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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Honestly though, no one here has really 'celebrated' the death of anyone. I doubt anyone is dancing around and toasting a glass to his death. There is always going to be a disconnect when it comes to celebrity. These aren't personal relationships, and so I have a hard time attacking someone's empathy over any of it. Back to the Jesse Jackson situation: I think he is a very complex character. He was with Martin Luther King Jr. when he died. If Jackson passes, I'll think more about the civil rights movement of the 60's and his place in it than anything else.
  2. "Happy he is dead" and "Relief that a toxic individual is no longer spewing toxicity" are two slightly different things, I suppose.
  3. I don't know why, but this made me picture Kathy Ireland dressed as Guybrush Threepwood.
  4. Whoops, you might have forgotten to check your character notes before you posted this. You are supposed to be an idealistic young communist heading off to college.
  5. Reminscence - Hugh Jackman is a hard nosed memory detective working in a dystopian Miami, when the wrong sexy redhead walks into his office with a case. It was a fun spin on the trope.
  6. I remember a lot of puzzles from the olden days just because I really had to work to solve them, as there was not internet of things. I remember getting killed by a snake in King's Quest V on my way to the mountains, and having to call a hint line, where they told me I had to get some item from earlier in the game. I remember trying to match punchlines to the swordmaster in Monkey Island. That was probably my favorite puzzle ever. But I've really lost my love for the genre. I've tried a few over the recent years, and they do not capture my imagination the way they used to. I don't know why.
  7. Hmm. I took a class on this a long time ago. The professor's view was that the Bay of Pigs was the real teachable moment for Kennedy, and it was that failure that led to his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis. That's why I hate this constant parade of old people we seem to have in politics. Give me candidates that are capable of growth and change.
  8. I would say Eisenhower after WWII was hugely important, as it was his military experience that allowed him to reign them in. Although it is likely that someone like Patton would have gone the opposite direction.
  9. Was the one on the far right an M16?
  10. Are you suggesting the Obsidian forums try to fill the niche? Alright, I'm in, but no butt stuff.
  11. He had such a bizarre career trajectory. I disagree with Bart about him sucking, but he was not a good fit for the QB position. Against all odds though, he ended up a starter, and then had a few magical 4th quarters. Tebow Time became a movement. I think the animus against comes from that tremendous popularity despite not passing the eye test or really having the skillset. I don't think the evangelical Christian stuff caused the animus, but it fed the flame. John Elway, one of the greatest QB's ever, was in a weird spot dealing with Tebow. He knew the guy lacked the abilities to be an NFL QB. How many late game magical runs did he really have in him? But he was hugely popular. He had to go find a hall of famer to replace him, which is pretty crazy for a guy who won 1 playoff game. Hence the Peyton Manning signing. Then Tebow went and played baseball, and he filled the stands. It is pretty amazing that he was able to compete at the minor league level. That means he didn't suck. But yeah, he didn't deserve the positive or negative coverage as he worked his way through the bush leagues. So yeah, the guy has always had a strange microscope on his career.
  12. Small class sizes in public education? What kind of fantasy world do you think we live in?!? (Side note: My classroom ventilation system was built in the 50's and is probably pumping out asbestos.)
  13. Ok, my Underrail game has finally stalled out. It actually went really well. I made it all the way to the Abyss. But I'm pretty sure I am underlevelled, and I don't want to take on the big boss, so I'm going to just stay there. It was still a fantastic playthrough. I have a lot of hours in this game. I've moved on to Solastra. I am a couple hours into it and it has a lot of character options. So far so good.
  14. I agree. edit: Dangit, Gorth beat me to it by hours.
  15. My 11-year old (who was 9 when this all started) is probably better than anyone else in the family at wearing his mask. He even wears it for hockey practice. Granted we invested in some decent masks early on and they have been well worth it. I am in my first week of teaching 7th graders, and I haven't had a single complaint about the masks from my 170 students. They wear them in class, and they wear them most of the time outside unless they are eating or drinking. Us teachers probably complain the most. I hate it, for sure. But I also try to remember that grocery store workers and many others have basically been living in these things for the last year and a half, so I can handle it. My wife has more problems with students in High School. She has a whole group she calls the Trumpsters that driver her nuts with complaining about the masks. Keep in mind, my wife is a lifelong Republican, but she still has to do her job and some of these kids are a pain in the rear. I'd imagine the younger the kids are, the more lenient the policies are going to be when it comes to masks. But, like wearing pants, using the bathroom, and washing your hands, you can work with little kids on the skills they need to function in public.
  16. Yes, that is what I was saying. Her response was perfect to his clumsy statement.
  17. What group of scientists and doctors are speaking against vaccines?
  18. I like her response when he tells her it is in Islam to were the the niqab. Is it really in Islam? No.
  19. Why did we need the weird guy yelling wtf at the end? He ruined that clip.
  20. Endoscopes are rough, but it is important to do it. I shook the entire time. Colonoscopy was a cakewalk in comparison.
  21. Eh, nobody cares when a President gets up and says stupid things anymore. It's business as usual.
  22. Hah, way better than your casings of meat by-product.
  23. What a historically dumb article. I mean that both ways. edit: Let me clarify. The article is a shallow tackling of a huge subject. I do take solace in the fact that the headline wasn't actually written by the Vanderbilt History Professor, but I still think it was a strange half-hearted opinion piece that doesn't really work.
  24. I'm at a loss about Afghanistan. I don't really understand how to win the ideological part of such a war. The Taliban are terrible and it is hard to understand how people embrace that kind of rule in such large numbers. But barging in with Western rule and ideas seems to be pretty dang ineffective, so clearly we need a new strategy.
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