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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. If I as in a position to advise Trump, I'd tell him to put one of those safe space safety pins on his jacket the next time he goes out. I mean, if he's trying to tone down the rhetoric and bridge the gap between the other half of the country, that seems like a pretty tame symbol to adopt. Either that or the symbol will lose any power it might have. Just a thought.
  2. If you are making the decisions that lead to such a scenario, then I am not sure you can call it railroading.
  3. Made my first goblin in WoW. This is a crazy storyline in a crazy town. Someone clearly had a lot of fun making this stuff up.
  4. Yep, I didn't say anything about legislation. Social pressure is an entirely different beast.
  5. That IS pretty bad.
  6. In this case i would say the Zoological Association of America. They can decide if an ape would be offended or not. See this right here just strikes me as passive aggressive douchbaggery. If, as GD said, un-PC comments are supposed to rebel against thought control, I fail to see how this comment meets the criteria. But I'd be happy to hear an explanation.
  7. Seems like we are drawing a rather arbitrary line here though. Who decides what is virtuous political incorrectness and simple douchebaggery?
  8. So, sometimes maybe it's ok to be a little PC: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/11/14/ape-in-heels-w-va-officials-under-fire-after-comments-about-michelle-obama/?postshare=2621479171356584&tid=ss_fb&utm_term=.73ac6688ead2 Ape in heels? Hard to imagine in what universe that isn't incredibly racist.
  9. I enjoyed the original and plan on picking it up Dishonored 2 in December. I think most folks here are busy with Tyranny at the moment.
  10. Heh, Hoonding is back on track. Nice one.
  11. PoE is $45 for the base game right now. Oh...well then I guess wait for a sale.
  12. Why not both? PoE isn't exactly expensive at this point.
  13. Really? Huh, I mean I get the outdated information, but I'm surprised to hear they are riddle with errors. I tend to caution my students against relying on any one source for all their information, and as you said, verify the sources when looking at wikipedia. Trying to convince students to not use wikipedia is an exercise in futility, so it is better to get them to think critically about what they find.
  14. They typically have substance abuse problems that eliminate any type of profit they may be making.
  15. Seriously, the game would be the greatest ever if it had the combat from ToEE.
  16. PoE is a sprawling epic, while Tyranny is a much more focused adventure. It is good to see the improvements they've made on their second go around with the engine, so I'm hoping that PoE 2 continues that route. Honestly I'm over the real time combat, but thankfully there is story mode. The game is still worth the price of admission without it.
  17. Donating to a specific church in your community does not break down like that, I've been in on the meetings where we talk about costs to run the church, repairs, etc., and how much we bring in with donations. It's a pretty tight window, we aren't funding any mansions in our small little Catholic parish. I tend to use Goodwill pretty regularly, then we've got Girl Scouts and school fundraisers. After that I'm tapped out.
  18. I think that one by Leferd was sincere.
  19. Yeah, of course. edit: It's well written and has a buttload of C&C.
  20. The Zizek stuff is great, but the Milo video got boring fast. It seems like much ado about nothing. Which I do have to give him credit for crafting an entire career around nothing, much like Sarkeesian.
  21. I hope you find happiness someday.
  22. Well, just that the idea of a committee like that strikes me as a bit "un-American". What is more American than a good ole' witch hunt?
  23. They are paid in the tears of their enemies.
  24. I just published episode 2 of my podcast, this one focuses on Marzen and Octoberfest beers. I am not sure when it shows up on iTunes and the GooglePlay store (episode one is up there) but it is available on my feed. Big shout out to Azdeus for the feedback, I played around with some sound setting so let me know if it sounds any better. It's a bit hard to tell. https://historyofhops.com/feed/podcast
  25. I watched that way longer than I should have. Also this might be Guard Dog in 20 years. Sorry GD!
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