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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I like the C&C thread on this better, this one is all gloomy. I wish him the best, yet I'm not worried about Obsidian. They are a very deep studio.
  2. That is definitely on the top of my list for disappointments. But I've said it before, as a whole I think he's had a lackluster 8 years. Certainly not the 1000 years of darkness that Chuck Norris predicted, but hardly delivered on the promise of hope and change. Although really I prefer to evaluate these things with about a decade of hindsight.
  3. You can probably throw Cuba out as a solid foreign relations gain. Although like everything, I wonder if a Republican would have done differently in the post Fidel era.
  4. The book is fantastic. Hopefully they can capture the atmosphere of it, it will be good if they stick to the science and don't try to make it a thriller. Matt Damon is awesome.
  5. I appreciate the sacrifice Snowden made, but the government can't exactly pick and choose when it's ok to commit high treason. There has to be a trial. I like the idea of him being tried while not on US soil though, it levels the playing field a bit.
  6. Yeah, Fallout 3 is not old enough to have this many issues on Windows 8. The weird one is where I get running somehow gets disabled and I have to exit the game to get it working again. Plus I'm stuck with an odd blue border around the game.
  7. It's the principal of the thing!
  8. I'm playing Fallout 3 as well. I've been playing FO:NV pretty regularly, but I hadn't gone back to FO3 since it came out. It will be nice to play through the DLC. Also this is definitely my favorite Bethesda game ever, I don't get why I enjoy exploring the wastes so much more than ancient ruins.
  9. Oby is too pervy to be a paid shill.
  10. I think I've said it before, but DA:I works much better as a 50 hour game than a 100 hour game.
  11. Through giving birth? Yeah. Giving birth is super crazy. It's a whole process.
  12. In the US we prefer to spread our propaganda the old fashioned way, through high quality movies and popular video games.
  13. We had a thread for the original kickstarter, and I lobbied for support back then. Even though I sympathize with their plight, I can't in good conscience jump on board again when they are running a second round without producing any real results. That being said, they aren't far from their goal. I dropped $75 on them last time. I'm not sure if I really wish them luck, I consider my payment good for the memories. :/
  14. When my wife was pregnant with our second child, her principal set everything up as if she was not going to return to her job after she gave birth. He basically went behind her back and had her replaced. Thankfully she is represented by a union and was able to stand her ground. Eventually it was the principal who was replaced. The crazy thing is she gave birth two days after school got out, and was ready to return at the beginning of the year. She did not miss a day. I doubt a male teacher would ever have to go through that. That being said, we make the same amount as teachers.
  15. I've never understood the aversion to positive stereotypes. You would think that would be something worth owning. As a white guy with a bit of an unknown cultural heritage, I can only wish I had some decent stereotypes to lean on.
  16. Personally, I prefer playing black people. They have better rhythm. Plus in real life I have a nice round butt, and most white avatar's are flat asses.
  17. Eh...more money than energy. edit: I just finished downloading, but now I'm too tired to play and will go to bed instead. Life!
  18. Gotta hope Kyrie Irving is ok, you hate to see an injury like that. From the Warriors perspective, if they can get up by 10, I don't see how Cleveland can come back. The Rockets were super dangerous and cut down a lot of leads, but I just don't see how the Cavs can generate quick points when they need them.
  19. It's kind of shocking that it has been 7 years since Fallout 3 came out. I ended up grabbing it cheap off Steam since I don't even have the patience to install off discs anymore. How times have changed.
  20. While unfortunate, the alternative is much worse. Are you going to force a company to keep the more expensive work force? The best bet here is to use the media to exert pressure on Disney, which is what is happening. Disney will need to weigh the bad publicity against the savings in the future.
  21. Considering the trailer consisted of a ton of different in-game areas, and Bethesda really hasn't had anything going on since Skyrim, it's not surprising that the game is so far along in development. Clearly they did a decent job of keeping it hush hush.
  22. Very few people would have cared if Jack Thompson was just making arguments. He filed lawsuits and pushed for legislation to change the industry.
  23. Fallout 3 was actually the first Bethesda game I ever finished. But that's not really the point of their sandbox games.
  24. Trailer looks great, I'm excited for it. This does it for me so much more than the Elder Scrolls games.
  25. Uh, we all know the best game ever was Goonies II on the NES.
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