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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Huh, the new Hobbit movie has been getting good reviews. I'll probably enjoy it, I liked the first one.
  2. I'm assuming you are playing devil's advocate here. A video game is far from a blank slate, you are still coloring within the lines that the content creator has provided. It is much closer to a movie than a blank canvass. If I take a movie and jumble up the clips randomly, it doesn't make me a director.
  3. Man, that's sad. It's ok, you don't notice until afterwards It's interesting that the original poster completely ignored my logical argument and only addressed the emotional one. As for cloning instead of reproducing...do you know anything about cloning? It is far from a perfect science. Our biological reproductions are still far superior to anything they've cooked up in a lab.
  4. I understand the logic behind such an assertion. Some of you might say "but Hurlshot, you have kids, and you spend your days educating the youth!" That may be, but I am not blind to the problems that our population explosion across the globe is causing. My main issue with discouraging reproduction is this: If you win this debate, the only people that will stop procreating are those educated enough to understand your argument. That leaves two groups to carry on the next generation, those who are ignorant and those who are deliberately rebellious. Logically this will only hasten the decline of civilization. From a personal and emotional perspective, I will add that my life was lacking any real purpose until I had children. What is the point of growth and wisdom if I do not pass it on to the next generation? Sure, I can share some experience with my students. I can write a book or create something that will outlast me. But you really can't beat having your own genetic material and helping to shape it day by day into a functional adult. That sounded creepy, but I think you all get the point.
  5. It could be as simple as getting the IP holder's permission before posting a Let's Play of their game. That's what most people have to do to use content in the entertainment industry.
  6. Ah interesting. So Zenimax shares the building with Bethesda, but the MMO developer is setup in another spot. I consider that to be good news, it means they will likely be continuing to develop all the single player RPG's no matter what happenes to the MMO.
  7. Shroud of the Avatar - Whoa boy, this is really an alpha version. I don't think I'm that eager to play, it's really rough. Seems like they've got a nice base to build on, but it's a long ways away.
  8. Isn't Zenimax Online Studios simply a studio they put together to handle TESO? Are they even in a different building?
  9. So can you beta folks talk about the game? I would expect the answer is yes, since you've paid for it and they can't exactly kick you out.
  10. Music is a lot different than movies. I think most consumers listen to tracks before they buy them, or at least listen to the one track getting market exposure. There are tons of outlets designed to do that. There isn't really any way to compare that to movies. So if I buy an album I cannot play it for an audience without the explicit consent of the publisher? What type of audience are you talking about? You can't fill a concert hall and then play someone else's music.
  11. I haven't heard anything in the business world to back that up. These companies are hugely successful.
  12. I don't get this lawyer talk Nep What is it called if a decision by a supreme court gets nullified by the sitting government? Dictatorship. I see what you did there
  13. So I didn't jump on Kickstarter until after Wasteland 2, but I am supposed to get a key through my purchase of PE. I wonder if that will be sent out when Wasteland 2 gets released?
  14. One of my students figured out my steam handle based on the games I talk about and where I live. Pretty clever kid.
  15. I'm very impressed by all the new fancy badges on the forums. I went with First name "Hurlshot" Last name on the credits.
  16. I haven't even watched the first one.
  17. I'm surprised you can't rent time on racetracks to test your cars in Sweden. You can do it on quite a few tracks in California.
  18. Dear Trashman, Please limit yourself to two funny pictures/images/videos a day. Try and pick the best ones. Sincerely, Everyone
  19. There is more to it than that, obviously. If you pop a tire, or simply lose control, you are going to make a huge mess of the roadway. Who do you think pays for those roads? Who is going to pay for the cleanup crew to come scrape your carcass off the road? You can go test your car on racetracks if you want, but the freeway is not your personal playground.
  20. Why? Probably because there isn't much else to play on the new console.
  21. Well he wasn't on the freeway if it was a 45 mph zone. Was it CHP, city police, or sheriff? I got a ticket once for going 79 on a 65 mph freeway that I was a bit upset over. That being said, now I just try and keep it at 75 and under.
  22. Ever since Nixon sweated like a stuck pig on national TV in the 1960 debate, I'm pretty sure every President has a team of consultants getting them dressed.
  23. That's not going to work. If you contest the ticket, you sometimes get out of it just by showing up to court, since the officer won't show unless it is serious. If you want to argue the case, you need to have specifics about that ticket, they don't care about your history. Were you tagged with radar or that light gun thing? You were going over the speed limit, so I'm not sure what your case is. I'd recommend paying the fine, take the online class, and moving on with your life. It will take less time and it's an easy process. Contesting it still means you might end up paying more in court fees and still have to deal with the infraction afterwards, if you are found guilty.
  24. I don't mean to upset you Volourn. I understand that on many other websites people talk smack about sports and throw around insults. That's just not the way the majority of posters conduct themselves here. There is more casual observations and polite discourse.
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