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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I need to get better at this. Some elaboration:
  2. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others. Oh the irony. Oh the naivety. Oh the hubris.
  3. Strange, from my experience people that complain about diverse societies are either close-minded (general fear of anything different and lack actual historical context for how constant change and diversity is in human society) or have a degree of hatred towards others.
  4. Nope, we will be blue. http://www.indiana.edu/~oso/lessons/Blues/TheBlues.htm
  5. I am trying to resist the urge to buy Prey, since I have a backlog, it is expensive, and I am still a bit sore they dropped the previous themes. :/
  6. I am super confused about the terminology Malcador is using.
  7. If the average American makes 40-50k a year, it really depends on what their deductibles and personal cap are. If they have a cap of 10k, that's still a massive blow to their finances. Might not bankrupt them, but string together a couple years of that and it won't look pretty.
  8. Speaking of medical insurance, I ended up reading this recently: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100840148 I wonder if it has changed at all in the last few years?
  9. That is the appropriate beer for such a concoction, well done.
  10. That's true, but he also never seems to stay healthy, and teams probably figure it is better to invest in a younger QB they can mold. Still seems pretty silly though. Maybe he's asking for too much money?
  11. I wonder what percentage of students who take foreign language in US schools get anywhere near fluent? It has to be pretty low. We have some immersion programs for Mandarin and Spanish in my parts, those are pretty effective. Although there are some behavioral issues. You have a group of 20 kids who are with each other from 1st-8th grade. That is not an easy environment to teach in.
  12. It's a big country, there are plenty of homogeneous areas. But the best restaurant choices are in the melting pots of diversity.
  13. Well here are my content standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/histsocscistnd.pdf But really, the content is just a vehicle, the goal of a 7th grade teacher is to help students develop skills.
  14. I know the ones I used was weak sauce cept cracker, they were used as examples. The thing is u can flip the word and instead of "damn there's a bunch of Whitey's in here" is acceptable, but "damn there's a bunch of darkeys in here" is not acceptable right? That's what makes it confusing because it seems like a double standard. Sure, there is a double standard, but that is rooted in a long history of bigotry and systematic discrimination in the US. The reason we have all these special interest groups for minorities, or stations like BET and LOGO, is because these are groups which have been historically under-represented, mis-characterized, or worse. edit: Gorgon beat me to it and we are at start of again, so when/how long it will it take to not be an issue anymore? We aren't that far removed from Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights of 1964, so I'd imagine we have a ways to go. Of course you also need economic progress within minority communities to help pave the path. We've also got a generation of young people that have just had the first Black president. Regardless of the job he did, that is a tremendous cultural shift. It will be interesting to see how this next generation handles that. Much like the Civil Rights movement of the 60's, I think you are going to get some difficult growing pains (which is seems like we are well on the way into that) followed by a period of progress. Heh, it's a complicated issue, and I'm really just spitballing here.
  15. 7th grade History (technically called Social Science)
  16. Hah, I like this part. I probably wouldn't complain as much is the money was really getting to the medical professionals. Unfortunately I think it ends up in the hands of executives more often than not.
  17. Are the personal attacks really necessary?
  18. I know the ones I used was weak sauce cept cracker, they were used as examples. The thing is u can flip the word and instead of "damn there's a bunch of Whitey's in here" is acceptable, but "damn there's a bunch of darkeys in here" is not acceptable right? That's what makes it confusing because it seems like a double standard. Sure, there is a double standard, but that is rooted in a long history of bigotry and systematic discrimination in the US. The reason we have all these special interest groups for minorities, or stations like BET and LOGO, is because these are groups which have been historically under-represented, mis-characterized, or worse. edit: Gorgon beat me to it
  19. Then you have my apologies. I am definitely struggling to understand the intent behind the last couple threads you have started.
  20. Well the US is paying more than everyone else, so we should expect to have the best coverage and care. I'm pretty sure we looked at a bunch of data that showed that wasn't true recently. So yes, there are a number of examples of health systems with less cost and better quality and coverage. *Rising hand* That wasn't what he asked, Mr. Teacher. I'm concerned about your reading comprehension marks, student.
  21. As Louis C.K. pointed out, the generic white racial slurs are pretty weak sauce. Although there are plenty of specific slurs for white ethnic groups that will get you in trouble nearly as much as the ones used for minorities. I'm thinking of a few terrible Italian ones, but I'd rather not type them out.
  22. Well the US is paying more than everyone else, so we should expect to have the best coverage and care. I'm pretty sure we looked at a bunch of data that showed that wasn't true recently. So yes, there are a number of examples of health systems with less cost and better quality and coverage.
  23. You keep using that word. I'm guessing this thread and the "White Supremacy" thread are some sort of attempt by you to "trigger" people, but that hasn't really happened. Most people are engaging in a rather calm and rational discussion about societal issues. So who is this really 'triggering'?
  24. I really thought that was going to be about haircuts.
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