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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The whole debate around the AR-15 is a little crazy. This is the weapon that has seemed to consistently show up in mass shootings time and time again. Gun activists love to argue that it is not really an assault rifle. But you know what? It looks like one. So you get all sorts of crazy people gravitating towards it because it looks scary and not like something you'd go deer hunting with. Which should be a giant red flag right there. Honestly I have no problem with hunters, sport clay shooters, pistol range shooters, or even those looking to defend their homes. It's the clowns that dress up in military garb and think they are GI Joe that scare me.
  2. I have been pretty shocked at how the housing market has continued to get further and further out of reach where I live. I can't actually save enough to keep up with it, so I have resigned myself to the idea we will buy out of the area when we are close to retirement. But this was an interesting watch and reinforcement of what I see happening:
  3. As was pointed out, every situation varies drastically depending on a tremendous amount of factors. Which is just one of the incredibly stupid aspects of the healthcare system in the US. But Gfted1 lives a charmed life, so he doesn't need to worry about hismelf and his own. *shrug*
  4. I feel you. I can't eat anything with soy or nuts anymore. I do try and find decent replacements for this stuff. Sunbutter cups from Trader Joes is a pretty good replacement for peanut butter cups, and they have a decent toaster pastry (although it still has a ton of sugar.)
  5. Fabricated? I mean, the guy died. Does he die if things stay quiet and he has a normal day at his post? He seems to have underlying health conditions, and that will mean it is unlikely anyone will be fully prosecuted for his death. Hardly means the story was fabricated.
  6. I think a lot of sporting events are requiring you to show proof of vaccination, or at least are planning to as they open up.
  7. I remember this one: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/11/08/when-a-bystander-fired-on-the-texas-church-shooter-the-nra-found-its-hero/
  8. Resurrection time I know we discuss guns in the political thread regularly, but that is busy with a lot of other stuff, and I found this gem of a thread that was more specific. Mass shootings are back in the news after a relatively quiet year. The FedEx shooting is terrible and tragic, and was committed by an individual that exhibited all of the warning signs you would expect. His mother had reported him to law enforcement and he went through an investigation. He was active on white supremacism websites. Despite that, he was still able to legally purchase two "assault rifles" (that is how the police department characterized them.) Indiana actually has a law on the books to try and stop this, which can be seen as a gun control law. But is it effective? It clearly failed here. So how do we prevent these type of things?
  9. Very excited to watch Marleau break the record tonight. What a career! He's never had the massive seasons and awards, but at the end of the day he has had a tremendous impact on my home town and my hockey club. I basically grew up watching him score big goals for the Sharks. I was a senior in high school his rookie year.
  10. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html
  11. It sounds like a simple question. How much does an x-ray cost? But this is what the answer looks like: https://affordablescan.com/x-ray/cost/california Which is kind of a dark humor, I suppose.
  12. Irresponsible is an understatement when it comes to the health care system in the US.
  13. Hah, you say that like Americans go in for regular checkups and the doctors look for conditions. In the US, you develop the condition, and then if you feel up for paying the deductibles and co-pays, you go in to get treated. Duh. Liberals are much more likely to go to a doctor for mental stuff, is what that graph shows.
  14. I cleared some sort of goblin dungeon on the Isle of Siptah in Conan Exiles. It was scary. I'm enjoying the Isle a ton. It's fun just to have a whole new area to explore, but I also feel like funcom has come along way with the engine and their world building, and it resulted in a pretty focused expansion with great effects. I am building my fortress on a large rock outcropping in the middle of the maelstrom.
  15. Sure, but they didn't kill him once he was in custody either. At least, not yet. I guess there is still time.
  16. They also threw out a stat of 65% of people being lactose intolerant, which I think is rubbish. School children should have a pretty decent tolerance for lactose. As I understand it, most of us become less tolerant as we age. That being said, avoiding all the highly processed crap would be great.
  17. That reason is because it is a fantastic movie.
  18. Geez. I would definitely die.
  19. Yeah, the public and the media are going to make it hard for him to get away with it. The 9-minute video of him slowly killing the guy doesn't help, either.
  20. China isn't going to invade Taiwan. They don't have a track record of doing things like that. They will find another way to take it if they want it.
  21. It doesn't seem to be exclusive if it is also on the Switch.
  22. I had some water heater issues last month. The pilot light kept going out. I could relight it, and it wasn't a gas issue, so I called the plumber who installed it. The unit was only about 18 months old, so it was still under warranty. Turns out the control panel had some bad fuses or something, but the replacement parts were back ordered, so he ended up replacing the entire unit. It was good for a few weeks, and then yesterday it was completely off. Like, no blinking light saying there was an issue. So I'm like, where is the power to this thing? Is it a breaker switch issue? WTH? I called the plumber again (after a cold shower) and he said it is not wired into anything. He ran me through a couple steps and I was able to relight it. But now I'm like, how does this thing get power? Mysteries of home maintenance.
  23. Baseball has such good stories. Lamonte Wade Jr. woke up this morning in Sacramento in the minors, got the call to make the 90-minute drive to San Francisco, and then got his first taste of centerfield in a super windy ballpark. He didn't even have time to practice out there. On top that he went 2-3 and helped the team win.
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