybe you just need to adjust your expectations on how the game will play out for you. I mean, clearly you enjoyed the first half of the game. You probably got a lot of hoursof enjoyment out of that. Why isn't that enough? Do you really need to complete all the content to call it a good experience? I don't go into open world games expecting to finish anything anymore. I go in to explore, and when it gets tedious, I stop.
  9. I delivered groceries to a guy in an RV yesterday. He was parked on the street next to an RV repair shop, rather than in a park. I talked to him quite a bit as I unloaded. He said he had lost his spot at a nearby park, and the repair shop was letting him use their address for deliveries. He said he was an engineer, but he was on disability, and he was just trying to get healthy so he could get back to work. I had a good conversation with the guy, he was friendly and personable. I was pretty upset afterwards. First off, I'm delivering stuff that I know is unhealthy for this guy. 15 bottles of Pepsi Zero are not going to help him get better. Secondly I'm like, where are the services to help this guy. He seemed intelligent, it didn't seem like drugs were an issue. He was unhealthy and disabled, but it seems like we should have systems in place to help people with better nutrition, better mental health, and better physical health. I think we just let people like this languish in poverty and it sucks.
  10. The camps are pretty great, and the loot you can get from them is better than in the past.. I also killed some big guy with a key and unlocked a cage with a prisoner, and viola, I had a new follower. That was a pretty cool moment.
  11. I think zucchini bread is just for people that want to eat cake but feel healthy about it. Zucchini makes it sound nutritious.
  12. Mortal Kombat was super fun. It is still a bit of a B movie, but it was well done. The new guy, Jax, Scorpian, Sub-Zero, and Kano were all excellent in their parts. Goro looked great. The fighting was fantastic, violent, and had a bunch of nods to the game. I'm not going to say it broke the mold of bad video game adaptations. It was still a pretty silly film. But it was worth the watch. It's set up nicely for a sequel, so hopefully we get to see more.
  13. I suppose there is a first time for everything. But I'm pretty sure it will not just be a sporting event, as it has always been much more than that.
  14. Uh oh, let's hope this doesn't lead to a curse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curse_of_the_Billy_Goat
  15. I go into every series expecting an implosion, so you will get no argument for me. I am shocked at their record right now. The pen has actually blown 3 games too. I still think they are a .500 team at the end of this, but it has been fun so far. I love the Buster Posey renaissance. The way he is throwing out runners is just as big as the homers.
  16. Damn. My son spent a week in the NICU too. It was not anywhere near that and that would have been very difficult to deal with on top of all the other new child expenses. I am sorry to hear that.
  17. Yeah, I was double covered at the time, so it was super cheap to have kids too. That has changed tremendously over the last decade. Premium costs have skyrocketed, so paying for double coverage is no longer very viable.
  18. I heard a good interview this morning on Howard Stern with Jon Stewart. I'm pretty sure it was a re-run, but I thought it was well thought out: https://people.com/tv/jon-stewart-on-daily-show-improvements-diversity-inclusion/ Basically, it talks about the importance of systematic change. The Chauvin verdict is good because it hold an officer accountable for use of force that resulted in death, but what we really need is systematic change. That is what the guy was trying to get at in the Tucker Carlson interview as well.
  19. My wife requires a enzyme to help her pancreas continue working. She takes them with every meal. When she first started taking them, it was $90 a month to buy them at our pharmacy. Without insurance, it would be about $300. After a few months of that, I called the insurance company to complain about the cost. They told me to use a different pharmacy that they have a better rate with. Now we pay $15 a month. That is great, but this is still a stupid system.
  20. I'm not sure. I guess it is like porn, you know it when you see it.
  21. I know that is tongue and cheek, but I do wonder how people would react to restrictions on the aesthetics of guns. Packaging does matter. We restrict the way tobacco products are marketed, we don't let people put a bunch of spikes on their cars, so could we restrict the look of guns without running afoul of the 2nd amendment?
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