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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I didn't have an issue with the way Ashley reacted to me in ME2, either. I'd been dead for two years, I showed up in a Cerberus uniform which was doing some really messed up stuff in ME1, and our relationship wasn't exactly all that developed to begin with. I thought she was a bit depressing when it came to the ME3 stuff, but overall it was a decent conclusion to the relationship.
  2. I love that they added sprint to level 1 characters, makes my alts breeze through the starter planet. Also, being able to loot all nearby corpses with one click is sweet too.
  3. I thought Wrex had a pretty huge role in this game. He wasn't a party member, but he felt like it through the mission to save the female Krogan and Tuchanka. Miranda had a pretty small role, but I never got all that close to her in ME2.
  4. Too soon for jokes Gorth! People died!
  5. A lot of these complaints about the ending come down to how you interpret it. The problem is the ending is extremely vague, which means you get all sorts of odd conjecture about what it really means. See I didn't get that at all from any of the endings.
  6. About 6 months ago I would have said the GOP had a very good chance of beating Obama. But now that they spent a ton of time killing each other, it has really strengthened Obama's re-election bid. Plus the economy is improving, albeit slowly, and that does wonders for approval ratings.
  7. Yeah, I was a bit underwhelmed with the Ashley dialogue as well, but then I thought on the fact that a good chunk of players probably don't even have her alive in their games, and I decided to be happy with what I got. I thought her final conversation in London was well done.
  8. I'm ok with that, sports games have basically been RPG's since Sierra released the awesome Front Page Sports series.
  9. I think there are no outside locations in the game. I'm sure there aren't, I meant for future games.
  10. I'm pretty sure Mass Effect has reached its conclusion. I know the universe will continue to be used, but who knows what type of game that will be?
  11. When I shave my head, that's what I tell myself as well.
  12. Grimrock also just has a great simple character design that really brings back the memories. My first RPG was Might and Magic 3, and this immediately felt comfortable for me. It's nifty and well worth the price of admission. I do hope we move out of the catacombs eventually, I prefer to adventure in the open air.
  13. It does seem there is some wishful thinking here, and it isn't Volourn doing it. The numbers indicate that , at minimum, ME3 is a solid hit. We typically hear when a title like this fails to meet expectations, so all this speculation is baseless.
  14. You seem really hung up on the baldness thing. Everyone ages differently.
  15. I thought it was brilliant, but I also wonder what kind of overhead there is for that.
  16. I don't know, I mean there are people that liked the ending to The Sopranos as well. There are some weird people out there.
  17. I doubt Chris Christy would bother with the VP spot, he seems to be thinking bigger than that in 2016.
  18. Caved and bought Legends of Grimrock. It is awesome sentimental goodness.
  19. They should have hired some big time writer to create memorable characters! Oops...
  20. For awhile I was thinking Herman Cain would be a good fit, but the way he exited the campaign makes me think he isn't an option. I hope he doesn't pick Santorum, and I doubt Santorum would accept anyways. Gingrich is also probably not an option, although I personally wouldn't mind. Ron Paul is probably not an option either. So that leaves someone less well known, I suppose. Pretty hard to predict, I just hope it isn't another Palin type character.
  21. Yes, I think it deserved at least a 1 game suspension. That was excessive, it is one thing to throw an elbow around in the corner, it's another thing to target the opponents head and then grab them from behind and slam them into the boards for good measure. I'm really surprised by the ruling.
  22. I was pretty upset that the Giants traded me to the Nationals in my game of MLB The Show. But then I really started to tear it up on the AAA team Syracuse Chiefs, and the Nats have enough holes that I may get called up the the majors a lot earlier. I just started my second season and I'm batting .330 with a few taken out of the yard.
  23. I've done something similar, I gave a multiple choice test where the answer to 11 straight questions was choice B. It freaked a few kids out :D
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