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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm not really a big fan of the disability system, as I've seen far too many people take advantage of it as well. But that is an entirely different can of worms to open up, and it applies across a lot more industries than law enforcement.
  2. The thing with the US system is in its paradoxes - richest country in the world yet incredibly poor wealth distribution, very high crime rate and poor social/health system compared to other, less wealthy western nations. Few Americans are aware just how much better the overall standard of living is in many western european countries compared to how weaker their economies are to the US. I've yet to meet anybody from the US that's really willing to give the issue some thought and draw the obvious conclusions. Few people from the US are willing to give it much thought because you are simplifying an extremely complex issue. The US is a gigantic country, and really each state is closer to an independent country than anything else. It is basically like generalizing all of Europe as one place, instead of independent countries with unique problems.
  3. What do you define as recognition? Construction workers get plenty of credit for having dangerous jobs. They also don't receive nearly as much criticism.
  4. Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. That's just the way it always should be. Just like no one can be Wolverine other than Hugh Jackman.
  5. The amount of police who are on disability retirement is more telling than the death statistics. It's difficult to get an exact number, since as I said before, the oversight and statistical analysis available is unbelievably bad, but in a city like Oakland, 4 officers are medically retired for every one that retires under the standard system. So yeah, it's a dangerous job, it's disingenuous to not recognize that much.
  6. Over the course of this case, I've actually changed my stance quite a bit when it comes to the police. While I still believe the majority of officers are trying to do the right thing in a difficult profession, I think law enforcement is in need of some major reform. Just the fact you can't really get a clear number of shooting deaths by police officers in a year shows a terrible lack of accountability and oversight on a Federal level. Over the years I've also changed my stance on Gromnir's posting style.
  7. I am sure that after 10 years and 5000 posts, Gromnir is going to suddenly change his syntax so that Val will feel more comfortable reading his posts. The numbers of police that go out on disability are more telling, if I recall correctly they are pretty high. That's a huge cost to police departments as well.
  8. If Prince walks up to you and asks for your guitar, you give it to him. http://youtu.be/mr6_c4I_yfQ
  9. I don't think the age of the kid Anakin was the problem, it was just terribly executed. He should have been like that kid from Sixth Sense, who was sympathetic but also clearly a bit dark and dealing with some powerful issues. The kid is a slave, but comes across as happy go lucky. It was terrible.
  10. Am I the only one who doesn't understand the appeal of watching other people play games? The only one I ever got into was the Assassin's Creed Movies, and that was because the game was too long to bother finishing, but I still wanted to know how it ended.
  11. So...it's just fantasy, people. You can make the argument that a good science fiction property needs to try and make real world sense, but Star Wars has never been science fiction. It's fantasy, people shoot lightning out of their fingers.
  12. It's definitely geared towards a controller.
  13. Are you sure your game is performing right? I had it on the PC and it ran terribly, and that made movement a chore. After I picked it up on the PS4 I found running around to be smooth and enjoyable. It isn't quite the Assassin's Creed games, but it is a lot better that the last two DA games. I also just got my castle in the sky. There is a lot of stuff to do in this game. I might hit a burnout point where I just focus on the storyline, but for now I'm enjoying exploring every nook and cranny of these huge areas. edit: I've only been doing requisition missions once, I don't want to repeat them because I hoard all the mats like a packrat.
  15. Well unless you can find a programmer and an artist, you are going to struggle to turn this concept into anything concrete. My recommendation would be to start out with developing your writing. Take your ideas and turn them into a series of stories or a novel. Write in your native tongue. Is there a decent fiction market in Malaysia? You could also try and develop it as a pen and paper game concept. If it gains traction, then you can shop it as a possible game idea.
  16. Much like the death knell for the PC we've heard many times before, the death of the consoles is greatly exaggerated.
  17. Here you go: http://youtu.be/5Q_Na5Ou5Rs You need to use the [media tag with the link to get youtube to work here.
  18. I am super saddened all these lists are missing Jade Empire. DA:I = Jade Empire!
  19. Ouch GD! Although didn't you marry a physical therapist? Yesterday I took my kids to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. I hate that place. The Lost Boys is basically a documentary about what a terrible place it is. Unfortunately my wife and kids love it, so I put on a brave face and did my best to protect them from the tendrils of darkness and despair that hide under the boardwalk.
  20. That is a pretty important point to make though, the real target for these movies is a new generation of children, not a bunch of grumpy old folks.
  21. It's obvious Gromnir wasn't a fan of my usage of the word obvious. To answer one question, I don't know any teachers that were let go due to the economic downturn. Instead every school district in the area implemented furlough days, which is basically a small paycut for everyone. We did cut back on new hires and ended up with larger class sizes, so that may be a good analogy to the Ferguson situation.
  22. I'm only 20 hours in, but so far it is the greatest game I have ever played. That may change in a few minutes, but for now it applies. I'm glad I got it on the PS4, because I hear it is buggy everywhere else. The game runs and looks like a dream.
  23. Dear Dark_Ansem, My opinion about your conversation with the developers is that you are crazy and they are doing their best to distance themselves. Good luck!
  24. Thanks Bruce, I took some time off from posting to relax a bit, it was nice. I do get that there should be consequences here, but it is pretty obvious that it is the entire department that needs to change in this particular case. The Ferguson PD basically put their officer in a bad position, from the lack of a partner to the lack of a taser, to a lack of proper procedures for handling multiple suspects. This was glaringly obvious when the whole department was sidelined during the protests and they brought in the Highway Patrol.
  25. He will never work in law enforcement again. That is a consequence.
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