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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well I think Maher is a smarmy git.
  2. It's not like Bill Maher gets a free pass, he's come under plenty of fire for his statements. That's how he lost Politically Incorrect.
  3. I've gone mostly digital as well. I have about 30 movies that I keep in the RV, mostly baseball and kids movies, and then a few special ones that I keep for myself. That sounded wrong, I meant like Deadpool and Evil Dead. I've gone digital with the 'special' movies, of course.
  4. Whoa whoa, I've seen a lot of Westerns, and you could totally get away with a lot of cool stuff back then. Isn't that why Westworld was so popular? In a bit more serious vein, I was researching my great grandfather recently for a little project, and in the 1935 census he had taken on two borders. They were both teachers, and they didn't have to pay taxes! I was jealous. But then it said they made $496 that year, so it was a bit of a wash.
  5. If CAIR us muslim brotherhood, then CIS is white supremicist. You are only favoring one over the other because it supports your opinion.
  6. There is a very large middle ground here though. Bummer, I am not as free as I was 100 years ago, but I am also not going to get polio. *shrug*
  7. I was listening to someone talk about how much safer things used to be in DC. They said you could walk around the Capitol Building and see Ted Kennedy, or even walk up to the White House and ring the doorbell. But then later on I thought about it a bit more and I was like "Was this in the 60's when the Kennedy's were shot, or the 70's when we had Watergate and a bunch of high level staffers got convicted?" We've given up a lot of our freedoms in the name of security.
  8. It would probably bother me less that you are using CIS as your source if you didn't freak out every time I've mentioned CAIR.
  9. WoD doesnt believe in those statistics, which makes this a pretty big waste of time. Only evidence that supports his narrative are applicable.
  10. I would love to see a serious overhaul of the immigration system. All we've really been doing for the last couple decades is throw up roadblocks to citizenship. That seems to be kicking into overdrive under Trump.
  11. What if the nose job is for a deviated septum?
  12. It amazes me that WoD still brings up Ebola even though it was an obvious case of ridiculous fearmongering.
  13. That belongs in the alternative facts thread. http://theconversation.com/factcheck-qanda-was-lyle-shelton-right-about-transgender-people-and-a-higher-suicide-risk-after-surgery-55573
  14. I am a bit worried about this turning the Pelicans into a powerhouse.
  15. They are too busy driving fancy sports cars and decorating their mansions with all the money they are making off you. For shame!
  16. He could also be brilliantly driving traffic to his buddy's podcast.
  17. It amazes me how WoD sounds exactly like all the liberals freaking out about Trump whenever he talks about Obama. Is there any awareness of that?
  18. Obama is clearly behind all racial tension in this country, just like Trump is behind all of our immigration problems.
  19. And yet, Bush Jr. only had two children despite the fact the Bush family wealth has probably grown tremendously. edit: I agree it is a problem that large families are connected to poverty in our current society. I just don't think the solution is for wealthy people to have more kids. I think we need less people as a whole.
  20. The US has "no-go" zones, they are called the projects. They don't have anything to do with immigration or Islam, they have to do with economics. Also I totally disagree about children being a sign of wealth. Most societies at seems to run in the opposite, the poor pump out children at an alarming rate while the wealthy tend to keep their families small.
  21. Back pain sucks, I've always had mild scoliosis but as I've gotten older it has become a lot easier to jack it up. I've got a massage therapist and a chiropractor I see every month, the tricky part is finding decent ones.
  22. Darkest Dungeon has a new Radiant mode, which is basically an easy setting. It maybe defeats the purpose a bit, but I do find it enjoyable to make progress instead of facing crippling defeat at every turn.
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