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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's a bit of a contradiction, isn't it? Multiculturalism implies they don't have much use for your culture. That's not accurate at all. Multiculturalism works best when all cultures are being respected and celebrated by everyone in the community. And...where has this happened? All over the US? I work at a school with any religion and ethnic group you could name. Sikhs and Muslims, Persians and Jews, Japanese and Koreans, Indians and Pakistanis. You name it, we got it. They keep their cultures and traditions, I get a wide selection of dining choices. edit: For a bigger example, you can look at how Mexican-Americans thrive all over the US, or how Vietnamese-Americans adjusted after coming over in large numbers after the Vietnam War.
  2. I don't have anything against Sikhs, but if they refused to participate in the surrounding culture, that would be ultimately be harmful both to them and the nation. I don't see multiculturalism as merely the retention of certain cultural aspects which are not in conflict with the prevalent culture, I don't see why anyone but hardcore racists would be opposed to that. I understand multiculturalism as a refusal to assimilate into the prevalent culture. Using the word assimilate always conjures images of the Borg for me. WoD aren't you in Texas? Aren't you surrounded by a combination of Mexican, Native American, and Cowboy culture on a regular basis? Which one is prevalent? edit: Tsuga, it's easy to just say get rid of the rabble, but it's pretty tricky to siphon out just the bad immigrants from the good. Unless you are talking about closing the borders for good, in which case you don't understand how our economy works.
  3. I'm not sure what the point is. If a game is good enough you'll see people buying at normal price and not waiting for a discount. Plus, is the argument about long term monetary or creative value? The guys seem to confuse the two. I need to avoid reading things from GOG. I like the company better that way.
  4. That's a bit of a contradiction, isn't it? Multiculturalism implies they don't have much use for your culture. That's not accurate at all. Multiculturalism works best when all cultures are being respected and celebrated by everyone in the community.
  5. I do question how different the standard of living is compared to 1984. I know people who make very little, yet they have smart phones and flatscreen TV's.
  6. I love low level D&D. Every time you pull your sword out, there is a good chance you will die. I used to play on a NWN permadeath server called A Land Far Away and everyone was pretty much in the levels 1-5 range. When you met someone higher than that, it was like they were gods among men.
  7. I trust my wife implicitly. Except with credit cards.
  8. Excellent job researching your project beforehand! So is this the Widmer brewery that you went to? I haven't been to that one yet, I'll have to make a trip there. I've done tours at Gordon Beirsch and Deschutes, as well as a bunch of smaller breweries.
  9. I'd probably compare this to upgrade a VHS to a DVD in terms of quality. The graphics are crisp and look more polished that SR2. I haven't got into the storyline much yet, but word is there are a lot of new quests. I was itching to play SR2 anyways, so it was worth the money for me. It might be a better upgrade on sale sometime.
  10. I'm just loading it up now, but $20 for some new content is worth it to me. Graphically I thought the reboot version looked fine, the only graphics I notice being much better are the ground RTS part, and I typically skipped those parts.
  11. I'm betting the Rangers will fade into obscurity pretty soon here. Two WS losses, then two late season collapses, and now management trouble. I don't follow them too closely, but it sounds bad. I laughed at this:
  12. Space Rangers HD is out and none of you said anything!?! You have all failed me! Downloading it now.
  13. I plan on using it for my kids whenever I decide they are old enough for phones. But I haven't set it up on my wife and our phone.
  14. I am super wound up. My wife went to the homecoming game for her former High School. We live behind the school football field, so she walked. This was part of her 20-year reunion. A little after 10 PM I noticed that the game was over and the crowds were gone, so I sent gave her a call to make sure she was alright. Nobody picked up. So I texted, then I called over and over again for awhile. Finally after about 30 minutes without a response I got dressed and drove over to the school. There was nobody around. I then called her mom, and asked our neighbor if he had seen her, since he went to school with her. They hadn't seen her. So at this point I am pretty freaked out. I knew that most likely she had gone out with the alumni for a drink, but she wasn't answering and I had no idea where. I thought maybe her phone died. I had no contact info for any of the people she was with. I was pacing and hoping for a call, it had been over an hour. I went on facebook and looked for alumni stuff to see if an after party was planned. I sent a facebook message to the person in charge of the alumni page. Finally I rifled through her stuff and found her tablet. Then I checked facebook again with her account logged in, and I found a post by one of the alumnis saying many of them were at a specific bar. I called the bar, gave them my wife's info, and sure enough she is there. Her phone wasn't even dead! It was just loud at the bar. She said she just got carried away and forgot to text. We've been together for 12 years and I don't think that has ever happened before. I'm extremely relieved she is fine, but I'm also super pissed. I'm all hyped up and I really need to go to bed.
  15. You must not have a daughter She was featured on the CNN Student News I show my students the other day. The students were extremely impressed to hear she has degrees from Yale and Brown, and taught at Harvard and Berkeley. Basically it is nice to have some female role models that aren't Miley Cyrus. That being said, she should only get the job if she is highly qualified, and considering she has been the Vice Chair for years, she is definitely that. But really there is nothing she has stated that says it will be different under her than it was under Bernanke. Her only platform is job creation, and she is smart enough to know printing money won't magically create jobs.
  16. I made some rottini pasta with a homemade sauce. For the sauce I just threw in some light butter, olive oil, a bunch of garlic, some lemon juice, and some pepper. It came out light but gave a nice flavor to the whole wheat pasta. I put some green beans on the side.
  17. I don't buy it. Jim Rickards makes some very good points about the Fed, but I just don't see Yellen being different than Bernanke at all. In fact she has a better economics background than him. The idea that she will just flip on the printing presses full time has little evidence to support it.
  18. I just don't get a single one of your examples though. Avatar won awards, was well reviewed, and appealed to a broad audience. The Da Vinci Code is easy to read, stirred up interesting theological discussions, and appealed to a broad audience. The Big Bang Theory...it's a show about a theoretical physicist that manages to appeal to a broad audience, what the heck are you looking for? Even the original Call of Duty was extremely well done, and CoD4 completely changed the way we played online shooters. They seem to only lack an appeal to you. It doesn't seem a bit arrogant to write them as and terrible because they don't appeal to you?
  19. My 6-year old daughter is totally into Lord of the Rings Online. It started with her just playing my character and running around the rather peaceful towns, but now she has created her own hunter and is fighting off bears. It's awesome to watch. She can't read most of the stuff, but she picks up the buttons quickly enough.
  20. The common denominator in those 4 things is that they are popular. I guess if something is popular it is automatically made by a team of incompetents? I clearly need to become more incompetent so I can start releasing blockbusters.
  21. Finally finished classic campaign.Here's the stat page: http://imgur.com/a/SF7TC Wow, you got a lot of satellites up, that takes some patience!
  22. That sounds ridiculous. Fallout 3 was incredibly successful. You could totally argue that they are both not reboots because they don't follow the same gameplay style, look, and feel of the original franchises. But you sound silly when you call one of the most successful developers out there incompetent and bad at making games. Massive arrogance and stupidity does come to mind, but not for Bethesda.
  23. Very exciting Enoch! This book got me through the first kid.
  24. I doubt Xcom sold better than TR either, but the expectation were probably vastly different.
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