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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Eh, kinda like the airbrushing of all those models in beauty mags, you are dumb if you buy into the advertising crap to begin with.
  2. Yeah, Beyonce is not running for President. Beyonce is a great role model for dancers and entertainers. It's a stupid comparison.
  3. That is a very different looking park ranger.
  4. I would hardly say I fully agree with the entire Libertarian platform. I'm a public education school teacher in a union, that puts me at odds on a number of things. However, Gary Johnson becoming President is not going to suddenly allow all Libertarian policies to go into effect fully (and his stances are often more moderate than the actual party anyways.) But really there are two candidates that seem interested in actually helping the country and don't seem petty and self serving, and neither of them are running for the major political parties. So my conscience will rest easy knowing I voted for Johnson. I doubt Clinton or Trump voters can say the same.
  5. I've convinced my wife and my mother-in-law to vote Johnson, both are registered Republicans. I wish I could do more, but those are the only people that respect my opinion.
  6. I like the new Rogue trailer better than the first one. It feels a lot less like space magic jedi and sith and more like a ragtag band on a tough mission.
  7. I haven't played a game above normal difficulty in ages. Xcom is the only exception, I'm awesome at that.
  8. I get why stores do pre-orders. It helps determine inventory, particularly for smaller boutique stores like Gamestop. But yeah, digitally it's weird that it is a thing. edit: Or what Tale already said. I must be tired.
  9. volo are you going to constantly make this inaccurate and scurrilous accusation and never produce any links to support your view? Do you not ever feel you should try to support these types of comments? Dude, you were given the links to the whole story like two weeks ago. This is why Gary Johnson stopped smoking pot.
  10. She is? What you talkin' bout'? Is there something I'm missing? Everything HoonDing writes is meant to be a punch line. They typically fall flat, but he's he's had a few dingers.
  11. I'll probably just buy it when it comes out. Also the whole Fig thing is weird.
  12. We used to have a few ladies here, but then the patriarchy happened.
  13. Whoa. I'd started to kind of compose a eulogy for the Giants season, but I should have known better. They ain't dead yet. edit: Bleh. Bullpen woes.
  14. Sorry to hear that Calax. It looks wet out, can you at least blame the weather somewhat?
  15. I imagine it would have been as offensive, yes.
  16. It would be a bit more meaningful is there was actual audio. Instead it's just hearsay.
  17. Yeah, I was looking at the used compared to new, and there isn't much reason to buy used. The new Mazda's have a bunch of incentives and low interest rates, and the used ones have barely depreciated in value. It only saves you about 10-15%, which isn't ideal. As a comparison, I looked at the Audi, and loses about 40% of the value when you drive it off the lot.
  18. Yes, but not at the cost of the diversity that is so important to the human race. And I'm not just talking about people looking different, I'm talking about the concern that if we all become genetic gods, we are one good virus away from wiping everyone out.
  19. I just read some good stuff from Justice Ginsberg about the Kaepernick controversy.
  20. Yeah because a hardcore supporter is not tainted with bias and online polls are reliable. Way more reliable than polls shown by hardcore Hillary supporting media. Uh, no. They are both bad, of course, but no.
  21. Yeah, we don't do that here. We limit both terms and power of our presidents for pretty good reason. This current cycle is a great example as to why. When Billary gets elected, then an untold number of migrants will be let into the country, after which we won't see another brand of liberalism for at least another 4 to 8 years. We're not talking democrats, were talking Clintoncrats. What does any of this even mean?
  22. Yeah, we don't do that here. We limit both terms and power of our presidents for pretty good reason. This current cycle is a great example as to why.
  23. That's my next car.
  24. Eh, two weeks ago Clinton was dying of some lizard virus and Trump was going to win.
  25. When Yoshimo turned on me in BG2 and when I realized I was Revan in KotOR. Both surprised me. Also finishing Quest For Glory 4 was an amazing experience. I had not internet to turn to for hints, so it was just me and my wits trying to solve puzzles. Lastly, getting hit by a brick in the head no matter what direction I went in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
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