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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I survived my 8-day family trip to Vegas. One neat side effect is my son came home wanting to play Fallout: NV after I spent the whole trip pointing out landmarks to him.
  2. No Sudden Move - Stylish 50's crime caper with a fantastic cast. This movie had a lot of moving parts, but it flowed very well together. I enjoyed the heck out of it. This was the best Benicio Del Toro role in awhile, and Don Cheadle was great. Tomorrow War - Stupid. I mean, I guess it had good effects. The guy from Parks and Rec and the girl from Chick were not terrible, but they also weren't not not terrible. JK Simmons was the bright spot. I should add that the premise is this former spec. forces guy is unhappy as a science teacher and is struggling to find his purpose, and the whole plot kind of revolves around how education is not a good enough job. Thanks, Hollywood.
  3. I picked up Wildermyth, and it is a fantastic experience. I love the generational gaming aspect. My early heroes are all close to retirement, and the next generation is getting ready to take over.
  4. Forum plot twist, Keyrock gave birth to mkreku!
  5. Yeah, but if people work from home, how do all the micromanagers justify their existence?
  6. It seems to be a linguistic map, not a tribal map. Edit: I guess the correct term would be political or nation map, rather than tribal. I always have to spend time explaining the difference between the settled civilizations of the Aztec and Maya and the migratory nature of the groups in the north.
  7. It is in my class. Technically we divide it up into more units over a couple years of teaching history. Aztec and Maya get their own lessons. Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico blend with the Age of Exploration, and the Northeastern stuff is all separate. In California, we also focus specifically on the California tribes at one point.
  8. I am in Vegas for 8 days. We are attending a danve competition for my daughter, so it isn't quite a vacation. We spend a good chunk of the day in a convention center. I love Vegas, but it usually just my wife and I. We eat at nice restaurants, drink in fancy bars, see shows, and relax at the spas and the pools. Most of that is not happening with the family. But we have had a couple good meals with the kids. Because we have to be at The Mirage from noon-9 most days, we end up fighting the casino crowds much more than I typically would. Getting to our hotel last night was not easy. Taxi stands were packed and the strip was a mess. Thankfully we are staying at a Residence Inn off the strip, so we get a bit of serenity before we go back in the maelstrom.
  9. Not his best writing. 1/10
  10. Or just a great way to troll people before you go out.
  11. Charging stations are pretty widespread now. Plus you really only need an outlet to get some juice.
  12. I haven't done it, but it is supposed to be about 5 minutes. It is supposed to be similar to filling a propane tank, but I think they've improved the pump design somewhat. Still gets cold apparently, so hopefully it doesn't freeze over. Ask as many questions as you'd like. Trying to answer them is helping me understand the car.
  13. I paid $44k ($59k - $15k manufactures rebate.) I had $7k in trade in value, so ended up financing $37k. The financing is at a 0% interest rate for 6 years though, so that was a huge factor for me. There is an $8k tax credit for federal and $4.5k California tax credit, so that helps a ton too. With the $15k gas card, that brings the cost down quite a bit. If I do some mental gymnastics, I can convince myself I got a pretty killer deal on it. In reality I'll save some money on gas and maintenance, but still have about a $500 payment on the vehicle every month. Which doesn't seem too bad for the first luxury car I've ever owned. It feels like a Lexus.
  14. That's a bit complicated. The tank holds 5.6 kg. The average price seems to be $16.51 per kg at the limited stations available today. A full tank is supposed to get you about 400 miles, so it could be pretty pricey. But hydrogen prices are supposed to drop way down as the infrastructure expands, so hopefully that is a temporary concern. The cheeky answer is it costs me nothing. Toyota gives you a $15k hydrogen card with purchase, so they are basically covering the first 3 years of fuel costs. They also covered the first 3 years of maintenance. I have to take it in every 6 months so they can run diagnostics, but it shouldn't cost me out of pocket for awhile.
  15. The future has arrived. This thing is super fun to drive. It also pees h2o.
  16. Heh, lot to unpack there, but you aren't going to find many churches siding with you on that one: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32960507
  17. They really ran with that joke.
  18. That looks pretty good. Developer seems to have a good track record, so I look forward to seeing it on release. Edit: Oh, I was grinding through Phoenix Point, but finally gave up and started cheating to get to the end. I do enjoy that the game takes the Long War approach to the campaign, but eventually the missions start to get stale and I just don't want to gather crates on resource missions anymore.
  19. What student athletes actually receive in terms of tuitions, room and board varies dramatically based on the school, the programs, and their value to said program.
  20. Huh, that is an interesting premise and an unfortunate name.
  21. I am surprised the Nets are out in the 2nd round, but I guess that shows how the most important ability for a team is availability. It's a pretty bizarre batch of teams left.
  22. Yeah, I swore off nestle years ago when they had a fight with California over water during a terrible drought.
  23. LC, that's a fierce looking car. Pictures of mine will have to wait. They didn't have my color in stock (charcoal) so I have a loaner for the time being. The Mirai definitely feels futuristic. It has all the sensors and self parking stuff. Plus it has butt coolers, which was great on a hot day. I also hear I may need to fight people at the hydrogen stations to fill it up, so very Mad Max futuristic.
  24. Ok, I bought a Toyota Mirai. First new car I have ever owned and it is fancy. There was a ton of incentives to make it affordable, but I still walked out twice, so I think I got them down to a decent price. Actually the haggling is mostly over how much my trade-in is worth.
  25. I'm going to challenge this a bit because I think too many people get hung up on dates when it comes to history. But honestly that is super low on the list of what is needed to understand historical events. What really needs to be focused on is the order of the events and the cause and effect. Sorry, it's just I'm constantly drilling into my students how unimportant it is that they managed to rote memorize a bunch of dates. It means nothing if you don't understand how we got there and what the impact was. So yeah, it's your engineering education.
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