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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm pretty sure it is unreasonable to expect people to buy games based on artistic appreciation. What a bizarre world we live in where you can spend years creating a game, and then the people playing the game can make more money off it than you. edit: It's simply unsustainable. Eventually it will change, and LPers will need to put a percentage of their profits towards the game creators. LPers deserve to profit as well, given that they are creating their own content off the game. The other option would be to raise the price of the initial game a ton, like you see with design tools.
  2. The doctor was not too worried about the heart rate. Actually he said he wished he could get his resting rate that low. I am due for a physical so he is going to do some blood work and a physical to check for a few different things, and an EKG just to be safe. He also said to stop running on concrete, which makes sense.
  3. So I have this fitbit, and I noticed that my pulse over the last few weeks has dropped from the typical 59-60 bpm to 49-50 bpm. I thought it might just be the watch, but then I took my pulse and it was 52. I've also been feeling fairly lethargic the last few weeks. I've been running regularly, but I don't feel myself. And last week I started having a fair amount of back pain. I guess I should go to a doctor. Garry Shandling also might just have me being paranoid, but better safe than sorry.
  4. That's like calling the sky blue. You are way too serious Boo.
  5. I have been hearing more positive reviews from regular people, so I'm thinking it might not be as bad as everyone says it is. I expect it is a lot like Man of Steel, which isn't exactly a favorite for me, but hardly a bad film.
  6. Okay thanks Meshugger, I'll be sure to ponder how similar I am to Qistina over Easter A genuine, friendly advice met with a passive-aggressive snarl? That's the behaviour of a vindicative *censored*, don't be that low. A small hint, check her behaviour (not the content) and compare to yours in this thread. Obviously tone is hard to convey in a post, but it seems a bit disingenuous to call your statement genuine, friendly advice. It also doesn't contain any advice whatsoever. As for Bruce, I think many of you simply take him too seriously too often. Like Volo, his posts are best read with a judicious helping of salt. edit: I should probably add that I'm terrible at taking my own voice, and I've let Volo get under my skin too many times to count.
  7. The answer to all 3 is the Illuminati, obviously. Just kidding. I use wikipedia of course.
  8. Unless there was a celebrity involved, no. He's not talking about the US. Oh, he's talking about Europe? Yeah, the grass was much greener back in the 40's, and the decades that followed with the iron curtain up.
  9. I don't get it, these games are always huge without the DLC additions. edit: They are also typically super buggy, which is why I won't get it day 1.
  10. Unless there was a celebrity involved, no.
  11. I went over that with my students yesterday. CNN did a pretty good coverage of the economics of these attacks as well.
  12. I think it's also important to point out that none of this stuff is new. I keep hearing the term identity politics as if it is some new plague. It is not.
  13. Playing more of a devil's advocate here, but why is it so hard to understand that when a minority voices ideas like 'kill whitey' it is less eyebrow raising because there isn't a lengthy history where minorities persecuted and killed white people? I mean, white people had a few centuries of being on top, when I hear white power I just think "you had your time, get over it."
  14. I ate ice cream in Phoenix once. I was driving through, and it was 108 degrees outside. The guy at the counter miserably told me I was lucky I did not live there.
  15. You need to rectify that young grasshopper Why? Haven't you realized that the Hoonding trademark is to be unimpressed by everything? Oh, and to only write one line zingers.
  16. Actually, sounds like the concensus is that Affleck's Batman is the best thing about this movie. Kind of sad for the guy if this just tanks. He always got too much credit for Daredevil being terrible, and now he could be front and center as the DC movies go into a tailspin.
  17. It's like they keep trying to push the emo goth dark envelope with these films. Makes me miss Val Kilmer as Batman. I think Deadpool has ruined all superhero flicks from here on out.
  18. If we learn anything from Cuba, it should be that cutting off contact and imposing economic sanctions does very little to sway an opposing government. The isolation and lack of progress for the last 25 years (fall of USSR) really only hurts the common people. If we learn anything from China, it's that the power of Capitalism and the almighty dollar is a great way to convince a government to allow a private sector to develop. China's middle class is growing, and with it is the pressure on the government to step back further.
  19. I agree with you on that completely, but that is hardly how most people are approaching this.
  20. I spend a lot of time modeling clothes in The Division and letting my 8-year old daughter choose the best look. She has a good eye for post-apocalyptic fashion.
  21. It may appear like that but this is a very complicated situation and we need to consider the views of countries directly impacted by the arrival of thousands of refugees the thing is though that, like in the Paris attacks, the perpetrators may prove to be locals and not jihadists that came in among the refugees. Uh, one of the shooters at the Bataclan theatre was registered as a refugee in august 2015. Yeah, one. The vast majority of these attackers do not need to wait in line with the refugees. They have the resources to get around that.
  22. Yeah I mean it should be easy for an incredibly large, ethnically and culturally diverse population, to unite against extremism.
  23. This is a pretty clear objective. Terrorists aren't on the side of Muslim immigrants.
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