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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I get Game Informer in my mailbox because I buy enough stuff at Gamestop to make it worth getting that power up card. It's not a bad rag for the bathroom, fun to look at the pictures and all. But I was surprised to notice that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided only got 7/10 in their reviews. Now most of their scores are pretty useless, but this was an odd one because that seems fairly low. I mean, they hand out 9's on a pretty regular basis. My first thinking was the technical issues dinged it, since the game was widely criticized for that, but that was not mentioned in the review. Instead the complaints were like "too much stealth" and "the story was too slow". I am used to disagreeing with Game Informer regularly, but I was surprised how opposite my opinion was in this situation.
  2. I discovered the Eric Andre show. I don't think I can go back to other late night shows now.
  3. Ah, so you want the US to cut off trade with any country that allows their citizens to sue us, but you are fine with US citizens suing other countries. Well played sir.
  4. I don't get how it is nuanced to say it is bad to start letting private citizen sue countries. That seems like a terrible precedent to allow. Do they also get to sue the US for their work in Afghanistan in the 80's? Do victims of ISIS get to sue the US for destabilizing Iraq and siding with the rebels in Syria?
  5. I wonder if I can get a hold of Prosper to help me with the art.
  6. Bill passed unanimously in the Senate and by voice vote in the House. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-sept11-saudi-idUSKCN11F27R Ah, a voice vote. Bit misleading to call a voice vote unanimous. How does something this big even end up as a voice vote? I mean, this is a fairly massive change in international policy.
  7. Passed unanimously? That doesn't sound right.
  8. Makes me think of that Johnny Depp movie where he is a writer and he kills a bunch of people.
  9. Sure, we all possess negative traits, and they all surface at various points. But what are the dominant traits for these candidates? Clinton seems to be dominated by greed and a need to be in control. Trump seems to be dominated by ego and condescension.
  10. It's a legitimate criticism of Trump to say he is shallow about looks. The guy is a reality TV star, has made a name in beauty pageants, and has married a string of models. I mean, you are drinking the punch if you don't think that is a sign of a shallow person, plus he's got loads of interviews that make it quite clear. The question isn't really whether he's shallow, it's whether his shallowness is worse that whatever Clinton is bringing to the table. Just be honest with yourself when you vote for the guy, though. Don't try to put lipstick on a pig.
  11. No. These kind of statements make it very clear you do not understand how things work in the US. Which is fine, I couldn't tell you anything about how things work in Poland.
  12. I doubt they were paid anything to do that commercial. But if you care what a bunch of actors think about politics, you are a moran. That being said, the commercial poked fun at itself a bit, so that was nice.
  13. Sounds like that poor dog is going to get killed.
  14. Well, I have cable, but the sad reality is my wife controls the DVR and I have no desire to argue with her need to record every Bravo reality show in order to get my dose of comedy. I need a streaming option. I'll just wait for it to get released on Netflix or Amazon, I guess.
  15. I'll buy it as well, it's not expensive, but I'm hoping they do something more story centric soon. Looks like that Space Colony game might be interesting.
  16. With Hulu now charging money, I have no idea where I will watch Brooklyn 99.
  17. The guy did have a license, at least. My rates should not increase because it is clear he was at fault. That was also why it was important that I called the Highway Patrol and got them to write it up. The police report is my evidence that I am not liable, and the other driver did not dispute that.
  18. They do a pretty good job of making sure you are insured in California by not allowing you to leave any car dealerships without proof of insurance and tying it to your registration, so if it lapses you get a notice from the DMV. He got around that by buying it as a salvage on Craigslist and it still being registered in the other person's name. I'm curious if my insurance company will go after the seller, but thankfully I don't have to worry about that.
  19. I got rear ended on the way home from work today. It was a pretty hard hit, his airbags went off but mine were ok. I pulled over, and of course the guy had no insurance. He bought the car on ebay a day earlier, it was a scrapyard job and was still registered under the other people. I called the police and had them file a report. Thankfully Geico is awesome and has a California Collision plan that covers me against uninsured drivers. I take the car into the shop tomorrow, get a rental, and they will go after the guy for the damages. Not a great end to the day, but I'm pretty happy with Geico.
  20. They keep cutting electives because we need to reed, rite, and math better. It's stupid, but it is what happens when you have a bunch of politicians trying to create educational policies and are more concerned with test scores than the foundations of our school systems.
  21. Do a thread about the pipeline then, mate. As for relevance, everything is relevant to someone. Personally don't care, but this was headline news in some of the online outlets I read. Yeah, always surprised that celebrity gossip and personal lives achieve such attention, but such is humanity spose. Starting threads is too much work.
  22. It's like they used up all their good karma for those 3 titles, and now they are paying the price.
  23. So this gets a thread but the Dakota Oil pipeline gets nothing?
  24. How large do you think the BLM movement is? Because it's way smaller than you probably think it is.
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