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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. It's pretty hard not to side with Reynolds, even without that story hitting. The guy has been pushing for Deadpool for over a decade, and he delivered.
  2. Trump ain't part of the "big club" if that's what you're thinking. The big club being the political elite in the US and the world, their financers like Wall Street, Soros, Rothshields, Rockefellers, assorted hedge-fund billionares and international bankers, old royalty, with their Bilderberg meetings, Trilateral commissions and World economic forums at Davos. No Trump is more like Rodney Dangerfields character in "Caddyshack" and he is messing with the plans of the big country club has for their agenda golf-course. Hillary however... I approve of the Rodney Dangerfield comparison.
  3. I started watching this Netflix documentary called 13TH. I'm not too far into it, but they used a quote from a Nixon adviser that seemed pretty damning, so I went and looked it up. Here is the story: http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/ Pretty interesting. I'd probably hesitate to call it a reliable quote, although it doesn't exactly seem all that shocking given what we know of how Nixon ran his campaign.
  4. hophistory.com is apparently owned already, although not active. storiedhops.com is available.
  5. I've been in the mood to start up my own blog lately. I'm thinking about focusing on all my brewery trips, beer reviews, and general hop knowledge. The name is the first sticking point, I'm thinking of something like: Hop History Beertopia Hop Commons Strange Brew I don't know, just spitballing. I think I like the history one the most, and it's not something that is out there already. Storied Hops
  6. Ah, the constant self affirmations of our insecure Russian members.
  7. But the Battlefield games started out with no single player experience at all. I'd say the number is fairly reversed, maybe 10% actually buy BF for the single player experience. It doesn't surprise me at all that most people play WoW to run around zones and do quests. That's the way the game hooks you in at the start. How many hours does it take you to get your character to raiding levels? I've never raided and I've played WoW off an on since the start.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a new candidate for MVP. Lebron is getting older and might have a bit of a championship hangover. Not sure who it might be though, but there is some young talent waiting to step up.
  9. Finished Luke Cage. I was excited they ended with a Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings appearance, that's one of my favorites. Simply put, this joins both Daredevil and Jessica Jones as excellent TV. Harlem was the real star of this series, they made the city a central focus and it was well done. Luke Cage and Shades were also standouts. I thought it slowed down a bit in the second half, but that was probably because I preferred Cottonmouth to Diamondback.
  10. The Japanese just did that to me. Thankfully I have a lot of city-state friends and they kept them busy while I mobilized an army.
  11. All is right in the world, Kershaw was terrible again under pressure and the Dodgers are gone from the playoffs. I'm rooting for the Cubs, but this is a great matchup between two teams in a long drought. Should be fun.
  12. It typically takes a full turn of moves to cross a river, I believe. So a scout can move 3 spaces across open terrain, two across rough, and only one across a river.
  13. I will probably pick it up. It may be something I just tinker with for a few hours, but I appreciate what the developer is trying to do and have no trouble tossing them (him?) a few bucks to keep the dream alive.
  14. Crwating my own religion and then sending out my acolytes was one of the most rewarding experiences ever. So far Civ 6 is meeting the hype.
  15. I've bought a couple former rentals, actually both my current cars and the RV were rentals. It's hit or miss, one was a real issue and has had a lot of problems, the other has been great, and the RV was also no trouble. I typically buy an extended warranty if I get a rental, but it has to be a decent price.
  16. Wow, that's a crazy low price for a 2015 Mazda3. Most of them in my area are priced around $18k.
  17. Gave in to the Civ 6 pressure. It's everything I hoped for.
  18. Those shoes seem like a terrible choice for rooftop moon gazing.
  19. There are a lot of independent used car lots that sell cars in the lower price range.
  20. I looked it up, seems that the recession in 2008 has helped the number quite a bit, so only 17.3 percent leave in the first 5 years. When I started in 2003 it was close to 50%. They've also improved new teacher support a lot since then, plus states are way more strict about having properly credentialed teachers in the classrooms. We are still in a pretty massive shortage though.
  21. Empathy is a thing, though. The world you live in is the result of history. If you can't see that the American Indians got an incredibly raw deal, and they are still struggling because of it, that's not good. Doesn't mean you need to hang your head about it all day long, but it also seems pretty bad to just write it off as ancient history.
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