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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That looks pretty good. Developer seems to have a good track record, so I look forward to seeing it on release. Edit: Oh, I was grinding through Phoenix Point, but finally gave up and started cheating to get to the end. I do enjoy that the game takes the Long War approach to the campaign, but eventually the missions start to get stale and I just don't want to gather crates on resource missions anymore.
  2. What student athletes actually receive in terms of tuitions, room and board varies dramatically based on the school, the programs, and their value to said program.
  3. Huh, that is an interesting premise and an unfortunate name.
  4. I am surprised the Nets are out in the 2nd round, but I guess that shows how the most important ability for a team is availability. It's a pretty bizarre batch of teams left.
  5. LC, that's a fierce looking car. Pictures of mine will have to wait. They didn't have my color in stock (charcoal) so I have a loaner for the time being. The Mirai definitely feels futuristic. It has all the sensors and self parking stuff. Plus it has butt coolers, which was great on a hot day. I also hear I may need to fight people at the hydrogen stations to fill it up, so very Mad Max futuristic.
  6. Ok, I bought a Toyota Mirai. First new car I have ever owned and it is fancy. There was a ton of incentives to make it affordable, but I still walked out twice, so I think I got them down to a decent price. Actually the haggling is mostly over how much my trade-in is worth.
  7. I'm going to challenge this a bit because I think too many people get hung up on dates when it comes to history. But honestly that is super low on the list of what is needed to understand historical events. What really needs to be focused on is the order of the events and the cause and effect. Sorry, it's just I'm constantly drilling into my students how unimportant it is that they managed to rote memorize a bunch of dates. It means nothing if you don't understand how we got there and what the impact was. So yeah, it's your engineering education.
  8. I am thinking about buying a hydrogen car. The Toyota Mirai looks sweet and has a ton of promotions around it. I have fueling stations somewhat close to me, amd a bunch near my work, so it might be a good deal. It shouldn't explode like the Hindenberg.
  9. Specific dates from history are less important than the intent behind the observation. It's not like Jesus was born on December 25th. I think it is great for people to understand that it was a long process to end slavery with many important steps, and there is still progress to be made. Juneteenth is a good time to acknowledge that.
  10. Hmm, I guess I should be more specific. When I say young people, I mean ages 10-20. Honestly 20-30 year old people should have a clue. That isn't very young.
  11. This is not new. Young people have always had a naivete about what is right and wrong. Distrust of authority and government and thinking critically about society come with age.
  12. Yep, I moved the mattress out into the living room where we have a decent AC unit. We are camping out until it cools down tomorrow.
  13. Pain is just weakness leaving the bidy, boys.
  14. I like this, but glasses are much different than taking medication. I'd be concerned about taking a pill to improve my eyesight for the rest of my life because there is a good chance there could be side effects. Glasses are a simple fix for a disability. They aren't necessarily prefect and they don't really fix the problem. But I do believe we need to focus on more simple fixes in mental health. Do you exercise every day? Do you practice good nutrition? I'm not saying these should be used instead of medication, but they should be the first steps. I've had a lot of students over the years with different levels of ADHD. Some relied on medication. It worked. They'd sit at the front of the class and get their work done quietly. But it also seemed to stifle them. I had one student who dramatically changed his diet. He would also constantly need to move around. I set him up in the back of the class with some standing desks and basically gave him free reign to roam. He still did great at the work and he was able to avoid meds. I still get updates from his family, since I taught a number of their kids, and he has thrived as he has gotten older. This is only one specific scenario, I can't say it is the right solution for every kid. But I think we need to be open to finding the best natural options for every kid before we commit to meds.
  15. Hah, that was what I was thinking. She attended one college and is assuming that they are run exactly the same. It's kind of a big country. Your mileage may vary dramatically. Heck, UC Berkeley is a state school and it is still going to be dramatically different than UCLA.
  16. On the same topic: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-06-14/california-defies-doom-with-no-1-u-s-economy I know a number of people who moved out of the Bay Area in the last year. As much as I daydream about the idea, the reality is the grass is rarely greener. A bunch of them ended up in Texas right before the Snowpocalypse. It was easy for them to leave because the housing market is on fire. They were able to sell properties and pocket a ton of equity. Which says two things: 1. There is still a tremendous amount of people who want to live and buy houses in the Bay Area. 2. It will be very difficult to move back if they decided to change their minds.
  17. The Bethesda space game trailer told me very little. I will probably still get it, as they've really only had one clunker recently, and hopefully this is nothing like Fallout 76.
  18. It has a fair amount of gaps. The lumber is nothing fancy and created a lot of natural space, since it didn't fit perfectly.
  19. I finished building a deck in the backyard. I spent a couple months trying to harvest pallets for wood, but I finally broke down and bought a couple hundred dollars worth of 8-foot pieces. I blew the budget a bit, but still ended up keeping the project around $350.
  20. Given the month, I think we can all guess what the revelation is in He-Man.
  21. I need 36 8-foot boards to complete my deck. I have been trying to break apart pallets for the wood, and I've completed the foundation and the walkway part, but the large area needs larger pieces and I think I need to bite the bullet and buy them. Also, it is my first day of summer break, so I want to get this project done so I can enjoy the backyard.
  22. Since we are slightly on the subject, this guy got his job back by court order: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/byron-tanner-cross-reinstated-transgender-pronouns-virginia/2564721/?_osource=SocialFlowFB_BAYBrand&fbclid=IwAR1MDF4wmvUgheZC2o3OywZ0G6AC4AJ0TY3NqICB4F4CHJBMe2K-SgvGOlM You know, I've had about 2 transgender students in 20 years of teaching. It's not a very common situation, and in elementary it would be even more rare. So this guy was basically protesting over something he will almost never actually encounter. Also, I tend to call my students what they want. I've got a ton of kids with hard to pronounce names, and they prefer to be called something else. It would be a **** move to keep butchering their names. So this guy is just a **** using religion as his excuse.
  23. Speaking of Xcom, I've been playing the spiritual successor to the original, or whatever it is we call Phoenix Point. This is my second play through, and they've added a lot to it since I played a little over a year ago. The air combat aspect is new and pretty decent. I don't really like the minigame attached, but the large thing flying in the sky and the need to outfit and manage fighter craft is fun. I've just started building my 3rd squad to help me cover the map and the encroaching mist. It is also much easier recruiting from outposts than the traditional way. They are more expensive, but they come fully kitted out. I think I'll try to side with Synedrion eventually, but unfortunately the cult is the one bugging me for help the most. Also, the newest DLC was free for me on Epic, but my Steam version wanted me to pay for it. I ended up with both since I kickstarted it.
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