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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Do teacher's unions support democrats because democrats support education? Or is it vice versa? My wife is a public school teacher and was a registered Republican through her 20's. But eventually it seemed like voting Republican was a vote against her livelihood, so she has been a little less keen to vote red in her 40's. The Republican party doesn't seem to be in a hurry to change that. As for the liberal bent of most educators, I know I've gone over this before, but you have a group of people that spent 5 years in college to take a job that is high on intrinsic rewards and low on monetary ones. Of course they are going to be idealistic and less conservative than the average person.
  2. Damn, I should have put money down on this.
  3. I just read an article about Sunisa Lee being the new favorite, so I imagine she is not crushed that she has a shot at gold.
  4. Just combine them. I'll get your drift.
  5. As a mandated reporter and someone who deals with children affected by domestic violence on a somewhat regular basis, I would say there is a definite distinction. Not to take away from the disturbing images of police violence, protests, and general public mayhem, but what happens within a family unit behind closed doors is always going to hit a nerve with me. Honestly though, I don't even think anyone posted the 9-minute clip of George Floyd dying in the political thread. We were able to to have a full conversation on the matter without the video, just like we are having a discussion on domestic violence right now. It isn't 4chan (or whatever is the current hub of gross videos) and we don't need to see every violent clip to have a reasonable discussion.
  6. I would have reported a domestic violence video there as well. I mean, we can discuss domestic violence without posting footage, if you would like. I just don't think that is going to go very long, as I would hope we would all be firmly in the 'oppose it' camp. I pretty much tune out the anti-American tripe that Comrade posts. It is perfectly fair to say that domestic violence is not limited to one geographic region or racial group, but he has a schtick that is pretty played out at this point.
  7. It was a disturbing video no matter how you look at it. Domestic abuse is a difficult topic to discuss. Posting videos of it on a video game forum would seem to be very out of bounds.
  8. That Ghostbusters looks pretty dang fun. I'm excited for it. Of course, I didn't react with some weird abhorrence to the 2016 film. It was a pretty standard comedy that didn't really fit the tone of the originals. It was just goofy and filled with gags, and the story was forgettable. I'd say it is pretty easy to forget it as part of the Ghostbusters universe.
  9. I guess I should have said SG1. I never finished Atlantis and Universe looked boring.
  10. Stargate had a pretty solid progression and concluding story arc.
  11. Yep, I have a soy intolerance. I can eat it, but too much messes with me. I look for stuff cooked in other types of oils.
  12. Apparently it references these statues that are around the city: https://www.sculpturecenter.org/oosi/items/show/109
  13. Huh. They had Tom Hanks narrate the name change, which is pretty smart. But yeah, still doesn't really resonate. I think the most jarring thing, as a non-Cleveland fan, is that it will make watching Major League a bit weird. It seems strange they didn't go with something Rock centric. The label did come out decently.
  14. The impossible meat stuff is so weird to me because I love a decent grilled veggie burger. I don't need it to taste like meat if it is just well seasoned veggies, beans, quinoa, or whatever else. But the impossible burger turns me off because I don't know what is in it. I assume jackfruit, but the lab stuff creeps me out.
  15. The Outer Worlds was on sale on Steam for $20, and the expansions were another $20. Not exactly a huge deal, but I played it on the Gamepass originally so I'm happy to have it added to my steam library for that price.
  16. Cube crawls and parties? How is this stuff still considered a good idea in a work environment?
  17. I'm a big fan of the 12-hour fast idea. I've been doing it for 2 years and I've had less issues. It isn't a hard fast for me though, I have a protein shake in the morning. I have had issues consuming enough calories, so that is needed.
  18. I think both the graphic and this statement are the wrong way to look at the issue. We have enough food to feed the world. We have enough roofs to house the people. We also have the resources and the technology to send people to space. It's not like if we grounded these rockets, suddenly we would solve the first two problems. The problems are too complex to solve with simple memes.
  19. And we have been vaccinating for over a 1,000 years. It isn't exactly a new science.
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