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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Also all teachers should be trained in the art of kendo and have a bamboo sword in the classroom to handle disturbances.
  2. While getting our son vaxxed this weekend, one of the nurses mentioned that for younger kids, the symptoms seem to pop up after the first shot and not so much on the second shot. So hopefully your niece will be good to go.
  3. Gah, I've been getting the LotRO itch again, too.
  4. Today a game asked me if I believe the status quo is preferable to chaos and bloodshed. I was deep into my drink. I had been swirling around the last sip of the dark liquid in the glass. I decide it was. Perhaps I will regret that in the morning.
  5. Enjoying a 14% kentucky bourbon stout while playing Disco Elysian is the only way to play.
  6. A squirrel chewed through the cord of one of my hanging christmas globe thingees.
  7. I have been playing Disco Elysian with a beer in hand the last couple nights. It is interesting. I had a heart attack after kicking a furnace, so that ended my playthrough yesterday, but I'll probably pour a glass of dark stout and boot it up again tonight.
  8. I would actually really like to see them do that. Unfortunately that would probably be entirely too sensible.
  9. I knew Aaron Rodgers was a bit of an odd duck. I'm definitely team Olivia Munn. But he's gone straight up internet troll in the last year.
  10. I was talking with my 7th grade students about this the other day and asked how many of them understand cryptocurrencies and NFT's. A few raised their hands and I asked them if they could teach me, because I could use the money. They all put their hands back down. Either they don't really understand or they are holding out on me.
  11. Now that I know I have a soy intolerance, I pretty much try to avoid all soybean oil products, which can be pretty difficult. Surprisingly, as a Californian as I am, I never really liked avocados. I've come to appreciate avocado oil though, and sunflower oil. I definitely need a spread for my sandwiches. I can't eat them dry. I switched to mustard for a bit, but it can be hard to find one that doesn't distract from the sandwich.
  12. I switched over to avocado mayo from Primal awhile ago. Before that it was Sir Kensington. I can't even stomach typical mayo anymore.
  13. Oh, I loved Cowboy Bebop. No idea if it was like the source material, but the first episode was fun.
  14. Two Rivers as a whole was just not well done for me. My gut reaction was, "Why the heck is Egwene's innkeeper dad skinny?" I also wish they'd foreshadowed a bit with the Myrdraal. Honestly it was all really rushed. Perrin's wife is supposed to be part of this whole similar age friend group. But she isn't at the inn when the group first gets together, and then she is dead, and they keep referencing her like she was a pivotal person in their lives. Matt robs some local girl that beat him at dice? There is almost no conversation about the heron marked sword Rand gets from his dad. Anyways, took me a few days to get over the bad beginning, but episode 2 was better. It is salvageable, I hope.
  15. Ok, I sat down and gave WoT a bit more of my time. Episode 2 was a lot better. I like what they did with Nynaeve's story. The empty city was beautiful. The Aiel was interesting and Thom is well played so far. It still has a long way to go, but it is watchable.
  16. Bought a nice 18 pound turkey. It comes with a barcode so I can find out where it used to live. We live in strange times.
  17. Stoneshard is on sale: https://store.steampowered.com/app/625960/Stoneshard/ Buy it and review it. It is great. There is a demo you can try if you aren't sure. Review it because people are stupid. The bad reviews are that it is taking too long to develop. That is crazy, it is a small independent game and the price reflects that. People need to get with it.
  18. The Arbery case is the one I'm really watching. That was straight up murder. That poor guy ran 2-miles trying to get away from those people. I don't think people really understand what that means. They terrorized him before killing him. If they are cleared, I will understand why some people want to burn it all down.
  19. It isn't so much about him repeating his actions, but this basically means it is open season on protesters. Every yahoo with an AR-15 is going to head on down to the next BLM march.
  20. Trump breaking off could do it, I suppose. Which is what he will likely do if he doesn't get the nomination in 2024. Of course, har dot predict anything about him or what the GOP is willing to do to keep him in the fold. Actually I guess it isn't too hard to predict. The GOP seems willing to do anything to keep his base in the fold.
  21. Egwene's father is a skinny innkeeper. You are correct, there is a fairly interesting moment in the book later on that is no longer possible in the show. Also Matt is a thief in a small town. Where, like, everyone knows him. So...no idea what they are doing with that character, but I guess it doesn't matter since they will replace him. I don't know. I'm at a loss. The whole show could have used a lot more foreshadowing and a lot less showing. I read an article about how sometimes these shows are helped by a limited budget. They need to rely on your imagination instead of special effects. I get that now.
  22. I suppose karma has reared its ugly head my way after my Star Trek comments. I sat down with the whole flippin' family to watch Wheel of Time. I just re-read the first book. I was hoping for a Lord of the Rings feel. Instead I got a teenage soap opera with some silly looking Trollocs. They reminded me of the Kilrathi in the Wind Commander movie. I'm so upset. 25 years of waiting and this is what we get. My family is out and I don't know if I will watch another episode.
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