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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well, I know you have a straw hat. Do you drink sweet tea? That should be enough to clinch it.
  2. It looks like the Christian version of the latest popular movie genre. Where is Kirk Cameron?
  3. I don't mind it when my team wins, but it is fake baseball when they lose. I don't know, I hated it at first but now it is growing on me, just like the DH grew on me last year. Other sports have changed their OT's as well. The shootout is fun to watch but has very little to do with the sport of hockey. At least they are still playing baseball in extra innings instead of a home run derby. It speeds up the game, saves wear and tear on the players, is completely fair since both teams get the same advantage, and it does ratchet up the tension. We will just have to wait until the playoffs to get our 18 inning grindfests in.
  4. My daughter was watching Labyrinth yesterday and asked why they didn't make any more movies in the setting. I tried to explain to her that Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal for some reason just didn't do well at the box office. It is hard to explain when we live in a world where basically every kids movie is a massive hit. Poor Jim Henson.
  5. I had the same reaction to Breathedge. I liked it enough to get to the second act, but leaving behind the whole area kind of killed what Iike in these crafting games. Plus the humor was off for me. I don't regret buying it, but it is not Subnautica.
  6. Yeah, my wife attends a gym called F45, and no apparently all of her gym swag makes her a Trumper.
  7. Texas is also not a densely populated state.
  8. Coo Too bad the same isn't happening in Florida.
  9. Opening day is always a bit funny. I went to bed last night and the Giants were up 6-1 after 7 innings, and the Mariners had only managed 2 hits. Woke up to see they lost 7-8.
  10. Opening Day! I'm enjoying watching the Giants.
  11. There is some real mental gymnastics happening on that one. What is your point in posting this?
  12. I drove to work for the first time since September. It is strange how much I missed my classroom. I usually take a break from this room for about 2 months over the summer, but it has been my workspace for the last 17 years, and it was strange to have such a long break. It is a lot easier to get stuff done without the distractions of homelife. Also, I had to log in here on my work laptop, and I had a bit of an issue, until I remembered to change an h to an n.
  13. It is upsetting that you both haven't played Xcom 2 yet. Rectify that immediately!
  14. Heh, it's a hassle just letting my son play my games right now on steam. The family mode doesn't work well. Basically we can't both play two different games online at the same time.
  15. I mean, you do talk about the piles of gold you have buried around your sprawling acreage pretty regularly.
  16. It is absurd, for sure. Although it sounds like it is just an event. Biden didn't put him in charge of the department of Women, or anything like that.
  17. Yeah, I was up $17 a couple weeks ago on my Workhorse stock. But then I lost it the next week. I'm not very good at this stock market stuff.
  18. You can't just sell your house and live on the equity for a few years until you hit 65? I'm pretty sure you are in a better boat than I am. I am in the red. My pension will be nice, I guess.
  19. Every year my cycling group participates in the Tour de Cure to raise money for Diabetes research. We just started fundraising for the year. Last year I raised about $800 and as a group we broke the $30k mark. We ended up with an 80-mile ride with about 6,000 feet of climbing, so hopefully that fits DP's definition of a healthy lifestyle. Contributions are greatly appreciated: http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR?px=15363308&pg=personal&fr_id=13306
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