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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I am sure they would jump at the chance. I doubt Armored Warfare and Skyforge are their ideal projects. New Vegas 2 would be in their wheelhouse and they seem to have a good relationship with Bethesda.
  2. So your problem is, essentially, that power corrupts, and the bigger the power, the bigger the risk of corruption - hence governments need to be limited in power, because that will prevent those who want to bend the world to their will from accruing the means to do so. Am I reading you correctly? I'd agree with that.
  3. We should really just use cyborgs in the future.
  4. I have no idea, but it can hardly be accused of kowtowing to the demands of that community.
  5. This whole argument would carry a lot more weight if it wasn't just one company that provided all the evidence. It is clear that Bioware has an agenda, and they are free to push it. As a business, all they need to do is continue to be profitable, as long as they do that they can cater to whoever they want. It's hard to make the argument that the industry is being taken over by feminists and LGBT groups when you have CoD and The Witcher still around.
  6. You could really save yourself a lot of trouble by simply not playing Bioware games.
  7. Usually I think you are coming from Tennessee, but on occasion you sound a bit more like Florida.
  8. Getting back into Blackguards, it really can be a lot of fun. I might need to pick up the sequel soon.
  9. I grew up on Lloyd Alexander, yo! I've made a Taran in every RPG I've played since then.
  10. I made it as far as the scene where the kid gets his arm ripped off by a clown in a sewer. I don't think there is any age where IT is not disturbing.
  11. I can't think of many good children's stories where someone doesn't die. It's like a prerequisite. Old Yeller still makes me tear up.
  12. You haven't started hating your customers yet? You will! I had a teacher at a school I designed and installed a Wi-Fi-wiMAX system for two years ago approach me and ask why they could not connect their phone to the school network. She handed me the phone and it was a Nokia 6630. I told her that phone is twelve years old. 802.11 wi-fi was a very new thing then and most phones didn't have it. Her reply, delivered in a huff I might add, was that why could all of her colleagues connect their phones then? Thank God she was a music teacher, had she been a math, science, or economics teacher I'd have been worried. Elective teachers are a different breed.
  13. Blacklist gets better, and they develop the FBI guy quite a bit over the season.
  14. Obamacare is still not a socialist health care program. It's not even close. It's really a joke. Our health insurance industry in this country is clearly broken. So the government decided to get into the health insurance business and runs things in much the same way as the companies. Way to solve the problem! Could we see actual gun control legislation on federal level? Maybe, but it is hard to imagine it. If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to generate legislation, I'm not sure what would be. Would gun control legislation look anything like a repeal of the 2nd Amendment? No. They can't even get a universal background check in place.
  15. I always considered Animal Farm a book for children, I find it interesting, that most people don't (?) I read it in middle school, and then again as a middle school teacher. It was a vastly different book the second time, and I appreciated it much more. On the other hand, Catcher and the Rye was a bit of the opposite. In High School I read it and was enthralled and fascinated, as an adult I read it and was saddened. I read catcher in the rye in high school and thought it was garbage. You know what else is trash? The Burn Journals and The Perks of being a Wallflower. I had to look up both those books. They were published after I was in High School. I am now going to guess that your age range is 19-22. I still remember when a professor at my university spoiled the ending of Catcher in the Rye. I simply did not catch on to the fact that the whole narrative is being told while in the confines of a sanitarium.
  16. I always considered Animal Farm a book for children, I find it interesting, that most people don't (?) I read it in middle school, and then again as a middle school teacher. It was a vastly different book the second time, and I appreciated it much more. On the other hand, Catcher and the Rye was a bit of the opposite. In High School I read it and was enthralled and fascinated, as an adult I read it and was saddened.
  17. Yeah, I doubt that. They can't even get a background check through. You really give the democrats way too much credit.
  18. Maybe I'm just not as young as I used to be, the bacon gives me heartburn, and the fries go straight to my hips.
  19. As someone who worked a brief stint as a security guard while in college, I can tell you that Paul Blart is a brilliant character study of the private security archetype.
  20. I got about 6 minutes in. I think I deserve recognition for that. Maybe a cookie.
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